Goodbye student loan bailout. SCOTUS rules.

Wait….there are conservatives that think Mitch isn’t one of the biggest POS Rinos on the planet?


I guess next we will hear of Liz Cheney being America First.

When Leftists praise him, you know he is “conservative”

🤡 world.
Not tracking…
Maybe I misread, but I swore folks were just praising Mitch as a “conservative”

Maybe he did more for the conservative movement because he helped expose himself and others as Rinos. If that’s the case, then my apologies.
I didn't think of that. I change my vote, @grandhavendiddy and @kalimgoodman are right, Mitch did more to help conservatives than all the other RINOs combined.
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Maybe I misread, but I swore folks were just praising Mitch as a “conservative”

Maybe he did more for the conservative movement because he helped expose himself and others as Rinos. If that’s the case, then my apologies.
He is the one that kept your arch enemy off the court, smarten up. Trump has you sheep all riled up, fyi, trumps a raging libby, he invented modern day stimi
Agree he sucks but he did get you guys an extra seat. I still have not figured out what the pubs stand for..
Well, the first thing one has to do is seperate pubs from conservatives. Mitch is a dem posing as a supposed pub. The second thing one has to do? Realize there is ONE party and then a handful of politicians on each side that aren’t part of that one party.

The guy he supposedly kept off the supreme court? He advocated to be head of the FBI. Rino doing Rino things.
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Well, the first thing one has to do is seperate pubs from conservatives. Mitch is a dem posing as a supposed pub. The second thing one has to do? Realize there is ONE party and then a handful of politicians on each side that aren’t part of that one party.

The guy he supposedly kept off the supreme court? He advocated to be head of the FBI. Rino doing Rino things.
So you’re a Barry Goldwater guy?
This saved what...$400bn in taxpayer revenue? More???
How? This was doomed from the start, as everyone said. Hiden had no standing to do this. The latest effort will be smacked down for the same reason.

The turtle played his role to perfection. Everyone did.

Hiden's role was to say the dems cared about student loan borrowers, we gonna help them.

The RINOs role was to say hell no this costs taxpayers too much (which it does).

So Hiden offers up a plan that never had a chance of succeeding. It easily got shot down. The next one will as well by the same SC.

So why do this? To make the case that we need to EXPAND THE SC. That's the main reason why they did this.

Notice Hiden didn't offer any plan that had a snowball's chance in hell of passing.

Notice the RINOs didn't offer ANY alternatives.

That tells you all you need to know: Neither side wanted to address the problem. This could have EASILY been fixed if they wanted to actually help borrowers:

1 - Cap interest rates at 5% That immediately is a massive help to all borrowers.
2 - Give borrowers a tax credit of 5% of the amount paid for all on-time payments.

Those two things alone could have been EASILY passed if EITHER side was serious about helping borrowers.

Instead, the dems and RINOs played their same ole Good Cop / Bad Cop routine.
You do realize this is a grain of sand on the beach of stimis the government hands out, the vast majority goes to asset owners not the young or the poor but to asset owners you people need to think more and talk less.
You are dumber than advertised. Asset owners? PPE loans? You did realize that that money went from employers to employees in a pass through to do nothing during your Plandemic didn't you? Not the owners. No, no you didn't. Dumb as a bag of hammers. 😂
You are dumber than advertised. Asset owners? PPE loans? You did realize that that money went from employers to employees in a pass through to do nothing during your Plandemic didn't you? Not the owners. No, no you didn't. Dumb as a bag of hammers. 😂
of course it did, IDIOT. And PPE isnt much more than a grain of sand either. Moron. stick to your knitting, you too dumb to talk about anything that requires a brain.
You do realize this is a grain of sand on the beach of stimis the government hands out, the vast majority goes to asset owners not the young or the poor but to asset owners you people need to think more and talk less.
Spoken like a TRUE stimi lover. "Go ahead and pay it because it is just a grain of sand on the beach" Jesus Christ what a stupid statement. Only person who could EVER think this way is an entitlement professional.

