Democrats set to vote against the Save Act

Going to disagree. Completely. I have yet to meet an atheist that doesn’t base their morality on the consensus of their peers. Meaning, their moral compass has an adjustable true north. I noticed that you chose to only mention murder and adultery.

I would love to hear your take on abortion, divorce, gay marriage, etc. Let’s see what True north is for an atheist.

Also, placing the commandments in schools doesn’t force anyone to be a christian. Now, if the school is for ing someone to say they believe in Jesus, they must be baptised etc…then sure. But simply putting the commandments in school’s doesn’t violate the establishment clause. That’s decided law fwiw. The left, and public school unions etc just took advantage of an opportunity to manipulate. Par for the course.
I never post on this forum. My last post was my first and this will probably be my last, but I do follow the threads that interest me. I would bet that we have more in common that you think, but the fact that you disagree completely that an atheist can be a moral human being that contributes to society shows a narrow minded viewpoint. My morality is based on the way my parents raised me (without religion for the most part) and my common sense. Those morals will not change due to my peer group as you stated. The fact that I don't believe in the big man above or heaven or hell doesn't override who I am. In regards to my stances on abortion, divorce, and gay marriage I can answer in this way. I would never abort a child because I know that I can raise that child the way a child is supposed to be raised. However, I would guess I have more exceptions than you would. Overall, I am pro-life. I will never get divorced because my wife and I are living the life with 2 kids and 18 strong years of marriage, but I can't disparage somebody for getting divorced because they made a mistake and live in an abusive marriage for example. Gay marriage isn't my bag, but what business do I have telling someone else how to live their life. The problem with gay marriage and all topics related is the media putting a disproportionate amount of attention on it. One of our best friends is in a gay female marriage and they are great people. These are things we probably disagree on, but in terms of immigration, voting laws, Biden, inflation, and things that really matter I would guess we are in line, but these days if you disagree on 1 or 2 things you are automatically the enemy. I was born in Europe and my parents immigrated when I was 5 and have been very successful contributors to this country. I have been an educator teaching physics to our youth for almost 20 years and plan to continue. Instead of your notion that religion, or lack thereof, is tearing our society apart, you may want to analyze social media. Since the introduction of social media you can see a direct correlation to the downfall of the family structure, education, well-being of our youth, and the exponential increase in hyper partisan politics that have ruined any chance of moderate and reasonable solutions.
PS- If I was Biden I wouldn't be writing this because it is nap time and past my working hours. How in the hell could anybody vote for someone that has publicly declared that they only work from 10-4 and they need more naps?
This just goes to show you how "screw the pooch" Dimtards are. They are America's enemy, If there was any remaining doubt, the wizard's curtain has been pulled back and exposed their bare asses. They had NO intention of protecting our border. That bill they tried to pass was a farce and nothing but political election year bullshit.
This vote is a great campaign ad because the great majority of Americans would have voted for it.
82% according to the polls.


Dims want POWER. Illegal aliens are their idea to keep power forever. Disagree? Please expound on why they purposely opened the border then, because they did...and it worked. THANK GOD Trump will remove most of them starting in a few months. I want them ALL gone. ANYONE that entered illegally...GONE. Circumstances do not matter to me. FOLLOW OUR CONSTITUTION
I am still waiting for any of our "Independents" or any DEM to explain how requiring an ID to vote is racist. All you have to do is look around and you can see minorities working jobs, driving, opening bank accounts, buying tobacco and alcohol products, hunting, fishing, traveling via plane, renting or buying homes/condos/apartments, renting cars, visiting foreign countries, etc., which ALL require some type of ID. We just got passports and had to supply driver license and birth certificates (NO ID AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE NO PASSPORT).

Also would like to hear how NOT allowing non-citizens to vote is also racist.
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That ain't going to fall your way bud.

See Sterling v. United States, 2016.

You can justify in a courtroom since many of our laws are derived from Judeo Christian ethics.

But only three of th^ Commandments hold any force of law.

You have to be more specific. That said, you are making my point for me. Thank you.

