"Bad calls happen - they're part of the game." ocalaman
You say that like it's a good thing or an accepted part of the game, instead of it being the prime problem with the game.
With modern technology, it can be fixed, and it should be!
The game officials don't miss a call once in a while,
they badly miss multiple calls in nearly every game, often they are game changing calls.
Put up the Big Boards, use multiple camera views, and let the officials live with
(truly be held accountable for) the entire audience (home & stadium) knowing exactly how chitty their calls are. They
(officials) constantly change the outcome of the games with their inept calls.
Those Big Video Boards would work just as well to stifle any complaints that are unjustly aimed at the game officials, so it's not just a one-way street. Prove me incorrect and I'll immediately stop complaining about the poor officiating.
The plate umpire's strike/ball calls are the most calls, and they are the worst offenders. Put that (TV) strike box over the plate for every game and then watch what happens....
The base runners safe/out calls should be review-able on a replay system, as should the fair/foul ball calls.
Correction can happen. All it takes is the
'want-to' attitudes to come about.