Winston left two years ago you boob. Might want to change out your normal dope that you smoke. But I like feeding you troll.
Actually they were sophomores. The streak started in 2012.
In 2011 ND quit blitzing cause the freshmen Trick coached and adjusted at halftime began to pick up the blitzes and EJ started making some downfield throws.
You know too that a lot of those sacks are on Francois who holds the ball too long.
Trick produced a NC caliber line. Most other coaches can't and don't do so.
Maguire hurt his foot for fsu in fall camp while he was number 1 guy. So technically our 3rd stringer played this year
How? Everything i said was true
89, your program is irrelevant. 4th best in the state with a 50/50 chance of rain for at least 2 years. Your staff forgot its pencil.
How are you a poser?
"I'm an engineer with a math degree, I have a great job and make tons of money and am married with a child"
Poser Poser Poser Poser Poser.
Look at your posting history. I did.
9AM posts
10 AM posts
1 PM posts
3 PM posts
Nobody with a "big important high paying job" posts during the day on weekdays. The reason being that they have a big important high paying job. So having called you out on that, I'm also calling you out on the wife and child. Because nobody who acts like you has ever had sex. At least, not consensual, non-purchased sex.
Last time I heard that was 2005. Some idiot from the Times Union wrote it as part of his preseason predictions. What happened in 2006 and 2008? I forget.
How are you a poser?
"I'm an engineer with a math degree, I have a great job and make tons of money and am married with a child"
Poser Poser Poser Poser Poser.
Look at your posting history. I did.
9AM posts
10 AM posts
1 PM posts
3 PM posts
Nobody with a "big important high paying job" posts during the day on weekdays. The reason being that they have a big important high paying job. So having called you out on that, I'm also calling you out on the wife and child. Because nobody who acts like you has ever had sex. At least, not consensual, non-purchased sex.
How are you a poser?
"I'm an engineer with a math degree, I have a great job and make tons of money and am married with a child"
Poser Poser Poser Poser Poser.
Look at your posting history. I did.
9AM posts
10 AM posts
1 PM posts
3 PM posts
Nobody with a "big important high paying job" posts during the day on weekdays. The reason being that they have a big important high paying job. So having called you out on that, I'm also calling you out on the wife and child. Because nobody who acts like you has ever had sex. At least, not consensual, non-purchased sex.
I have an engineering degree lmao i also have a math degree. A lot of the classes went hand in hand. My gawd u r a potatoAnd engineers have engineering degrees. Maybe by "engineer" he means underemployed CAD Technician ( with an AA degree).
I'm half convinced that fsu939913, is still in his teens.
Hole Lee Crap. Well, i can definitely tell u are not a detective. Talk about jumping to conclusions and the only thing u have is the time i post. I work for an engineering consulting firm. I work all day long pretty much 6 days a week. However, taking 5 min to post here and there is not detremental to my job....AT ALL. Im sure when ur bagging groceries at wal mart they dont allow u to have a phone or computer but i have my own office and im pretty high at my company so i dont do grunt work. Been married since my freshman year of college. U r very much confusing with how i act with u morons with how i act with my wife and child.
It amazes me how wrong this board can be. Some posters say im a gator fan or cane fan. Wrong. Some say i dont have a math degree, wrong. Some say no wife and kid. Wrong. I challenge anybody to ask me a math question. Even tho i dont do it everyday, i bet i could still answer it
Hole Lee Crap. Well, i can definitely tell u are not a detective. Talk about jumping to conclusions and the only thing u have is the time i post. I work for an engineering consulting firm. I work all day long pretty much 6 days a week. However, taking 5 min to post here and there is not detremental to my job....AT ALL. Im sure when ur bagging groceries at wal mart they dont allow u to have a phone or computer but i have my own office and im pretty high at my company so i dont do grunt work. Been married since my freshman year of college. U r very much confusing with how i act with u morons with how i act with my wife and child.
