Franks Takes Step Back

I think we win by 10...(lost by -21) our defense will stop them more than they will stop us... they aren't scoring more than 24. (close ~ 38) Sounds like Henderson is back...if Chauncey is good they aren't just throwing the ball all over us and I don't see them running on us much...does anyone know if and when Stewart is back?

So much for the know-it-all, and those that suck-up to him with 'likes' and laughter...

Franks has sucked since his HS All Star game, just as I've said.
Trask is a better QB, star's, HS backup, and Eagle Scout not withstanding...
Eat It Bozo's... :p
So much for the know-it-all, and those that suck-up to him with 'likes' and laughter...

Franks has sucked since his HS All Star game, just as I've said.
Trask is a better QB, star's, HS backup, and Eagle Scout not withstanding...
Eat It Bozo's... :p

How is the season going for you Insta? Would you still take UF over ND? Just curious
How is the season going for you Insta? Would you still take UF over ND? Just curious

I'm always willing to help when the nuttless neutered lamer is curious... o_O

The 'New & Improved' Jelly-Belly-Kelly team / Michael FLOYD RULES.
That's 3 alcohol infractions, the 3rd a public endangerment DUI, and you don't
even receive a single game suspension for it. Or you can call them the
'Neutered Lame - Irish Drunks Assault Rules',,,,
otherwise known as the 'I'm Okay
-- You're Okay, gambit.

So tell me, how is that NCAA investigation going on the last 5-6 ND athletes for their Academic Fraud? We know that even if they are (public consumption) dimissed from the team, like the Goldbrick QB, they'll be let right back in to play after a short vacation.
While joke-la-homa is busy taking in players that were dismissed from an SEC school for being busted with 2 pounds of weed in their car.

BCS-NC History: UF 2-0
-- choke-la-homa 1-3 (0-2 vs SEC) --- neutered lame 0-1 vs SEC.
Rival fan hate/envy sums up about 95% of you two's twit postings here, on an SEC teams board.


College Game Day Lizzy Sign -|htmlws-main-nb|dl8|sec1_lnk2&pLid=371299

Emails to Lizzy from the rapist QB's friend/teammate:

"Don't do anything you would regret."

"Messing with notre dame football is a bad idea"

Then within a week, Lizzy is found dead of a supposed drug overdose suicide.
This from a solid community service person with no depression or drug abuse history.
Just like the 'Felony Assault on a Police Officer' was dropped down
to a 'disturbing the peace' misdemeanor...

Both were threatened to 'back off' by a NL football player (and/or friend), but
while the prosecutor evidently took heed,,, apparently poor dead Lizzy didn't.

No charges were ever filed in the (Lizzy) case, but her death led to an
investigation into:
'the culture of sexual violence at Notre Dame.'
(I guess it's not just the pedophile Priests and their neutered choir-boyz after all)

"In March of 2012, Melinda Henneberger, >>> a Notre Dame alum,
described the incident in question, and the aftermath. That aftermath included how
many other women experienced similar assaults in the past,
and how most went unreported

Why in the world would they go unreported you might ask?

For those that did include someone with the guts and integrity to speak out,
the school's investigation was designed to 'smear the accuser,'
>>>>> in a pattern that stretched back decades."

National Catholic Reporter picked up the story.

They set Lizzy up and then left her alone in the room with her attacker.
After Lizzy reports the sexual assualt:
"Don't do anything you would regret."
"Messing with notre dame football is a bad idea"
Lizzy is found dead from a 'supposed' suicide.
Other women at ND admit that they were to scared to even report an assault.

Hey I-wish26 / TNfan1979, why is it that you nor ND has ever cleared up the Lizzy sexual assault, that then led to her 'convenient suicide' for us?

We know what the ND Grad / National Catholic Reporter, article by Melinda Henneberger wrote about the 'DECADES LONG VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AT Notre Dame.' But even with that level of exposure, your 'cover-up specialist' at NL have never cleared it up, they only continue to either ignore it, or they blame the victims for their own atrocities....

Here is Melinda's latest article which includes the threatening phone message to Lizzy from the QB's thug teammate after she reported the rape. [Melinda Henneberger is also a political writer forThe Washington Post.]

In part: committed to paper, in a handwritten statement she and the other young woman carefully signed, dated and handed over to campus police the next day, is that a Notre Dame football player sexually assaulted her in his room after two other students left them alone there. Yet Notre Dame police, who have jurisdiction to investigate even the most serious crimes on campus, still had not interviewed him when she committed suicide 10 days later -- and wouldn't for another five days.
(don't mess with ND football, or you'll end up committing suicide....)

Add this: Lizzy wanted it to be better for the next woman. But one subsequent case, never reported until now, involved another young woman who decided that you really don't mess with Notre Dame football.....

After Lizzy's death, Notre Dame officials did continue to investigate >>> her, even interviewing her roommate at Dayton. But the player continued to take the field every Saturday, along with Michael Floyd, who was reinstated after a spring (public endangerment) DUI that was his third alcohol-related offense, and the other player who a Notre Dame woman said had raped her in February 2011 -- the woman who, in light of Lizzy's case, hadn't reported it.

As theology professor Jean Porter sees it, "Most of my colleagues and almost all of my students tend to be very protective of the institution and our image, and they're not eager to look too closely at anything that might raise questions."

Remember that none of this is coming from a rival Gator fan, it's from a Professional ND alum.
And this is an EXCELLENT, IN-DEPTH article about the HUGE ON-GOING problems at ND.

I sure helps you with your curiosity... :cool: