God Bless President Biden

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Fact checkers...Just the ones that lie for you little socialists, son. We hate LEFTY fact checking. The kind that SWORE that Trump was going down for Russian collusion. You DO understand the....nevermind.

How about fact checking the 22 million unemployed.
So you’re saying they just made up the Bill Barr quote?

It’s so easy to just ignore things you don’t like. Just intellectually lazy.

Feel free to prove why their conclusion is wrong. Go.

Politifact is slanted is what I said and it's what I'm still saying. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I said what I meant, exactly. Go back and read my words if you must.

The spin from Politifact is often quite humorous. I'm still often dumbfounded by their BS...but I damn well shouldn't be. If the Bill Barr quote hadn't supported the narrative that they wish to promote, it would have been ignored. Since it did, it wasn't.

Politifact is absolutely meaningless because it's a left-wing mouthpiece. As such, they only have credibility with those who want to hear what they want to say.
Thanks, but that poor shuffling chihuahua ain't neither of these guys....

This it the originator of 'Here I Come To Save The Day'....
Pin on Reminiscing

And if I wanted ground level fast I'd go with this one...

Speedy Gonzales Movie Green Lit at Warner Bros
Yep, but it all depends on who(m) you are referencing when you post "here I come to save the day".
Damn, Trump taking it from all sides. What an embarrassment as a president. Thank God we moved on from that clown.
Politifact is slanted is what I said and it's what I'm still saying. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I said what I meant, exactly. Go back and read my words if you must.

The spin from Politifact is often quite humorous. I'm still often dumbfounded by their BS...but I damn well shouldn't be. If the Bill Barr quote hadn't supported the narrative that they wish to promote, it would have been ignored. Since it did, it wasn't.

Politifact is absolutely meaningless because it's a left-wing mouthpiece. As such, they only have credibility with those who want to hear what they want to say.
Typical Trumper. Anything antiTrump is biased. Anyone antiTrump is either a RINO or a Commie.

You can’t argue the facts so you discount the source as biased. So intellectually lazy. You people are delusional.
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Stupid is as stupid does , are hopeless. Good thing for you that stupid people are SO stupid...they do not KNOW that they are stupid! That is a huge plus for you! Same with dead people
Stupid stupid stupid. Anyone that says stupid as much as you is really stupid. You need to expand your vocabulary Cletus.
Politifact is slanted is what I said and it's what I'm still saying. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I said what I meant, exactly. Go back and read my words if you must.

The spin from Politifact is often quite humorous. I'm still often dumbfounded by their BS...but I damn well shouldn't be. If the Bill Barr quote hadn't supported the narrative that they wish to promote, it would have been ignored. Since it did, it wasn't.

Politifact is absolutely meaningless because it's a left-wing mouthpiece. As such, they only have credibility with those who want to hear what they want to say.
I guess Politifact forgot to be biased in this one.

In fact, a simple search reveals that they have labeled 45 of his comments as mostly false, 46 as false, and 6 as “pants on fire.”

So I rate your claim as

False. And intellectually weak.
A reminder: nail1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. He invited me here to read the handful declare themselves stupid. Our slowest just won't stop.
As a reminder, Fauxronomo tried to convince people he was Mensa, until I exposed him as a fraud. And he’s never forgiven me. LOL.

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Yet another lie. Sunny never said anything of the sort. All he did was prove math's simplest equation by asking you questions. You took the rope and hung yourself with it. And you continue to be the Timex Man. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. 😂

BScuck =<0.

NavigatorII has a keen understanding of the US Oil & Gas Industry and economics 101. His opponent is clueless. How does the board know? Both prove it with virtually every post they author. The board's majority is well aware.
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RAT White House prepares for recession

The White House indicated Tuesday they are preparing for an economic recession, despite President Joe Biden’s assertion that it is “not inevitable.”

@CFAGator @BSC911

Derp. OP doesn’t understand basic English. When a hurricane is in the Gulf, we prepare for it even thought it isn’t “inevitable “ that it will cross our path.
Such a scumbag. Not that we didn’t already know.

The Jan. 6 panel showed evidence of how Donald Trump tried repeatedly to use the Justice Department to subvert the results of the 2020 election.

Thursday, June 23, 2022 6:14 PM ET
The committee painted a picture of how former President Trump directed a wide-ranging and relentless scheme to misuse the Justice Department to keep himself in power
Yeah, cuz the President has never used the justice department for his own ends *cough cough OBAMA cough cough*
Yeah, cuz the President has never used the justice department for his own ends *cough cough OBAMA cough cough*
Well, that doesn’t make it right no matter who does it. There’s needs to be consequences.
Tell you what bro, when they charge Obama for fast and the furious, I'm down.
Actually, it was under Bush that Fast & Furious started. But it was certainly a cluster****. My ATF buddy was sent to Arizona to clean it up.
Bush didn't send weapons I can't buy legally to Mexican cartels to see what would happen.

As a result, this report tells the story of how misguided gunwalking operations originated in 2006 as ATF’s Phoenix Field Division devised a strategy to forgo prosecutions against low- level straw purchasers while they attempted to build bigger charges against higher-level cartel members. Unfortunately, this strategy failed to include sufficient operational controls to stop these dangerous weapons from getting into the hands of violent criminals, creating a danger to public safety on both sides of the border.
The report describes how, rather than halting this operation after its flaws became evident, ATF’s Phoenix Field Division launched several similarly reckless operations over the course of several years, also with tragic results. Operation Fast and Furious was the fourth in a series of operations in which gunwalking—the non-interdiction of illegally purchased firearms that could and should be seized by law enforcement—occurred since 2006.

