Beyond Propaganda and Brainwash: The True Causes of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005

The brutal and escalating war in Ukraine undoubtedly represents the most dangerous security situation for the world since the end of WWII.
The narrative that is being relentlessly pounded into our minds by the Western globalist establishment goes like this:
The mad Russian leader Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine to realize his dream of reinstating the Soviet era power to Russia.
This narrative is completely wrong as is virtually everything that is said about the cause of this conflict in the mainstream media by their assorted analysts and “experts.”
We should not be surprised by this, since this is the same media that has been feeding us with one false narrative after another. Here are just some recent examples:
  • Trump conspired with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton
  • Covid-19 would wipe out a large chunk of the world’s population
  • BLM as a peaceful movement concerned with racial justice
  • Hunter Biden’s computer drive is part of the Russian misinformation campaign
  • The Covid vaccines are completely safe and highly effective
  • Biological men can become women and vice versa
  • Covid vaccines will keep you free from the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Anthony Fauci is an objective scientist whose only professional goal is the advancement of public health
  • The FDA is an agency that makes its decisions based on science
  • The Canadian truckers are racists, fascist, misogynists, insurrections, terrorists
  • Joe Biden is a wise experienced politician who will steady and unify our country and restore our standing in the world
The question is: Why would anyone in their right mind believe anything they say, and especially when they all say it in unison?
Based on their record, we can be almost certain that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media claims to be true. This is most certainly the case with their current “Putin is a power-hungry madman” tale.
It is rather disturbing, however, that the media that are incapable of telling the truth about anything have once again managed to brainwash a large portion of the population into swallowing its latest false narrative.
To counter the gross propaganda and misinformation campaign to which we have been subjected since the start of the Ukrainian war, we present analysis by two serious, clear-headed, fair, and highly knowledgeable experts on geopolitics who know a great deal about the situation in Eastern Europe. We offer this quick course on the causes and roots of the Ukrainian conflict in the form of four video presentations...
...If you are interested in learning the truth about an escalating conflict that may well lead to a nuclear war and the annihilation of civilization as we know it, it will be time well spent.

The brutal and escalating war in Ukraine undoubtedly represents the most dangerous security situation for the world since the end of WWII.
The narrative that is being relentlessly pounded into our minds by the Western globalist establishment goes like this:
The mad Russian leader Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine to realize his dream of reinstating the Soviet era power to Russia.
This narrative is completely wrong as is virtually everything that is said about the cause of this conflict in the mainstream media by their assorted analysts and “experts.”
We should not be surprised by this, since this is the same media that has been feeding us with one false narrative after another. Here are just some recent examples:
  • Trump conspired with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton
  • Covid-19 would wipe out a large chunk of the world’s population
  • BLM as a peaceful movement concerned with racial justice
  • Hunter Biden’s computer drive is part of the Russian misinformation campaign
  • The Covid vaccines are completely safe and highly effective
  • Biological men can become women and vice versa
  • Covid vaccines will keep you free from the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Anthony Fauci is an objective scientist whose only professional goal is the advancement of public health
  • The FDA is an agency that makes its decisions based on science
  • The Canadian truckers are racists, fascist, misogynists, insurrections, terrorists
  • Joe Biden is a wise experienced politician who will steady and unify our country and restore our standing in the world
The question is: Why would anyone in their right mind believe anything they say, and especially when they all say it in unison?
Based on their record, we can be almost certain that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media claims to be true. This is most certainly the case with their current “Putin is a power-hungry madman” tale.
It is rather disturbing, however, that the media that are incapable of telling the truth about anything have once again managed to brainwash a large portion of the population into swallowing its latest false narrative.
To counter the gross propaganda and misinformation campaign to which we have been subjected since the start of the Ukrainian war, we present analysis by two serious, clear-headed, fair, and highly knowledgeable experts on geopolitics who know a great deal about the situation in Eastern Europe. We offer this quick course on the causes and roots of the Ukrainian conflict in the form of four video presentations...
...If you are interested in learning the truth about an escalating conflict that may well lead to a nuclear war and the annihilation of civilization as we know it, it will be time well spent.
Let's kick it up a notch!! BAM!

Libtards breaking ties with the Black Lives Matters scam.

HUGE: BLM REMOVED! Amazon, California & Washington State CANCEL BLM's Ability To Fundraise!​

@kjfreeze I watched the Rickards video since it was the most concise. Guy seems to have his finger on the situation. There are lots of bad actors and blame on both sides. Putin is no doubt a monster, but Ukraine poked the bear and now we are where we are. Had Ukraine simply remained neutral like a Switzerland, doubtful this would be happening. Both sides could have given concessions, and Ukraine was in no position to be a threat to Moscow's most vulnerable pressure point. It could have been worked out.

