This spring, I received some of the best news of my life: My $370,000 in student loan debt was forgiven.

I think if people are going to go into massive debt to become teachers or professors, the college that hires them should pay their debt off, just like doctors.

Never the government because you didn't do your due diligence when choosing a career.
I think if people are going to go into massive debt to become teachers or professors, the college that hires them should pay their debt off, just like doctors.

Never the government because you didn't do your due diligence when choosing a career.

Yeah haha, I like how she casually strolls through her story starting with "I thought this was my passion but then once I started the curriculum it wasn't" and makes like 3 more changes before finally deciding her "passion" is being a professor at a university. But wait, she had no way of ever knowing "there are so few jobs as a professor at a university" until after $370K in student debt. And then at the end "I got my debt erased but all you guys coming behind me don't think you too should ever get a chance to get your debt erased". This gal is literally the LAST PERSON ON EARTH THAT SHOULD EVER GET THAT DEBT PAID OFF. Swear to God I kept thinking this has to be Babylon Bee while reading it.
And I've wondered for 20 years now why almost no one ever mentions the colleges as the culprit in this. Especially the Reps because all the colleges are full of is massive leftists professors to begin with. If Kamala wants to stop price gouging I have a place for her to start. Holy hell I was pissed after reading this gals article.