Apparently today's decision already nullifies this attempt as well, so it's DOA.

This is pandering to sheep.

Sheep are dumb.
This issue is the perfect example. Hiden's plan will HURT the sheep AND all taxpayers.

The only group that would benefit would be the lenders. AKA, the US Government.

If Hiden wanted to forgive student loan did, then just sign an EO saying the outstanding balance on any loan is reduced by X number of dollars.

He won't do that, cause the goal isn't to help borrowers. It's to transfer wealth from taxpayers to the government.

Sheep live to be hoodwinked.
Hanging around here makes this very obvious. And these same sheep either do not understand the Constitution, or just believe their politics are more important.
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As previously stated, he's done more to protect the conservative views than any Republican living but he's a RINO, LMAO!
There is some truth in this statement...however he IS a RINO. Keeping the crooked Garland off the SC, and having a REAL American Constitutionalist there is such a WIN for America...and REAL Americans.
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Spoken like a TRUE stimi lover. "Go ahead and pay it because it is just a grain of sand on the beach" Jesus Christ what a stupid statement. Only person who could EVER think this way is an entitlement professional.
Yeesh, you sure a quick!
There is some truth in this statement...however he IS a RINO. Keeping the crooked Garland off the SC, and having a REAL American Constitutionalist there is such a WIN for America...and REAL Americans.
Garland was another Good Cop / Bad Cop routine. Turtle played his role as the 'blocker', so obama nominated a 'moderate' lib to be SC Justice.

Libs were convinced they had stolen the 2016 election, so let hildabeast nominate a crazy lib after she wins.

Obama nominates garland, the media runs with 'Wow obama nominated a 'moderate', tried to 'reach across the isle' and mean ole pubs STILL won't do it!'

All a play. Mitch is a politician. Note how he worked WITH Trump when he thought Trump was in power and would stay there, the second that equation changed, he turned on him on a dime and went back to protecting DC.
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Garland was another Good Cop / Bad Cop routine. Turtle played his role as the 'blocker', so obama nominated a 'moderate' lib to be SC Justice.

Libs were convinced they had stolen the 2016 election, so let hildabeast nominate a crazy lib after she wins.

Obama nominates garland, the media runs with 'Wow obama nominated a 'moderate', tried to 'reach across the isle' and mean ole pubs STILL won't do it!'

All a play. Mitch is a politician. Note how he worked WITH Trump when he thought Trump was in power and would stay there, the second that equation changed, he turned on him on a dime and went back to protecting DC.
I cannot stand the man...however this last week has shown this action had MAJOR consequences for our GREAT Country. In our lifetime...the UNAMERICAN left will be held at bay because of this. I really give Trump 99% of the credit...because th judges he picked are INCREDIBLE. Not blind conservatives....CONSTITUTIONALISTS.
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I cannot stand the man...however this last week has shown this action had MAJOR consequences for our GREAT Country. In our lifetime...the UNAMERICAN left will be held at bay because of this. I really give Trump 99% of the credit...because th judges he picked are INCREDIBLE. Not blind conservatives....CONSTITUTIONALISTS.
Gorsuch I am very pleased with. ACB and Kavanaugh have been decent so far. Nothing bad but they clearly aren't as consistent as Alito and Thomas. Gorsuch is slightly better.

But if hillary had won* and we had 3 more liberals like Kagan/Sotomayer/Jackson, the harm that the left could have done to the country would have been catastrophic.

We will look back at Trump's first term as the 4 years that saved America.
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Nope you just defined trumptards though well done!!
Let me define YOU and other lefties for you...and do it in a VERY simple way so that you all understand. The HUGE difference between us is that YOU libs think everyone should be equal at the finish line. WE think everyone should be equal at the starting line. Comprende??
This was never about the borrower. It was a vote grab.

People that make a choice between paying their electric bill or their student loans don’t have a principle problem, they have a cash flow problem.

If it were truly about the borrower, then they would have done something like restructuring loans with very low interest rates and longer payment terms to keep the monthly payments down.

