Good time to revisit Kamala inciting riots.


Gator Great
May 16, 2023
An oldie but a goodie. If only someone knew Joe wouldn’t make it and cackling Kamala would be the nominee. Good times.

Passage of time, passage of time, passage of time.

This is what Trump and the campaign needs to focus on.
They will not waste time during the media driven just cannot fight it. Next week I believe...possibly this weekend they will focus on her HORRIBLE record, which is actually worse than FJB's. I will put this out there for ANYONE to answer. What in her whole life has she done/accomplished to be the candidate for the democrat party for POTUS. WHY would someone support her?
They will not waste time during the media driven just cannot fight it. Next week I believe...possibly this weekend they will focus on her HORRIBLE record, which is actually worse than FJB's. I will put this out there for ANYONE to answer. What in her whole life has she done/accomplished to be the candidate for the democrat party for POTUS. WHY would someone support her?
You bring up another excellent point. There is a definite "surge" for Kamala right now. It's pretty remarkable - it's working (energy in the press, young people, fund raising, etc.) It's going to look "thirsty" for the Right insert during this surge - but the surge will wear off, just as we saw off of the convention until today.

Then the attacks come - hard.
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You bring up another excellent point. There is a definite "surge" for Kamala right now. It's pretty remarkable - it's working (energy in the press, young people, fund raising, etc.) It's going to look "thirsty" for the Right insert during this surge - but the surge will wear off, just as we saw off of the convention until today.

Then the attacks come - hard.
Not so sure "attacks" are the right direction. All that they need to do is SHOW her record. It is abysmal. Question...have you seen ANYWHERE where ANYONE has brought up her accomplishments? I have not...because I do not believe to my knowledge there are any. She is further left than FJB. (that is NOT good for independents) She FAILED MISERBLY on the border, and the lefts ATTEMPTS to pin ANY of that on pubs is a joke, and Americans truly are not that stupid. Raising money to bail out rioters? HORRIBLE look. 100% AGAINST fracking. When it gets right down to it...she is gong to use the same playbook as FJB...with a move even further left. THESE ARE THE THINGS that matter, and will be used to defeat her. Let the media lie. America caught on pretty quick after what just happened to FJB. EVERYONE saw that BS, and KNOW they were ALL culpable of hiding the truth from us. Of course...we were jumping up and down screaming this stuff 4 years ago, and the people that were fooled KNOW this.
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Not so sure "attacks" are the right direction. All that they need to do is SHOW her record. It is abysmal. Question...have you seen ANYWHERE where ANYONE has brought up her accomplishments? I have not...because I do not believe to my knowledge there are any. She is further left than FJB. (that is NOT good for independents) She FAILED MISERBLY on the border, and the lefts ATTEMPTS to pin ANY of that on pubs is a joke, and Americans truly are not that stupid. Raising money to bail out rioters? HORRIBLE look. 100% AGAINST fracking. When it gets right down to it...she is gong to use the same playbook as FJB...with a move even further left. THESE ARE THE THINGS that matter, and will be used to defeat her. Let the media lie. America caught on pretty quick after what just happened to FJB. EVERYONE saw that BS, and KNOW they were ALL culpable of hiding the truth from us. Of course...we were jumping up and down screaming this stuff 4 years ago, and the people that were fooled KNOW this.
Dude. There are more hilarious short clips of Word Salad Kammie that are available than tv ad space to arm an entire negative campaign against the Toe. The negative campaign issue is RIPE for the taking.
Dude. There are more hilarious short clips of Word Salad Kammie that are available than tv ad space to arm an entire negative campaign against the Toe. The negative campaign issue is RIPE for the taking.
You and I know this, but the MSM will make them disappear. Seems like some are getting nervous...I am not. I just do not like to have to win TWICE. We already retired we have to defeat his commie VP
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Please everyone remember this lovefest...because it is almost over and it is ALL downhill for them after this. SHE CANNOT RUN on FJB's record...just like FJB could not. They can only talk abortion(and Trump has the PERFECT answer now for that) and trying to scare people about Trump(the guy who got shot and raised his fist in defiance) Give them a few days..and then back to misery for every commie/socialist libbie. You heard it here first. STILL calling for a blowout on election day.
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No. We will get the word out. :cool:


Sean Hannity monologue was incredible doing just this last night. When this stuff gets out, she will end up being a worse candidate than the idiot that just got kicked off his ticket by his own people. Hannity DESTROYED her. However whoda thunk that mental dimwit could go for 4 yrs and no one in his party seemed to realize he is GONE mentally?
Look what the dems along with the 90% of all media that they own did for Joe Biden. An already in the beginning of dementia ridden politician who had never done anything of substance in his entire 40 year career and is corrupt as they come. They stuck him in a basement, got him elected, kept all of his cognitive issues hidden along with his corruption (Hunter's laptop, etc...). Anybody that thinks this is a slam dunk for Trump and the honeymoon will be over in 2 weeks and she's far too much of a leftist to ever be elected President need only to look at the last election and what the dems pulled off there. Hope I'm wrong.
Cum alla is denying any responsibility for the border. These lefties have no shame about lying to anyone’s face. And she was oblivious to Joe being brain dead. Are our snowflakes buying any of this? How stupid can someone be, really?
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It should be eliminated.

