As ole DCand theUTBand


Gator Great
Sep 5, 2001
has said my goal is a cabin in the woods.

If Trump ekes this out or not the long term trends are not good.

The right to "be left alone" is under attack by the dumbocrat collectivist. Universal HC will require mandatory participation. Dems want an unconstitutional wealth tax. At some point moving to the woods will require nearly impossible permitting requirements because the left will want everyone in the cities.

I have to have solar, a creek, spring or well, and wood heat not because, as I age, I want to fool with those things but because independence will require me to have them.

You see the collectivist would have all of us be wage slaves and work until we are at an ever increasing retirement age and keel over dead.

The young are sold a bill of goods about the common good. The common good is slavery to the group.

Well while many will chase an ever increasingly impossible American Dream right up until they die. I will be opting out with a reduced standard of living but still free.

I will not work to pay higher taxes, will hide my wealth from confiscation, and take a leisurely approach to my last quarter-
century/half-century of life.

Oh and when the inevitable comes and I have to get care from commie care, I will be at the doctors door asking for my right to HC even though I will have paid near zilch into it. Leftards can suck my nads.

To paraphrase, "sorta" in spirit, Davy Crockett the guy in my avatar:


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