It's no small coincidence that Clinton, Kerry, Obama, Pelosi and Biden all have their greasy fingerprints on all of this.
I guess I am older than most here. I knew decades ago who these snowflakes are. They have ALWAYS been what they are showing today...they now just fell comfortable doing so. They will lie, cheat, steal to accomplish their ridiculous agenda's. Just remember...they aided and comforted the N Vietnamese while our men were in combat...calling them "baby killers". They spit on them as they returned home. They admit now that not only is America NOT never has been. They have NO PROBLEM disrespecting our flag. And toady, a survey came out and a VERY low % of them would defend our Country if we were being invaded by a foreign power...while 65% of conservatives say they would. They are EXACTLY who I KNOW who they are...America's #1 enemy. America would be SO MUCH better off if they would accept a one way ticket out of here
@kjfreeze I watched the Rickards video since it was the most concise. Guy seems to have his finger on the situation. There are lots of bad actors and blame on both sides. Putin is no doubt a monster, but Ukraine poked the bear and now we are where we are. Had Ukraine simply remained neutral like a Switzerland, doubtful this would be happening. Both sides could have given concessions, and Ukraine was in no position to be a threat to Moscow's most vulnerable pressure point. It could have been worked out.

It's no small coincidence that Clinton, Kerry, Obama, Pelosi and Biden all have their greasy fingerprints on all of this.
I think this whole Ukraine war was agreed upon by Biden and Putin before the invasion even happened. The "big guy" is getting can count on that
@kjfreeze I watched the Rickards video since it was the most concise. Guy seems to have his finger on the situation. There are lots of bad actors and blame on both sides. Putin is no doubt a monster, but Ukraine poked the bear and now we are where we are. Had Ukraine simply remained neutral like a Switzerland, doubtful this would be happening. Both sides could have given concessions, and Ukraine was in no position to be a threat to Moscow's most vulnerable pressure point. It could have been worked out.

It's no small coincidence that Clinton, Kerry, Obama, Pelosi and Biden all have their greasy fingerprints on all of this.

Well we know Ukraine was used to pay people like the Biden's off. My guess is the lab stuff is mostly true also despite the media trying to cover it up as misinformation. Putin taking the Donbass area was bound to happen but poking the bear has led to the whole country being attacked. I bet our crooks have been telling Ukraine that Putin wouldn't invade the whole country.
To counter the gross propaganda and misinformation campaign to which we have been subjected since the start of the Ukrainian war, we present analysis by two serious, clear-headed, fair, and highly knowledgeable experts on geopolitics who know a great deal about the situation in Eastern Europe. We offer this quick course on the causes and roots of the Ukrainian conflict in the form of four video presentations...

...If you are interested in learning the truth about an escalating conflict that may well lead to a nuclear war and the annihilation of civilization as we know it, it will be time well spent.


You do realize that the speech given by Univ of Chicago professor was after the Ukrainian - Russia conflict started, right? LOL
Everything you need to know about the 2014 Ukraine crisis
By Max Sep 3, 2014, 11:01am EDT

Holy shit you guys are stupid.

"The clip is from a lecture that Professor Mearsheimer gave on September 25, 2015. This was more than six years before the start of the current Ukraine-Russian war. In this clip Mearsheimer uncannily predicts what was bound to happen to Ukraine. This is what he said at the time:

“What is going on here is that the West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked.”

Six and half years later Mearsheimer’s prediction has come true.

Amazing how the ongoing war in the sepratist regions is somehow not involved in recent invasion

But Putin himself has claimed its the reason behind his actions...
Russian speaking people in those regions are under attack by the Ukranian government

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I wonder if Brandon will arm Obama's pals in Tehran.
So Brandon is letting RUSSIA carve out and negotiate the Iran deal. You CANNOT make this BS up. Lets say Trump did this...(of course only the democrats are getting paid by all of these Country's) it would be non stop news coverage on the communist news network! Libs are openly trying to take over the Country forever...and turn us in to Venezuela. They do not even hide it. Lying, cheating, stealing is all fair game to them because they have no morals or character. Please never let our government take your guns away for ANY reason. I promise that if they ever find mine...they will have to take them by force. I will NEVER surrender my may as well know that if you surrender your freedoms.
Really? Name the last war started by a Democrat...

