Harris 2024

I think the worm has TOTALLY turned concerning this election. The "new" has worn off of the Cum Allah campaign, and people are seeing how HORRIBLE of a choice she and the idiot she chose to run with her really is. The f'ing world is on fire, and they are so incompetent they do not know what to do. Of course..WE KNEW this before they stole the election of just how this was going to turn out...and it became clear to almost ANYONE with a functioning brain after the Afghanistan withdrawal...and never stopped. The economy is hanging on by the slimmest thread.
She keeps repeating on all of her “interviews” that she will give a $50K tax deduction for start up small businesses because nobody can start a business with the current $5K deduction. I know it’s a memorized line, but somebody who doesn’t know the difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit should be disqualified. My 14 year old son knows more about finance.
To be fair, neither party aligns with my fiscal opinions. Our debt is such a massive problem for inflation, national security, and our children’s futures and neither party gives a damn about a balanced budget. If I ran my house like the government runs the country, I wouldn’t have a house anymore. Empty promises on both sides, but I do like the idea about a complete audit on government spending with Elon heading it up.