Batteries cost more than the car

Tessy is the American way. As a freedom loving American patriot this means a lot to me.
Let me know when your beloved Groper Joe and Pete ButtPlug start buying an EV. This is the thread where you truly belong to, since the entire EV market has crashed. You're looking more and more like a total loser since you lost your gold membership.
I am all for technology and if people want to buy those fancy golf carts it is okay by me- my issue is the dickhead in the WH and his minions want to force it on us
It's so much worse than that:

Govt - We want everyone to drive EV's.

People - OK, it's going to take a lot of minerals to get all of those batteries built, it's a good thing we have abundant resources.

Govt - Sorry, it'll pollute and destroy the earth if we did that, so we'll source most of it from China.

People - Doesn't China have a terrible environmental record? And aren't we just selling out control to China if we do that?

Govt - Yea but we'll put tariffs on Chinese EV's so the prices stay high. And you know that as long as WE reduce our carbon footprint here China can do whatever it wants and we won't be affected.

People - WTF?

Govt - Don't worry, don't worry. We'll take your tax money and give some of it back to offset these higher prices. We'll also subsidize the companies making the cars with your tax money.

People - No thanks, I'm out. ICE is fine with me.

Govt - Oh, we have a plan for that too. We'll just mandate that you have to buy an EV in the next few years. See? We're here to help.

Fantastic opportunity!!!! But you have to be a Cali cat, not some white trash from
It's so much worse than that:

Govt - We want everyone to drive EV's.

People - OK, it's going to take a lot of minerals to get all of those batteries built, it's a good thing we have abundant resources.

Govt - Sorry, it'll pollute and destroy the earth if we did that, so we'll source most of it from China.

People - Doesn't China have a terrible environmental record? And aren't we just selling out control to China if we do that?

Govt - Yea but we'll put tariffs on Chinese EV's so the prices stay high. And you know that as long as WE reduce our carbon footprint here China can do whatever it wants and we won't be affected.

People - WTF?

Govt - Don't worry, don't worry. We'll take your tax money and give some of it back to offset these higher prices. We'll also subsidize the companies making the cars with your tax money.

People - No thanks, I'm out. ICE is fine with me.

Govt - Oh, we have a plan for that too. We'll just mandate that you have to buy an EV in the next few years. See? We're here to help.
You still using a flip phone slim? Its a far superior machine go test drive a tessy, there is no turning back…. Don’t be scared
thats a hell of a ride, if youre out of the game, it serves its purpose.
My car weighs as much as my bike and my bike, while a vintage monster from the 70s, barely weighs a grand. How much does your Tessy weigh?

Here's a hint the less mass it has to push the more efficiently it runs and accelerates.

Also, you can buy one running for less than a grand.

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