who won the N/C 9th district because of( and this is a hoot) allegations of REPUBLICAN VOTER FRAUD.
All ovr the nation, democrats were caught( and NOT PUNISHED) for fraudulently voting in districts where they were not registered, signing up ILLEGAL ALIENS, Felons, children, etc to vote absentee or filling out absentee ballots for nursing home patients or the DEAD in elections starting in 2008. Those caught are welcomed as HEROES by the democrat low intelligence voters at rallies.
In 15 recounts that took place after the 2018 elections, democrats won 14 of them. They plan on stealing this one as well.
It won't be the 1st time they have sworn in the loser in a House race. They did it back in the late 1980's in Indiana. That blatant theft of a seat in the House and the anger over it lead directly to Newt Gingrich taking the House after the 1994 elections.
All ovr the nation, democrats were caught( and NOT PUNISHED) for fraudulently voting in districts where they were not registered, signing up ILLEGAL ALIENS, Felons, children, etc to vote absentee or filling out absentee ballots for nursing home patients or the DEAD in elections starting in 2008. Those caught are welcomed as HEROES by the democrat low intelligence voters at rallies.
In 15 recounts that took place after the 2018 elections, democrats won 14 of them. They plan on stealing this one as well.
It won't be the 1st time they have sworn in the loser in a House race. They did it back in the late 1980's in Indiana. That blatant theft of a seat in the House and the anger over it lead directly to Newt Gingrich taking the House after the 1994 elections.