Debate # 2

The moderator chick is oozing hatred for Trump. She looks like she's ready to shoot him in the ear from a sloped roof when she gets the chance.
if people are so stupid that they vote for her we are ****ed- she is going to win
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Nevermind that it's 100% true.

Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to city inundated with Haitian migrants​

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he doesn't oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020, but said the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

Imagine having your town's population just increase by 25% overnight, overwhelmed with a bunch of non English speaking voodoo incantations, with no means of support. Who lets this happen?

First they came for the cats, and we said nothing. Then they came for the geese, and we said nothing. Now they come for our apartments, nobody spoke for me.
She didn't lie. She doesn't share that view anymore. People views evolve. Just because you guys refuse to accept that, it doesn't mean others can't.

"She's a progressive. She's going to say whatever to win an election, it is what it is"

Bernie Sanders
The plans are right next to the border wall. The guy is a con artist but the “rational” thinkers tell me he is a great statesman. Amazing how people can be blind to the truth. Maff sure is hard.
But the people in this board always talk about "WHERE IS Kamala’s policies"?

Trump still doesn't have an Healthcare policy and it's been since 2015!!!!
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But the people in this board always talk about "WHERE IS Kamala’s policies"?

Trump still doesn't have an Healthcare policy and it's been since 2015!!!!
Kumswalla's plan is medicare for all. She's on tape. We still have Obummercare since 2012. What did Diaper Joe change?
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But the people in this board always talk about "WHERE IS Kamala’s policies"?

Trump still doesn't have an Healthcare policy and it's been since 2015!!!!
He will fix it day one. He will end the war in the Middle East in 24 hours. You’re just not a rational thinker like the dunces on the board. @NavigatorII aka nickel is the head cheer leader maybe he can fill you in…
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He is crushing himself.
He did exceptionally poorly, which is a deep shame as here come another 10M illegally across our border.

Similar to the RNC, start off well and then really trails off.

Fox, National Review and many others (on the right) are panning his performance.

She won this one. Let’s see if this makes a difference in the swing states.

We will see if this make
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She didn't lie. She doesn't share that view anymore. People views evolve. Just because you guys refuse to accept that, it doesn't mean others can't.
She’s a political weathervane.

Fracking, Medicare for all, the border.

9 years later, his age and all of the Trump-ness has dulled his sharpness when he obliterated Jeb and Marco.

You don’t care about the border. 70 percent do, but he couldnt make the case tonight and convey positive energy.

His relitigating 2020 was a disaster (as it always is). He should have said, “she (Kamala) did not even make it to 2020 or even the CA primaries.”
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He will fix it day one. He will end the war in the Middle East in 24 hours. You’re just not a rational thinker like the dunces on the board. @NavigatorII aka nickel is the head cheer leader maybe he can fill you in…
MDFer can't explain why there was no invasion of eastern Europe during Trump's term (yet there was during Obama's)
North Korea was banging the war drums during Obama's term but stopped during Trump's. Obama left billions of cash on Iran's tarmac and then Trump cut their nuts off and starved them out with embargos. Now they are back with a vengeance under Diaper Joe and funding Hamas. Putin didn't do squat in Ukraine under Trump, now we are funneling billions of dollars to Ukraine due to weak assed leadership.

MDFer has a brain tumor, cheering on the Marxist cabal. We should help him remove it. Anyone know a good proctologist? 😂
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Rehearsed answers that don’t actually answer the question that was asked.
First time in her entire time in politics she was able to put coherent words and sentences together. You don’t go from word salad queen to your best performance ever live on stage. I watched her look like she was listening to something and then answering a few times. I told my daughter in law look how her right ear is covered by her hair she never has it that way. Now you know the rest of the story!!!


God Bless America🇺🇸
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To the people that were undecided, this was a poor performance by Trump. He knew what was coming, and she still had him on his heels from the start. Her content was mostly all lies, but he did/could not pin anything on her. I knew she would have the questions in advance. Everyone knew that. Still should not have mattered. She got under his skin and created doubt. A once unlosable election just became very losable. Trump has to recover from this. Going to be tough sledding like I said before the debate
To the people that were undecided, this was a poor performance by Trump. He knew what was coming, and she still had him on his heels from the start. Her content was mostly all lies, but he did/could not pin anything on her. I knew she would have the questions in advance. Everyone knew that. Still should not have mattered. She got under his skin and created doubt. A once unlosable election just became very losable. Trump has to recover from this. Going to be tough sledding like I said before the debate

This is all you need to know about the debate

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She’s a political weathervane.

Fracking, Medicare for all, the border.

9 years later, his age and all of the Trump-ness has dulled his sharpness when he obliterated Jeb and Marco.

You don’t care about the border. 70 percent do, but he couldnt make the case tonight and convey positive energy.

His relitigating 2020 was a disaster (as it always is). He should have said, “she (Kamala) did not even make it to 2020 or even the CA primaries.”
Bringing up her old views is irrelevant. Bringing up that she flamed out in 2020 is irrelevant. Biden lost 2 democratic primaries and he eventually became president.
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running on no taxes on tips and social security is horse ship populism, its not serious. All of his rhetoric is complete and utter BS. the guys a con man and you fell for it, AGAIN.

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