Biden Solves High Gas Prices

Popular jock? 4 year "leterman"? 🤣


He literally just referred to himself as "the popular jock." You simply cannot make this personality type up. What a gift he is. 😂
I do not need to brag. Only little people like you need to do that. And what I have learned in life are the people bragging usually are I really do not believe that is your boat. You have ONE picture of A boat. that does not do it for me when a person like you uses it.
I will say again: Anytime anyone here say that @BSC911 doesn't have a good job, or that he is an embarrassment to other UF alums, yall are giving him huge compliments. You are entertaining the ideas that he has ever set foot on a college campus as a student, and that he has ever had or could have gainful employment.
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And yes, he has deleted his old posts. I went searching for some of his all-timers and LOLed when I saw he had pulled them.

This board is sooooooo important to him.
I clearly remember the time he posted about The Nasty Pelosi, saying, "way to go Nancy, you go girl."
What kind of self respecting male says "you go girl?" SFB911 of course deleted the post.

As for this part of the board, yes it's important to him since he makes lame contributions on the Swamp.
I clearly remember the time he posted about The Nasty Pelosi, saying, "way to go Nancy, you go girl."
What kind of self respecting male says "you go girl?" SFB911 of course deleted the post.

As for this part of the board, yes it's important to him since he makes lame contributions on the Swamp.
I've been told he is generally ignored on the Swamp and most posters there have no idea who he is. Course he doesn't troll there like he does here, cause he's scared to death of being banned there.
I clearly remember the time he posted about The Nasty Pelosi, saying, "way to go Nancy, you go girl."
What kind of self respecting male says "you go girl?" SFB911 of course deleted the post.

As for this part of the board, yes it's important to him since he makes lame contributions on the Swamp.
BScuck. The forum spin queen. Quick question! Can SCOTUS nominee tell if BScuck is a man or woman? :oops:

This AM on the way to Walmart, I listened to the Money Honey on ch 113 Fox Business on XM Radio. The Honey was talking about all the damage Brandon has done to US O&G. Today I pay 2 dollars more per gallon than on Election Day. Thank you, Brandon.

Everyone seems to have a clue except the BSC-level slow.
This AM on the way to Walmart, I listened to the Money Honey on ch 113 Fox Business on XM Radio. The Honey was talking about all the damage Brandon has done to US O&G. Today I pay 2 dollars more per gallon than on Election Day. Thank you, Brandon.

Everyone seems to have a clue except the BSC-level slow.
You should expand your news sources beyond Fox. Then you wouldn’t sound so ignorant. By all means, let’s just approve everything with no oversight.

But my biggest concern is Energy Transfer’s long history of pipeline spills. Between 2002 and 2018, Energy Transfer, its subsidiaries and joint ventures spilled 3.6 million gallons of hazardous liquids. This included 2.8 million gallons of crude oil in 527 separate incidents.

That means Energy Transfer pipelines leaked, on average, once every 11 days. And 67 of these spills were reported to have contaminated water, while 18 contaminated groundwater that provides people’s drinking water. Energy Transfer’s controversial Dakota Access Pipeline shows how unpopular and potentially destructive another pipeline could be.
I clearly remember the time he posted about The Nasty Pelosi, saying, "way to go Nancy, you go girl."
What kind of self respecting male says "you go girl?" SFB911 of course deleted the post.

As for this part of the board, yes it's important to him since he makes lame contributions on the Swamp.
How would you know, not that you could afford the $10/mo

You should expand your news sources beyond Fox. Then you wouldn’t sound so ignorant. By all means, let’s just approve everything with no oversight.

But my biggest concern is Energy Transfer’s long history of pipeline spills. Between 2002 and 2018, Energy Transfer, its subsidiaries and joint ventures spilled 3.6 million gallons of hazardous liquids. This included 2.8 million gallons of crude oil in 527 separate incidents.

That means Energy Transfer pipelines leaked, on average, once every 11 days. And 67 of these spills were reported to have contaminated water, while 18 contaminated groundwater that provides people’s drinking water. Energy Transfer’s controversial Dakota Access Pipeline shows how unpopular and potentially destructive another pipeline could be.
Who the frack do you think you are kidding? Remember, you claim you work in the oil industry? Can't keep all your lies straight can you? Telling! 😂
Joe keeps adding rigs.

Texas rig count jumps again as need for oil grows

The number of drilling rigs operating nationally climbed by 7 to 670 this week, according to oilfield services company Baker Hughes. Six of the rigs added last week were in Texas. Energy companies have added 253 rigs over the past year, a 62 percent increase from 402 during the same week in 2021.
A Kern County, CA O & G guest on WBAP in Cow Town told me Kern County alone could make huge dents in gasoline prices if Biden and Gov. Newson would remove restrictions. So MT and ND gov and now Kern County O & G guy tells me different than petroleum "expert" BSC is telling us.

A guest on Fox Business was dumbfounded at Brandon. Brandon says we need to export more LNG to Europe so to slow Russian exports. Hey Brandon. We're at capacity. O & G guys can't get permits to build new LNG plants.
A Kern County, CA O & G guest on WBAP in Cow Town told me Kern County alone could make huge dents in gasoline prices if Biden and Gov. Newson would remove restrictions. So MT and ND gov and now Kern County O & G guy tells me different than petroleum "expert" BSC is telling us.