As for Sterling vs US. You are talking apples and oranges. You are talking military courts vs what the supreme court has stated, not to mention a personal display in a military workplace vs a Gov posting in public schools. FWIW, the Supremes didn’t even weigh in on Sterling. But they have on other cases. Come on man, You are better than this.

Also of note, Are you Atheist? Yes, I know the answer.

If yes, what is your stance on Gay marriage? Thanks in advance.
I never post on this forum. My last post was my first and this will probably be my last, but I do follow the threads that interest me. I would bet that we have more in common that you think, but the fact that you disagree completely that an atheist can be a moral human being that contributes to society shows a narrow minded viewpoint. My morality is based on the way my parents raised me (without religion for the most part) and my common sense. Those morals will not change due to my peer group as you stated. The fact that I don't believe in the big man above or heaven or hell doesn't override who I am. In regards to my stances on abortion, divorce, and gay marriage I can answer in this way. I would never abort a child because I know that I can raise that child the way a child is supposed to be raised. However, I would guess I have more exceptions than you would. Overall, I am pro-life. I will never get divorced because my wife and I are living the life with 2 kids and 18 strong years of marriage, but I can't disparage somebody for getting divorced because they made a mistake and live in an abusive marriage for example. Gay marriage isn't my bag, but what business do I have telling someone else how to live their life. The problem with gay marriage and all topics related is the media putting a disproportionate amount of attention on it. One of our best friends is in a gay female marriage and they are great people. These are things we probably disagree on, but in terms of immigration, voting laws, Biden, inflation, and things that really matter I would guess we are in line, but these days if you disagree on 1 or 2 things you are automatically the enemy. I was born in Europe and my parents immigrated when I was 5 and have been very successful contributors to this country. I have been an educator teaching physics to our youth for almost 20 years and plan to continue. Instead of your notion that religion, or lack thereof, is tearing our society apart, you may want to analyze social media.

Your stance on Gay marriage proves my point. Thank you. I have yet to meet an atheist that has the same moral standards of a Christian. So yes, thanks again.

And Honestly, it’s not even up for a debate. The Truth is what it is. The Truth. Unlike facts, the Truth never changes and isn’t a topic to debate.

Terms like “narrow minded” are further validation of my point. As a Christian, morality isn’t something that one is swayed by an “open mind”. Those are words society uses (the peer pressure I mentioned, the one you say doesn’t sway your morals) to manipulate morals. Like I said, the Truth is the Truth, it doesn’t change due to an “open mind”. So again, thank you for proving my point.

Furthermore, the fact that you don’t see gay marriage as important further validates the Truth. Gods design was for one man, one woman. There is a reason for that, and the family structure is at the utmost importance to the moral fabric of any society. There is a reason the crime statistics of children without that structure are through the roof. And yes, a father and mother serve different roles that cannot be substituted. Again, just the Truth.

As for your point on social media, while it may have contributed (it’s just a symptom of the root cause of the problem), the downfalls beginning was far before social media. Did it contribute? Possibly. But the correlative data of Americas decline predates social media.
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You have to be more specific. That said, you are making my point for me. Thank you.

As for Sterling vs US. You are talking apples and oranges. You are talking military courts vs what the supreme court has stated, not to mention a personal display in a military workplace vs a Gov posting in public schools. FWIW, the Supremes didn’t even weigh in on Sterling. But they have on other cases.

They didn't weigh in on Sterling because the appeal was nonsense. There was no case for appeal on those grounds. Read the brief. When you read it you will understand that it's a government building and it's considered hostile. Like telling strangers their religion is wrong.

Come on man, You are better than this.

No I'm not. 😂

Also of note, Are you Atheist? Yes, I know the answer.

No. I'm not. And you know that.
If yes, what is your stance on Gay marriage? Thanks in advance.
Other than "my deity said so," why is homosexuality morally wrong?

I believe we've already discussed why government should have stayed the hell out of marriage.

