Good time to revisit Kamala inciting riots.

Morning Joe Joke is is, was, and will always be an idiot. He needs a slot on The View panel. :rolleyes:

The funny part? I am old enough to remember when the media was trying to sell everyone on him being a conservative. But, these damn propagandists also sold us that fake ass Michael Steele (Lincoln Project) was a Republican. Hell, they made him head of RNC at one point.


The Dems did a masterful job at planting Dems as Pubs in a ton of places. Amazing stuff, and the proof positive the Right needs to completely clean house. WE the people let it happen. Slow drip style.
See above post as well. Adding this in here for my guy @grandhavendiddy who has had his eyes opened more and more lately (kudos to him for being able to remove any pride and being open).

But this is why I always say moderates are more dangerous than dems. When the media can use pubs words against them instead of another demā€¦.it has more impact.

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They will not waste time during the media driven just cannot fight it. Next week I believe...possibly this weekend they will focus on her HORRIBLE record, which is actually worse than FJB's. I will put this out there for ANYONE to answer. What in her whole life has she done/accomplished to be the candidate for the democrat party for POTUS. WHY would someone support her?

She's a woman, been VP for four years, was an AG for awhile, etc. I get the support for her, especially coming g from that "side" but I will vote DT this yr.