Did any of you CNN viewers catch what Trump said last night about the FISA warrant declass?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Oh that's right, CNN isn't covering that story because it makes the dems look bad. Keep you dumb and dependent....

Anyway, Hannity interviewed Trump and asked him WHEN the documents would be declassed. Trump said it was a complicated matter and that he had TWO OF OUR ALLIES CALL TODAY AND VOICE CONCERNS over declassifying the information.

How would our allies know what was in a US FISA warrant application?

Dots starting to connect?

Turn off CNN if you want to join the real world.
How ****ing stupid are you? Holy shit.

What are you crying about now, sheep? All those links are spinning that he is 'walking back' declasing them. He isn't, they will be released when the time is right.

Turn off CNN when you are ready to join the real world. CNN needs you dumb and dependent, and right on cue, you turn to them to get the 'real' spin.

Now, back to the central issue that you can't comment on cause CNN hasn't given you your talking points on it: Why would 2 foreign countries be advising Trump not to release the FISA documents? Same reason Rosenstein and the FBI doesn't want them released, because it is embarrassing for them.

How would 2 foreign countries know what is contained in a US FISA warrant?

Use your brain. CNN needs you to be dumb and dependent, be better than that.
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You've fallen for the cheetoh dick hook, line and sinker.

Drumpf is full beta. He's not going to release shit.
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Robert Mueller isn’t a Democrat. He’s a decorated Marine, Vietnam vet and a republican. And he’s got the lard ass with bone spurs shitting his pants.
Robert Mueller isn’t a Democrat. He’s a decorated Marine, Vietnam vet and a republican. And he’s got the lard ass with bone spurs shitting his pants.

And Hillary was a Goldwater Girl.

Political ideology often gets warped once individuals fall under the indoctrination of Communist Professors. Or when they move to DC and wish to be a part of the "In Crowd"

Being a "Registered" Republican does NOT a Republican make.