Debate # 2

You didn't watch either video of Trump did you? That's what I thought. Trump didn't need to run, he's got the wealth of kings. He's cared about this country a long time. In 2016 we'd suffered 16 years of RINOs and Obama and looking down the gun barrel of 8 years of Skankipotimus. He wanted to make America better again. Republicans were sick of it, that's how Trump got nominated to begin with. Trump has an enormous ego but he has the best interest of America at heart, and socialist marxism ain't it.
Trump wanted to be president. You really believe that nonsense that he ran because he cares about this country? Oh man.
Subject: The History of Kamala Harris

I really was naive about Kamala’s background. Please read to be informed. This is fact checked, not made up. This is long, but a very important read.

The History of Kamala Harris

by Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Major General, USMC (Ret.)

For your knowledge and interest about the Biden Vice President, Kamala Harris. Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. The editorial begins:

Kamala Harris' father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris' parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.

The group's leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.

Following her graduation from college, Harris returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60-year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown's political campaigns were supported and funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers.

Brown was elected as Mayor of San Francisco, and strongly endorsed Harris' Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris' political rise in California politics, leading to her election as California's Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. was a well-known long-time Communist sympathizer. Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with the substantial help of the Communist Party USA.

Today, Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party's best friends in the San Francisco Bay Area.

While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical Maoist activist, Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement; Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board. Simon has always been close friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza.

Kamala Harris's sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a closely associated with Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of Revolutionary Struggle, a pro-Chinese Communist group.

Phillips came out of the Left, and in college he studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin, and maintained close associations with fellow Communists. Phillips married into the multibillion-dollar Sandler family of the Golden West Savings and Loan fortune. He funded many leftist political campaigns, and voter registration drives in the Southern and South Western states in order to help his friend, Barack Hussein Obama, defeat Hillary Clinton. Phillips has been a major financial sponsor for Kamala Harris's political campaigns for various California elective offices plus Cory Booker, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams to name a few.

Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which "boasts nearly 30 years of experience in Communist China with over 140 lawyers dedicated to its 'Communist China investment Services' branch. He was just appointed Professor at Yale to school future lawyers in the fine points of Communism.

When she was elected to the US Senate, Kamala Harris appointed a Pro-Communist Senate Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre was active with the New York-based Haiti Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-Communist China/Communist North Korea Workers World Party and supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the far-left Communist former president of Haiti and the radical Lavalas movement.

Fortunately for Harris, but potentially disastrous for the Republic, elected office holders are not subject to the security clearance process. If the FBI did a Background Investigation on Kamala Harris, she never would have passed, because of her 40-year close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Communist China. Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the 5 Military Service Academies, been appointed to a US Government Sub-Cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high security defense contractor. Yet, since Joe Biden was elected, Harris could be a heartbeat away from being President.

The US constitutional Republic is being threatened by the People's Republic of Communist China (PPC) externally, and by their very active espionage operations within the United States. The People's Republic of Communist China (PPC), with 1.4 billion people, is governed by the 90 million member Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that has been working with Russia to destroy the US Constitutional Republic for over 70 years.

If the American voters read the background information (in Trevor Loudon's article) on Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden is suffering from the early onset of dementia and will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office.

Since Biden was elected, the Socialists, Marxists, and Communist who control Kamala Harris, are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment, in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States.

Since Biden was elected, because Biden would not be up to it, Kamala Harris would lead the effort to appoint very dangerous anti-American Leftist, Communist, Socialists, and Marxists to fill highly sensitive positions in the Washington Deep State Bureaucracy. She would fill all appointive positions in the US Intelligence Agencies, in the Department of Homeland Security, in the Department of Defense, in The Justice Department, the Department of State, the FBI, the CIA, most cabinet positions, the National Security Council, and in the White House Staff.

American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years.

President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter.

Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Major General, USMC (Ret.)
You're post reminds us that democrats are the party of women and men who think like women.
your post you mean, but yes, thats mostly true. although there are plenty of alphas in the demcratic party and plenty of betas in the pub party. i think the pubs have a lot of men that are intimidated by strong women. do you not agree??
So his views changed to views that you agree with, so you are ok with it. Gotcha.

I expect more honest out of you.
Honestly - Trump was an old school moderate Democrat who became more “conservative” over the years - before he ran for office.
Harris was more conservative too when she was in her “tough on crime” phase - when Cali still had pockets of Republican voters she needed for statewide office.
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your post you mean, but yes, thats mostly true. although there are plenty of alphas in the demcratic party and plenty of betas in the pub party. i think the pubs have a lot of men that are intimidated by strong women. do you not agree??
You’re all a bunch of betas who are showing it by even talking about intimidation by strong women, What??? Really? You mean women who are realistic about the issues?
  • Wow
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Democrats frustrated with poll showing voters see Trump as more moderate​

Read the comments below the article. Kumswalla is getting crushed in the court of public opinion.

your post you mean, but yes, thats mostly true. although there are plenty of alphas in the demcratic party and plenty of betas in the pub party. i think the pubs have a lot of men that are intimidated by strong women. do you not agree??
Would you say democrats are 'intimidated' by Trump?
Trump wanted to be president. You really believe that nonsense that he ran because he cares about this country? Oh man.
1) Cost him tens of millions, if not more. He's supposed to be playing golf and enjoying the success he had in life.
2) Hardest job in the world, every President ages in dog years.
3) He almost got his head blown off on national TV.
4) He's constantly attacked by the entire MSM.
5) Through lawfare, he's facing life in prison for a misdemeanor paperwork violation. Had $150MM judgement levied against him for taking out a loan and paying it off. Fani has hit him with RICO charges, which is also jail time.

But yea, he's doing all this to feed his ego.

Honestly - Trump was an old school moderate Democrat who became more “conservative” over the years - before he ran for office.
Harris was more conservative too when she was in her “tough on crime” phase - when Cali still had pockets of Republican voters she needed for statewide office.
I think any discussion about how Trump has moved his political opinions needs to highlight how much the goalposts have moved.

A NYC Democrat in 1980 is pretty close to a moderate Republican today, ideologically.

Democrats frustrated with poll showing voters see Trump as more moderate​

Read the comments below the article. Kumswalla is getting crushed in the court of public opinion.

I feel dumber now for taking the time to read through some of those comments.

This is how you know KUMala is in trouble and didn’t win the debate

Also RAT 🐀 James Clyburn was also calling out KUMala yesderday for not taking questions from the press and the average stiff like Kal and Jimbus

Jesse, Greg, and Judge Jeanine should be the panel of moderators. Paybacks are hell.


However, knowing how bad FOX has become, they'd pick soys like Bret Bair and Neil Cavuto. :mad:
1) Cost him tens of millions, if not more. He's supposed to be playing golf and enjoying the success he had in life.
2) Hardest job in the world, every President ages in dog years.
3) He almost got his head blown off on national TV.
4) He's constantly attacked by the entire MSM.
5) Through lawfare, he's facing life in prison for a misdemeanor paperwork violation. Had $150MM judgement levied against him for taking out a loan and paying it off. Fani has hit him with RICO charges, which is also jail time.

But yea, he's doing all this to feed his ego.

Glad you agree
Honestly - Trump was an old school moderate Democrat who became more “conservative” over the years - before he ran for office.
Harris was more conservative too when she was in her “tough on crime” phase - when Cali still had pockets of Republican voters she needed for statewide office.
Not sure how moderate but if that makes you feel better…. The guy is one of the more unhinged untethered lunatics in the country. Does whatever the eff he wants. No boundaries. If that isn’t the very definition of a progressive liberal I don’t know what is. How many conservative people declare bankruptcy multiple times? Start scam after scam business?? I don’t know one.