Marriage is unnatural. Like celibacy.
Incidentally your take on the establishment clause is nonsense as well. Go look up the Lemon test.
I am still waiting for any of our "Independents" or any DEM to explain how requiring an ID to vote is racist. All you have to do is look around and you can see minorities working jobs, driving, opening bank accounts, buying tobacco and alcohol products, hunting, fishing, traveling via plane, renting or buying homes/condos/apartments, renting cars, visiting foreign countries, etc., which ALL require some type of ID. We just got passports and had to supply driver license and birth certificates (NO ID AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE NO PASSPORT).

Also would like to hear how NOT allowing non-citizens to vote is also racist.
I will answer it truthfully FOR them. THEY CHEAT...and making someone show an ID makes it VERY, VERY difficult for them to get away with it.
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They didn't weigh in on Sterling because the appeal was nonsense. There was no case for appeal on those grounds. Read the brief. When you read it you will understand that it's a government building and it's considered hostile. Like telling strangers their religion is wrong.

No I'm not. 😂

No. I'm not. And you know that.

Other than "my deity said so," why is homosexuality morally wrong?

I believe we've already discussed why government should have stayed the hell out of marriage.

Marriage is unnatural. Like celibacy.

Homosexuality is wrong because of Truth. But again, I really appreciate folks proving my point that without “my deity” morals are adjustable. Thanks for the help.

As for the brief, I already pointed out the faults. Apparently you didn’t read any of the numerous other cases that are more applicable. This one has nothing in common with what is being discussed.
Homosexuality is wrong because of Truth.

Non answer

But again, I really appreciate folks proving my point that without “my deity” morals are adjustable. Thanks for the help.

Morality is always adjustable. It was OK to own people 400 years ago.

It was OK to rape, loot and pillage a city for three days 700 years ago.

Go look up what the sellswords y'all brought with you to the Crusades got up to.

As for the brief, I already pointed out the faults. Apparently you didn’t read any of the numerous other cases that are more applicable. This one has nothing in common with what is being discussed.
Lemon test.
Incidentally your take on the establishment clause is nonsense as well. Go look up the Lemon test.

Why do you keep posting case law that has zero to do with the case at hand? The law says you can discuss the bible and it’s contents for educational and historical purposes. That has been adjudicated. See previous post.

It is what it is. Now, will Louisiana law end up in the Supreme court for adjudication? Probably, but the cases you are posting aren’t relevant.
Non answer

Morality is always adjustable. It was OK to own people 400 years ago.

It was OK to rape, loot and pillage a city for three days 700 years ago.

Go look up what the sellswords y'all brought with you to the Crusades got up to.

Lemon test.

The Truth IS the answer.

Societal morality (influenced by peers and pressure) is adjustable. Morality according to the written word is NOT. That’s the point. Again, thanks for proving MY point. Your assistance is appreciated.

Again, apples meet oranges. Or…lemon meet oranges in this case. But keep talking about lemons while trying to discuss the taste of the orange.
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Why do you keep posting case law that has zero to do with the case at hand? The law says you can discuss the bible and it’s contents for educational and historical purposes. That has been adjudicated. See previous post.

It is what it is. Now, will Louisiana law end up in the Supreme court for adjudication? Probably, but the cases you are posting aren’t relevant.
The lemon test, and others, are used to judge any case involving the establishment clause.
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The Truth IS the answer.

Societal morality (influenced by peers and pressure) is adjustable. Morality according to the written word is NOT. That’s the point. Again, thanks for proving MY point. Your assistance is appreciated.

Again, apples meet oranges. Or…lemon meet oranges in this case. But keep talking about lemons while trying to discuss the taste of the orange.
Best tend to that beam, player. It's your flock that's not following their own rules.
I am still waiting for any of our "Independents" or any DEM to explain how requiring an ID to vote is racist. All you have to do is look around and you can see minorities working jobs, driving, opening bank accounts, buying tobacco and alcohol products, hunting, fishing, traveling via plane, renting or buying homes/condos/apartments, renting cars, visiting foreign countries, etc., which ALL require some type of ID. We just got passports and had to supply driver license and birth certificates (NO ID AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE NO PASSPORT).

Also would like to hear how NOT allowing non-citizens to vote is also racist.

Having an ID is not a requirement to vote and should not be a requirement to vote. It puts up barriers.

You are speaking from a place of privilege
  • Haha
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