And, those PPP loans that everyone likes to bring up went to pay employees so they could do things like - oh I don’t know - pay their student loans and not buy new iPhones.
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This was never about the borrower. It was a vote grab.

People that make a choice between paying their electric bill or their student loans don’t have a principle problem, they have a cash flow problem.

If it were truly about the borrower, then they would have done something like restructuring loans with very low interest rates and longer payment terms to keep the monthly payments down.

And, those PPP loans that everyone likes to bring up went to pay employees so they could do things like - oh I don’t know - pay their student loans and not buy new iPhones.
This was never about the borrower. It was a vote grab.

People that make a choice between paying their electric bill or their student loans don’t have a principle problem, they have a cash flow problem.

If it were truly about the borrower, then they would have done something like restructuring loans with very low interest rates and longer payment terms to keep the monthly payments down.

And, those PPP loans that everyone likes to bring up went to pay employees so they could do things like - oh I don’t know - pay their student loans and not buy new iPhones.
Post more, please ...
This was never about the borrower. It was a vote grab.

People that make a choice between paying their electric bill or their student loans don’t have a principle problem, they have a cash flow problem.

If it were truly about the borrower, then they would have done something like restructuring loans with very low interest rates and longer payment terms to keep the monthly payments down.

And, those PPP loans that everyone likes to bring up went to pay employees so they could do things like - oh I don’t know - pay their student loans and not buy new iPhones.
To clarify this a bit more...and yes it was a very good post. This is to highlight an area of difference and blame the republicans for its failure. NEVER was intended to pass. This will be a campaign item for a ticket that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to talk about but abortion, and this now.
Let me define YOU and other lefties for you...and do it in a VERY simple way so that you all understand. The HUGE difference between us is that YOU libs think everyone should be equal at the finish line. WE think everyone should be equal at the starting line. Comprende??
i dont want any of you fools living near me, so you got that wrong!!!!
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This was never about the borrower. It was a vote grab.
And, those PPP loans that everyone likes to bring up went to pay employees so they could do things like - oh I don’t know - pay their student loans and not buy new iPhones.
Or join Reddit's Wall Street Bets and YOLO it all on meme stocks. 😂
Well, the first thing one has to do is seperate pubs from conservatives. Mitch is a dem posing as a supposed pub. The second thing one has to do? Realize there is ONE party and then a handful of politicians on each side that aren’t part of that one party.

The guy he supposedly kept off the supreme court? He advocated to be head of the FBI. Rino doing Rino things.
A dem that stole 2 court seats from the Dems. You guys are so sad.
A dem that stole 2 court seats from the Dems. You guys are so sad.
He got along to get along for political purposes on an issue in which he had no choice. What did he do to the person that conservatives denied on the court? Recommended that person as head of FBI.

Why do you think that is?

He has made deals with the devil and betrayed conservatives time and time again on legislation as well as support in elections.

He is also the man responsible for crippling the Tea Party. He is a Rino and there are hundreds of examples. But I get it, the left wants to paint the Uniparty Rinos as conservatives. It’s an interesting strategy, that people who pay attention will see through.

And no, I won’t take the bait any further. Thx though.
He got along to get along for political purposes on an issue in which he had no choice. What did he do to the person that conservatives denied on the court? Recommended that person as head of FBI.

Why do you think that is?

He has made deals with the devil and betrayed conservatives time and time again on legislation as well as support in elections.

He is also the man responsible for crippling the Tea Party. He is a Rino and there are hundreds of examples. But I get it, the left wants to paint the Uniparty Rinos as conservatives. It’s an interesting strategy, that people who pay attention will see through.

And no, I won’t take the bait any further. Thx though.

McConnell is the enemy of the people and a backstabbing RINO POS. I give this bastard no credit for anything. This man has done severe damage to the the Republican Party ( conservatives ) and our country.

As far as judges.. No majority leader is going to confirm a lame-duck presidents SCOTUS nominee from another party. A coke can could have sent through judges thanks to Dingy Harry eliminating the 60 vote threshold to confirm.