There's no such thing as radical Muslim terrorism.

Since Islam is conservative and Muslim terrorists are even more so, th^ correct terminology is Reactionary.

The radical Muslims are the moderates.
I use the term Orthodox Muslim or Fundamentalist Muslim.

Moderates are nominal or cultural Muslims.

Among the devout, thankfully and for whatever reason, a large majority are non-violent. However poling shows they often approve of many of the acts of violence.

But the terrorists are following the true teachings of the faith and you rightfully point out that they are not radicals.
Dude. There are more hilarious short clips of Word Salad Kammie that are available than tv ad space to arm an entire negative campaign against the Toe. The negative campaign issue is RIPE for the taking.

Bingo. And it SHOULD be used. The ones trying to shame pubs into not using it are dems. Because they know how effective it is. Pubs have to stop pussyfooting around. That’s literally what the left wants. There’s a reason the left was ecstatic with Romney and Mccain.

We have to stop listening to the lefts media when they try to influence what pubs do. Have we learned nothing? I would have thought by now….pubs would get it.

Oh well, at least Trump gets it.
Cum alla is denying any responsibility for the border. These lefties have no shame about lying to anyone’s face. And she was oblivious to Joe being brain dead. Are our snowflakes buying any of this? How stupid can someone be, really?

And that’s why you can’t just go after her over policy. Ridicule (well deserved) is more effective. There’s a reason Obama said Bush 8 million times. Rules for radicals. Hate it all you want, but it’s effective.
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I use the term Orthodox Muslim or Fundamentalist Muslim.

Moderates are nominal or cultural Muslims.

Among the devout, thankfully and for whatever reason, a large majority are non-violent. However poling shows they often approve of many of the acts of violence.

But the terrorists are following the true teachings of the faith and you rightfully point out that they are not radicals.
I think what he's trying to say is that a radical Muzzie would be a peaceful muzzie. Islam is a book and culture of domination and violence. Therefore, there are no "radical" muzzies. They are by their own book, the norm, not the exception.
You bring up another excellent point. There is a definite "surge" for Kamala right now. It's pretty remarkable - it's working (energy in the press, young people, fund raising, etc.) It's going to look "thirsty" for the Right insert during this surge - but the surge will wear off, just as we saw off of the convention until today.

Then the attacks come - hard.
The surge is fake. They manipulate the polls to give the appearance of momentum. The media fawning is what it is, shouldn’t surprise anyone. The donors knew the change was coming and made sure the $$ looks like a surge in fundraising. It’s all for appearance. And you are right, it’s going to wear off
The surge is fake. They manipulate the polls to give the appearance of momentum. The media fawning is what it is, shouldn’t surprise anyone. The donors knew the change was coming and made sure the $$ looks like a surge in fundraising. It’s all for appearance. And you are right, it’s going to wear off

Nailed it. Well said. We are watching a movie and the establishment is emptying the playbook.
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The surge is fake. They manipulate the polls to give the appearance of momentum. The media fawning is what it is, shouldn’t surprise anyone. The donors knew the change was coming and made sure the $$ looks like a surge in fundraising. It’s all for appearance. And you are right, it’s going to wear off
Is everything you don't like fake? Always amazes me how powerful you guys thing the democrats are. I guess its a defense mechanism.

The surge makes logical sense for several reasons and doesn't need to be manipulated, but like others have said it won't likely last. If Kamala can't "sell it" and if she can't "take it" she will be in trouble soon. I haven't seen much to date that says she can do either. But if she can it will become a real race.
Is everything you don't like fake? Always amazes me how powerful you guys thing the democrats are. I guess its a defense mechanism.

The surge makes logical sense for several reasons and doesn't need to be manipulated, but like others have said it won't likely last. If Kamala can't "sell it" and if she can't "take it" she will be in trouble soon. I haven't seen much to date that says she can do either. But if she can it will become a real race.
Are you saying that the democrat party, their donors and activists, and media outlets that happen to be sympathetic to the democrat cause DID NOT try to frame this as Harris has momentum when they made the change? They wouldn’t be doing their job if they weren’t doing that. You think all of that is organic and none of the “momentum “ was a planned for narrative? Come on man. Give it a rest.
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If there was actually a democratic primary and there were 10 democrats running, what would the odds be that Kamala wins the nomination? I would say 50:1. I saw an interview with Wes Moore today and Kamala wouldn’t stand a chance.
Is everything you don't like fake? Always amazes me how powerful you guys thing the democrats are. I guess its a defense mechanism.

The surge makes logical sense for several reasons and doesn't need to be manipulated, but like others have said it won't likely last. If Kamala can't "sell it" and if she can't "take it" she will be in trouble soon. I haven't seen much to date that says she can do either. But if she can it will become a real race.

This isn’t difficult. All one has to do is look at the cross tabs on the polling. If they went from +1 R to +7 Dem. Then yes, the surge is fake. And Yes, they have manipulated the polls similar to what I just posted.
If there was actually a democratic primary and there were 10 democrats running, what would the odds be that Kamala wins the nomination? I would say 50:1. I saw an interview with Wes Moore today and Kamala wouldn’t stand a chance.
She will not win this contest either. And how fricken STUPID do you have to be to support her? That is the question I want answered

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