As a result, this report tells the story of how misguided gunwalking operations originated in 2006 as ATF’s Phoenix Field Division devised a strategy to forgo prosecutions against low- level straw purchasers while they attempted to build bigger charges against higher-level cartel members. Unfortunately, this strategy failed to include sufficient operational controls to stop these dangerous weapons from getting into the hands of violent criminals, creating a danger to public safety on both sides of the border.
The report describes how, rather than halting this operation after its flaws became evident, ATF’s Phoenix Field Division launched several similarly reckless operations over the course of several years, also with tragic results. Operation Fast and Furious was the fourth in a series of operations in which gunwalking—the non-interdiction of illegally purchased firearms that could and should be seized by law enforcement—occurred since 2006.
That was Operation GunRunner. F and F was 2009.
That was Operation GunRunner. F and F was 2009.
I know, they just changed the name, which is why I said it started under Bush.

Can we just agree that whoever thought this was a good idea were Dumb ****s, ie the Arizona ATF.
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Let me educate you are SO slow. First of all, the rule of law is SUPPOSED to be fair and balanced. These hearings were the furthest thing from being fair..only one side got to make their case, our side did not. You can go celebrate that, and because f who you are, I am sure you will. But it was very unAmerican the way and the reason it was done. No surprises here. Secondly..YOUR side perpetuated the BIGGEST crime in my lifetime using the FBI, CIA and NSA to overthrow the 2016 election. It made Watergate look like child's play. Thirdly, do you dream of Donald Trump at night? Do you secretly wish you could wake up beside him every morning, son? It sure seems like it
Man, you are just repeating Trump word for word. Do you sleep with Trump PJs? It’s not the Committes fault that they withdrew most of the Pubs, who were afraid to piss off their master.

And I brought up Trump because the hearings are current news. Otherwise I couldn't care less about that loser. Plus I know it pisses you Trump worshipers off. You are the ones still whining about the election two years later. Move on, losers, and I’ll quit talking about him.
"Here I come to save the day." 😁
And I'd like to thank BS-C911💩 for this continuing opportunity to inform anyone reading this thread with some reality on Brandon...

Reality instead of just more
BS-C911 💩 ....

Keeping what's important on this BS-C911 thread, front and center....


Report: Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens = FJB

Did you, or a family member, serve your country with the expectation of receiving the health care benefits you were promised?

Sorry, illegal aliens apparently come first in President Joe Biden’s America.

The Biden administration reportedly is considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to treat the massive inflow of illegal aliens expected at the southern border this spring and summer.

Hillary Vaughn of Fox Business reported on the insulting slight to American veterans on Thursday, citing a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. She quoted the source as saying, “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.” 😡

Use the below link for the rest of the story....
(Trump over-hauled the VA making it much better, while FJB wants to screw us)

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Typical Trumper. Anything antiTrump is biased. Anyone antiTrump is either a RINO or a Commie.

You can’t argue the facts so you discount the source as biased. So intellectually lazy. You people are delusional.

Again...I said politifact is slanted. I've said that for quite some time. That fact has nothing to do with Trump. Most reasonable people don't even debate their slant.

And this typical Trumper is hoping that our next candidate is DeSantis.

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Again...I said politifact is slanted. I've said that for quite some time. That fact has nothing to do with Trump. Most reasonable people don't even debate their slant.

And this typical Trumper is hoping that our next candidate is DeSantis.

No, what you said is that Politifact ALWAYS twists their reports to be favorable to the Left. That’s just a lie, as I proved with statistics. So now you resort to childish name calling, which is typical of your ilk when proven wrong.

What’s moronic is comparing it to The Gateway Pundit, which has NEVER posted a negative article on Trump, or a positive one on Biden. They are just a propaganda arm for the Right. But obviously in your bubble you can’t see that.

So suck on it , Trumper.

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Thank you Joe! Thanks to rampant inflation and 5 dollar per gallon gas prices, some poor bastard was forced to sell me his solid top African mahogany Alvarez Masterworks dreadnought for substantially less than its worth.
See, there you go.

God Bless President Biden.
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You are not bright enough to own a large boat...that I am 100% sure of. you MAY have had access to a family members..but as for YOU owning one...BULLCHIT
Sorry dude. Don’t care if you believe it or not. Some of us have successful careers to be able to afford such luxuries.

BTW, can you hook me up with a C8 at MSRP.
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Send me a credit app. I have ran this department for 30 years..we NEVER charge over MSRP..or I would not work here
My brother bought a C8 last year and said some places are selling them for $30k over sticker. He was offered $10k over for his.
That pic is from several years ago. Crack Smoker Hunter for the past 5 years has been sporting the thinning comb over just like his groping father. Is that the granddaughter he kisses on the lips or the daughter he takes showers with?
Can we all just accept that Hunter is a tool and move on.
No, what you said is that Politifact ALWAYS twists their reports to be favorable to the Left.

Is that what I said? Here's the post that you're referring to. Kindly highlight where I said that.

Whereas politifact admits no such thing.

The bias from politifact is unquestionable. Oftentimes it is beyond absurd.

As always, you'd rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth. It's actually kind of sad.
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