You stupid son
So I do not blame our wars solely on Democrats. there are PLENTY of Republicans that get paid by defense contractors also...but yes, not as many as the left has. McCain, Romney and ALL of the never Trumpers were all on the take. If the people on the left realized how crooked the people that they support are....and how NOT on the take Trump was, they would understand what is really happening in the world today...but with the shortage of grey matter that every one of them suffer from, it seems like this will never happen
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I wonder if he will ever make a deal or not. I think we all know Russia is going to take that Donbass pro-Russian region and that he will want to leave some forces in Western Ukraine to make sure they don't build up their military.
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I wonder if he will ever make a deal or not. I think we all know Russia is going to take that Donbass pro-Russian region and that he will want to leave some forces in Western Ukraine to make sure they don't build up their military.
It's pathetic that with the US Leadership being so weak, that NATO lets a non NATO Country dictate who can and can't become a member.
It's pathetic that with the US Leadership being so weak, that NATO lets a non NATO Country dictate who can and can't become a member.
Trump tried to tell us that without the US, NATO is a toothless tiger, and suckled on our government's teet forever. Now we're just part of the gang, the kids picked last for a pickup game. :oops:
It's pathetic that with the US Leadership being so weak, that NATO lets a non NATO Country dictate who can and can't become a member.

Its a crazy situation but with Putin acting the way he is now I think even Finland wont be allowed in without major threats and actions by him. I think his stance now is there will be no additional NATO countries sharing a border with Russia.

China is loving this crap. They just keep hitting on the theme America will abandon you hoping to weaken our role in the world. I am sure they would love it even more if we were crazy enough to get dragged into it.

China is loving this crap. They just keep hitting on the theme America will abandon you hoping to weaken our role in the world. I am sure they would love it even more if we were crazy enough to get dragged into it.
China would love for the US to get in volved in a war with Russia. The minute that happens, they make their move on the rest of Asia.
Its a crazy situation but with Putin acting the way he is now I think even Finland wont be allowed in without major threats and actions by him. I think his stance now is there will be no additional NATO countries sharing a border with Russia.
I HATE Putin with every ounce of hate I can...but I find it difficult not understanding how he feels this way. I like to look at situations "the other way" would WE feel if Russia took a Country right on our border? Well...we have already seen that happen, and the world almost came to an end.
The US is currently without leadership. And look who is next up behind Brandon. We're in a mess.
I do not think people understand this. And I do not have much doubt that Brandon will NOT finish his term. I will go a step further to say that THEY (meaning the socialist snowflakes) will turn on him and run him embarrassingly out of office.) That..or he will just die. If you listened to him today(it was SO embarrassing) slur his sounded like he drank 3 bottles of Chardonnay before he gave his little campaign speech.
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I HATE Putin with every ounce of hate I can...but I find it difficult not understanding how he feels this way. I like to look at situations "the other way" would WE feel if Russia took a Country right on our border? Well...we have already seen that happen, and the world almost came to an end.
I tend to agree. We would never allow Mexico or Canada to do something like that if some of the former alliances were still around. Putin didn't cause much of a fuss when the bordering countries did join NATO in 2004 but he was actually discussing Russia possibly joining at one point supposedly.
I tend to agree. We would never allow Mexico or Canada to do something like that if some of the former alliances were still around. Putin didn't cause much of a fuss when the bordering countries did join NATO in 2004 but he was actually discussing Russia possibly joining at one point supposedly.
NATO existed/exists to keep the USSR and now Russia in check. He was not joining the club.

Maybe if he took his own advice and demilitarized, got rid of his nukes, quit killing/jailing his political enemies then he might be allowed to join.

It would probably be a few decades of proving Russia's geopolitical goals align with the west before they could join. They would have to jettison Assad, Iran, Venezuela et al. They would have to help keep China in check. No love allowed for NK. Arms sales to the enemies of the west and USoA would have to stop. BRICS would have to be disbanded.

I mean, it could happen.
If something happens to Cumala...Speaker of the house is next in like for President...we need for that to happen after the mid terms! No problem!!
I get that, but I seriously doubt Brenda is going anywhere.

But thanks for clarifying anyway as I thought you were talking about Brenda taking over. Which, of course, I don’t think anybody wants.
I get that, but I seriously doubt Brenda is going anywhere.

But thanks for clarifying anyway as I thought you were talking about Brenda taking over. Which, of course, I don’t think anybody wants.
So I wonder about that. I do not think it is even remotely possible that Brandon finish his term. And even the socialists can see just how utter STUPID that she is. Remember who we are dealing with . They are DIRTY, ROTTEN lying trash...they will find a way to get Brenda out.....because they WILL turn on Brandon within the next year...maybe two on the outside.
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So I wonder about that. I do not think it is even remotely possible that Brandon finish his term. And even the socialists can see just how utter STUPID that she is. Remember who we are dealing with . They are DIRTY, ROTTEN lying trash...they will find a way to get Brenda out.....because they WILL turn on Brandon within the next year...maybe two on the outside.
I don’t disagree with anything you said here.