Holy crap this is a terrible take.
EVERYTHING he tried to do was for the people and not for him. Running for and holding office cost him an estimated $1.2B in net worth. He renegotiated trade deals to help jobs here, he cut regulations and cut taxes. His presidency saw incredibly low unemployment for all races and creeds. Inflation was low and growth was good. He started rebuilding the military and actually enforced immigration laws, which actually help the lowest income workers the most.
And the classification of every Trump support as a "Q" nutballs, conspiracy theorists and racists is just a parrot of MSNBC. The "Q" crowd is a sliver of the 75MM that voted for him, and there's so much more racism from the left than the right currently it's insane. CRT is the most prevalent current example of the racism we're being pushed into by the left. It's 100% antithetical to what MLK taught.
Michael Cohen is a snake that tried to flip on Trump to gain notoriety and money. Rudy still supports Trump to this day, he's still out doing interviews. Weisselberg is facing max 1 year in prison on ridiculous charges, vs a lifetime of friendship and gainful employment. Even if he had something to sell Trump out on, he most likely wouldn't. The fact he was charged on a Friday before a holiday weekend tells you all you need to know about what the AG really has here. They spent millions of dollars, hundreds of subpeonas and thousands of hours of interviews to come up with $145k in potential lost tax revenue for the state (something normally handled with a fine and a slap on the wrist).
But keep believing Trump is a crook that's going to jail any day now, while Biden and Hunter sell "art" and give you the double barrel finger salute.
And Trump/GOP didn't pass $2T in Covid relief, including the extended unemployment benefits that are still hamstringing this economy? We lose more people daily to Alzheimer's than Covid right now, nearly every business is hurting for labor, and we're still paying people to stay home. And I'd like to see examples of the GOP - elected officials - who are spreading Covid misinformation, and what you classify as misinformation. I'm sure that would be telling.