Wow, your razor sharp logic is astounding. You sound like a three year old on the playground. Mine's the best and I don't care what you say!
Isn't that precisely what you are doing?
So economic freedom, education, and health care aren't important to you?'re in the minority.
I never said that. This is why it's pointless to argue with libs. They repeat talking points, when you ask them to defend their talking points, they pout and call you names and claim you said things you never did.
Case in point: You still can't tell us what country or countries you believe to be better than America. You just gave made up rankings for 3 criteria and that's all you care about.
So I'll answer the question you could not. There is no better country in the world than the United States. Want proof? Let's go down the list:
Canada - Run by a liberal dictator who is forcing Canadians to get covid shots that are dangerous, confiscating their guns, and calling anyone that disagrees with his policies a terrorist. Plus, the majority of the country is under a glacier. Not even close to the US.
Mexico - Country is run by drug cartels, and smelly illegals from shithole countries are allowed to stream in so they can be kidnapped and forced into human trafficking rings. Another hard pass.
So the US is clearly the class of North America, let's go to Central America.....
Nothing but a bunch of shithole countries with tropical weather, more drugs and massive crime. Although I do give props to El Salvador's President Bukele, he's trying to turn the country around, but it will take a long time.
South America - Many of the same problems Central American countries suffer from.
So far, we haven't come across a country that is half as great as America. What are you smoking????
Let's go to Europe:
UK - More liberal leadership, less guns, more knife attacks. No thanks.
Spain - Same, it's basically a warmer version of Seattle with constant rain, with the occasional nearby volcanic eruption to spice things up.
France - Country run by a liberal beta male that even the liberals in his own country can't stand. Is he still going out in public? Last I saw he was being attacked every time he tried to cross the road.
Germany - Another liberal hellhole.
Russia - Communist hellhole, plus like Canada, most of the country is under a glacier.
China - Communist hellhole. No glaciers, but they make up for it by throwing their own citizens into death camps.
Japan - Liberal leaning country although it being an island isolated from the communist hellholes mentioned above is a plus.
Australia - A total police state. The elderly were mugged and jailed by police if they dared walk to their own mailbox since 2020. New Zealand is almost as bad.
Dude WTF are you talking about????? America is CLEARLY the best country in the world. There isn't a country on that list above that is even in the same neighorhood as the US.
Dude can the talking points and learn to think for yourself. This is such an embarrassing look for you.
Give us your list of countries that you think are better than the US.
Libs can repeat the talking points, they can't defend them. SMDH