Bud Lite is boycott target

All you homophobes out there, please answer Howard Sterns question.

Stern was flabbergasted by the reactions, saying he wasn't bothered by companies that wanted to promote a transgender spokesperson.

"I thought there must be a piece of this story that I’m missing," Stern said on his show Monday. "I’m not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don’t impact my life, they don’t hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you f—ing want. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody, I’m on your team," he vented.

Stern revealed he wanted to hear directly from Kid Rock why he was upset by the partnership.

"I wish I could call Kid Rock and have him come on the show and just tell me ‘Why are you so upset about this? How is it hurtful?’ I don’t know why he got so upset," the radio host said.
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Since when can't Howard Stern call someone up and invite them on his show with or without permission?
Well, I guess he could. They’d have to accept though.

Kid Rock and Travis Tritt are probably just doing it because their careers are washed up.
All you homophobes out there, please answer Howard Sterns question.

Stern was flabbergasted by the reactions, saying he wasn't bothered by companies that wanted to promote a transgender spokesperson.

"I thought there must be a piece of this story that I’m missing," Stern said on his show Monday. "I’m not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don’t impact my life, they don’t hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you f—ing want. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody, I’m on your team," he vented.

Stern revealed he wanted to hear directly from Kid Rock why he was upset by the partnership.

"I wish I could call Kid Rock and have him come on the show and just tell me ‘Why are you so upset about this? How is it hurtful?’ I don’t know why he got so upset," the radio host said.
We are not scared of you we just don't like you. You're a liar and pond scum that happens to also be a cross-dressing homo.
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Well, I guess he could. They’d have to accept though.

Kid Rock and Travis Tritt are probably just doing it because their careers are washed up.
Travis Tritt was inducted into the grand ol opry 30 years ago and he was the youngest person to ever be inducted at the time so I would consider him come out of retirement as opposed to washed up.

I believe I have made feelings about Kid Rock clear.
We are not scared of you we just don't like you. You're a liar and pond scum that happens to also be a cross-dressing homo.
Yes, you are afraid of gay people. That’s why you make homophobic jokes. Just a hateful person.

Much like the southern rednecks that make N jokes about black people. Birds of a feather.

Youre probably an adulterer as well, since you seem to excuse it. You are about as far from following Jesus’ words as I can imagine, like a lot of the fake evangelicals that just use the Bible for hateful rhetoric. Much like your KKK forefathers.
Well, I guess he could. They’d have to accept though.

Kid Rock and Travis Tritt are probably just doing it because their careers are washed up.
So just because entertainers don't feel the need to tour anymore they are "washed up"? I would venture to say the same for you. 😂 😂 😂
Travis Tritt was inducted into the grand ol opry 30 years ago and he was the youngest person to ever be inducted at the time so I would consider him come out of retirement as opposed to washed up.

I believe I have made feelings about Kid Rock clear.
I don't listen to much country these days but I used to like him.

Never been a big Kid Rock fan but I did like that duet he sang with Cheryl Crowe.

I actually can’t stand Howard Stern but he makes a fair point. “Why do you care? “
Yes, you are afraid of gay people. That’s why you make homophobic jokes. Just a hateful person.
Nobody is a afraid of the fairies. We just don't to see their perversions flashed every day in the streets and particularly not in every damned TV show or commercial, and NOW children's cartoons. Madison Avenue would have us believe straight people are only 10% of the population. What a weirdo. :rolleyes:.
All you homophobes out there, please answer Howard Sterns question.

Stern was flabbergasted by the reactions, saying he wasn't bothered by companies that wanted to promote a transgender spokesperson.

"I thought there must be a piece of this story that I’m missing," Stern said on his show Monday. "I’m not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don’t impact my life, they don’t hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you f—ing want. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody, I’m on your team," he vented.

Stern revealed he wanted to hear directly from Kid Rock why he was upset by the partnership.

"I wish I could call Kid Rock and have him come on the show and just tell me ‘Why are you so upset about this? How is it hurtful?’ I don’t know why he got so upset," the radio host said.

Oh, I didn’t say it was a good marketing move. There are plenty of homophobic southern rednecks that drink Bud.

Personally, I don’t think I’ve had a Bud or Bud Light in over 20 years.
You act like every person that isn't a trans-weirdo like you is a redneck? Do you realize that there are millions of people that drink those beverages but do not hang out in the bars and farm for a living? The term redneck comes from driving tractors and sunburned necks.
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You act like every person that isn't a trans-weirdo like you is a redneck? Do you realize that there are millions of people that drink those beverages but do not hang out in the bars and farm for a living? The term redneck comes from driving tractors and sunburned necks.
Yeah, I know where the term came from. Both my parents grew up on a farm. Spent a lot of my childhood there. But a lot of rednecks are just uneducated and ignorant that have difficulty accepting there are many different types of people in this world. They hate anyone different than themself. You seem to be one of them. Let’s face it, you bring up traniies in every post. It’s just a weird obsession.

The Transweirdo flame just shows how hateful you are. Why do they scare you so much? Why do you care what they do?
The Transweirdo flame just shows how hateful you are. Why do they scare you so much? Why do you care what they do?
Poor BScuck. 😂

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Trannies are SICK in the head. Scared?? LOLOL Never scared of people begging for safe spaces that are afraid of firearms, and scream at the sky when they do not get their way.
So true but they think we are scared of them. We're mostly concerned about mentally ill weirdos near children.
All you homophobes out there, please answer Howard Sterns question.

Stern was flabbergasted by the reactions, saying he wasn't bothered by companies that wanted to promote a transgender spokesperson.

"I thought there must be a piece of this story that I’m missing," Stern said on his show Monday. "I’m not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don’t impact my life, they don’t hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you f—ing want. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody, I’m on your team," he vented.

Stern revealed he wanted to hear directly from Kid Rock why he was upset by the partnership.

"I wish I could call Kid Rock and have him come on the show and just tell me ‘Why are you so upset about this? How is it hurtful?’ I don’t know why he got so upset," the radio host said.

So the question is, "in what ways is the trans movement harming people?"
The Left is exploiting these mentally ill people in the exact same way they exploit ALL minority groups…

Why has the Left become so evil?!?! Partial Birth Abortion? Illegal Immigration? Critical Race Training? Sexualizing Youth? Political Censorship? Many, many more…
The Left is exploiting these mentally ill people in the exact same way they exploit ALL minority groups…

Why has the Left become so evil?!?! Partial Birth Abortion? Illegal Immigration? Critical Race Training? Sexualizing Youth? Political Censorship? Many, many more…
It's like a remake of the movie Idiocracy. :oops:
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My wife went to a nearby grocery store late this afternoon. She said there was a huge display of Bud Light and was drastically marked down. It will be interesting to go back every couple of days and see if it’s selling or not.
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