A guest on Fox Business was dumbfounded at Brandon. Brandon says we need to export more LNG to Europe so to slow Russian exports. Hey Brandon. We're at capacity. O & G guys can't get permits to build new LNG plants.
THIS is how you know BScuck is a fraud. He doesn't know jackshit. We've been accustomed to to his blatant lies for what? At least two years. (I didn't jump into this fray before then, just stuck to the football forum for the most part prior to that). Oh, and BScuck never posted there either because he's an imbecile and had nothing to add there either. It's been years since I spent any time here in what used to be called "The Lounge" and it was a good group of UF graduates. BScuck and his ilk polluted it and all of the rest of them disappeared. Just a little background history and update. Now we even see the "woke" efftards escape from the Asylum from the main boards when the mods send a thread our way. Thanks, but just throw them all into the ditch and delete their bullshit before it hits here. 😂
THIS is how you know BScuck is a fraud. He doesn't know jackshit. We've been accustomed to to his blatant lies for what? At least two years. (I didn't jump into this fray before then, just stuck to the football forum for the most part prior to that). Oh, and BScuck never posted there either because he's an imbecile and had nothing to add there either. It's been years since I spent any time here in what used to be called "The Lounge" and it was a good group of UF graduates. BScuck and his ilk polluted it and all of the rest of them disappeared. Just a little background history and update. Now we even see the "woke" efftards escape from the Asylum from the main boards when the mods send a thread our way. Thanks, but just throw them all into the ditch and delete their bullshit before it hits here. 😂
You can go read @BSC911's early posts here. He was totally ignored. Even when he tried to troll to draw attention to himself, he was ignored.

When I arrived here, then Sunny Nail and Bill and others, the board took off and has never looked back.
You can go read @BSC911's early posts here. He was totally ignored. Even when he tried to troll to draw attention to himself, he was ignored.

When I arrived here, then Sunny Nail and Bill and others, the board took off and has never looked back.
He was a tard way back when he originally posted as "Bad Selection Committee". He was so horrid a poster he hid under a new sock, BSC911 (BScuck for clarification). He was the joke of the board 15 years ago. Nothing has changed, whatsoever. (except now that he claims he is a "leterman". 😂
LOL. I see Im still living rent free in the minds of the peanut gallery. They just can’t quit me.

He was a tard way back when he originally posted as "Bad Selection Committee". He was so horrid a poster he hid under a new sock, BSC911 (BScuck for clarification). He was the joke of the board 15 years ago. Nothing has changed, whatsoever. (except now that he claims he is a "leterman". 😂
Remember how upset he used to get when we said he used sock accounts? Then a few weeks later he slipped up and posted under his sock account as @BSC911?

LOL Sunny calls him our slowest for a reason.
Remember how upset he used to get when we said he used sock accounts? Then a few weeks later he slipped up and posted under his sock account as @BSC911?

LOL Sunny calls him our slowest for a reason.
nail1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. nail invited me here to read the handful declare themselves stupid.

Without the handful, this would not be a fun place to visit.
nail1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. nail invited me here to read the handful declare themselves stupid.

Without the handful, this would not be a fun place to visit.
Did he tell you to pretend you were in Mensa, or did you come up with that on your own?

Did he tell you to pretend you were in Mensa, or did you come up with that on your own?

I AM NOT A MEMBER OF MENSA. I have engaged in a Mensa class room test session, something in which you would fail. How can I make this more clear? It would serve me no purpose whatsoever to be a member.

On rare, rare, rare occasion Mensa member Geena Davis is mentioned in some publication. She's a celebrity. I'm not.
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I AM NOT A MEMBER OF MENSA. I have engaged in a Mensa class room test session, something in which you would fail. How can I make this more clear? It would serve me no purpose whatsoever to be a member.

On rare, rare, rare occasion Mensa member Geena Davis is mentioned in some publication. She's a celebrity. I'm not.
Yes, we know you aren't. You pretended to be since you joined here until I asked you to post your results. I can quote all of your fake Mensa claims again if you wish.

And sorry, dude, that silly quiz was not a Mensa test. You were duped. There are several online if you wish to redeem yourself.
Very feeble attempt at TRYING to brag. But we know who you are.
Actually, I'm not trying to brag. Only a poor person would think that. It's peanuts.

But I'm not sure I will renew at the end of the year. We'll see.

This is for the resident DUNCES that say the President does not have any effect over gas prices! ALSO you snowflakes are in trouble. I have a GREAT memory of all the things this brain dead POS ever said...but have never been able to find them on google, youtube etc. I want to thank those that turned me on to duckduck. I will use it to crucify these snowflakes for their lies. just a for instance...when you use youtubes search...this will not come up. But it DOES come up on duckduck. So can someone please remind me of what fascism stands for?
And THIS is for those same dunces. PLEASE explain how this does not effect gas prices! LOL

Their lies can't be walked back. They can't defend a losing proposition with so many self admissions they are trying to trash our energy sources, while turning us into a 3rd world shithole. Hell, one Brandon appointee openly admitted she wanted the banking system to bankrupt fuel companies. There is no defending the indefensible. :rolleyes:
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Yes, we know you aren't. You pretended to be since you joined here until I asked you to post your results. I can quote all of your fake Mensa claims again if you wish.

And sorry, dude, that silly quiz was not a Mensa test. You were duped. There are several online if you wish to redeem yourself.
Mensa testing has been undergoing change since it's founding. Not to worry. You would score low on any Mensa testing since it's founding.

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