It amazes me how wrong this board can be. Some posters say im a gator fan or cane fan. Wrong. Some say i dont have a math degree, wrong. Some say no wife and kid. Wrong. I challenge anybody to ask me a math question. Even tho i dont do it everyday, i bet i could still answer it
Of course he's a troll. I think he is mccanes. He can't post much under his real handle since we have them 7-0 so he makes up some new name and claims to be a Nole.How are you a poser?
"I'm an engineer with a math degree, I have a great job and make tons of money and am married with a child"
Poser Poser Poser Poser Poser.
Look at your posting history. I did.
9AM posts
10 AM posts
1 PM posts
3 PM posts
Nobody with a "big important high paying job" posts during the day on weekdays. The reason being that they have a big important high paying job. So having called you out on that, I'm also calling you out on the wife and child. Because nobody who acts like you has ever had sex. At least, not consensual, non-purchased sex.
I assure you with 100% certainty that it's not mcanes.Of course he's a troll. I think he is mccanes. He can't post much under his real handle since we have them 7-0 so he makes up some new name and claims to be a Nole.
Of course he's a troll. I think he is mccanes. He can't post much under his real handle since we have them 7-0 so he makes up some new name and claims to be a Nole.
If we all ignore him, we'll go away.
The fun will be taken out of it for him.
I thought we were on ignore?
Nope. Im not even trying to troll. Thats honestly whats funny to me. I guess my life is so great that people think i have to make it up because their life is so pathetic. Im sorry mine turned out so well
What happened was you had a staff that could recruit and they had a dynamic QB.
Nope. Im not even trying to troll. Thats honestly whats funny to me. I guess my life is so great that people think i have to make it up because their life is so pathetic. Im sorry mine turned out so well
Hole Lee Crap. Well, i can definitely tell u are not a detective. Talk about jumping to conclusions and the only thing u have is the time i post. I work for an engineering consulting firm. I work all day long pretty much 6 days a week. However, taking 5 min to post here and there is not detremental to my job....AT ALL. Im sure when ur bagging groceries at wal mart they dont allow u to have a phone or computer but i have my own office and im pretty high at my company so i dont do grunt work. Been married since my freshman year of college. U r very much confusing with how i act with u morons with how i act with my wife and child.
It amazes me how wrong this board can be. Some posters say im a gator fan or cane fan. Wrong. Some say i dont have a math degree, wrong. Some say no wife and kid. Wrong. I challenge anybody to ask me a math question. Even tho i dont do it everyday, i bet i could still answer it
My phone autocorrected that. Not sure yI know actual engineers and they don't use the word "detremental". Why? Because they have AN EDUCATION.
I'm sure that's the same thing you told those three Billy Goats that crossed your bridge.
How are you a poser?
"I'm an engineer with a math degree, I have a great job and make tons of money and am married with a child"
Poser Poser Poser Poser Poser.
Look at your posting history. I did.
9AM posts
10 AM posts
1 PM posts
3 PM posts
Nobody with a "big important high paying job" posts during the day on weekdays. The reason being that they have a big important high paying job. So having called you out on that, I'm also calling you out on the wife and child. Because nobody who acts like you has ever had sex. At least, not consensual, non-purchased sex.
How dare you say such things about Igloo's shiny new troll! Actually he escaped from Igloo's attic and now he belongs to me! Finders keeper losers weepers Igloo! My troll has 15 degrees in Math and you REALLY don't want to know how many he has in Engineering. You can't even count that far! All while being married with a child. That's a hell of a accomplishment! I think he should be applauded! And he did this all before turning 22 years old. Let's give fsu939913 a round of applause. He deserves it. Get some rest man.
Troll doing troll thingsI think people think im trolling becuz im just brutally honest
Troll doing troll things
He has to be one of the following:
1. A troll (unlikely -- a troll would have revealed himself, or moved on by now)
2. A teenager (1 and 2 are not mutually exclusive)
3. An adult whose SAT math score was twice as high as his verbal score
Is that all you gotPlease only respond to me if you have 10 messages or more. TIA