You always resort to this silly straw man when your arguments get obliterated. Pump the breaks on what? Who said anything about Mullen dominating the competition? The team was 4-7 the year before, they SHOULD struggle. You see anybody here making grand proclamations like y’all are doing? Saying Mac didn’t really accomplish anything and Mullen’s teams would obliterate his has nothing to do with pumping up Mullen. It’s supported by facts. Mullen’s one team had a better offense (far better actually), even defense, better special teams, and beat more ranked teams. Unfortunately for Mullen the East wasn’t a trash heap like it was 3 years ago so he couldn’t backdoor his way into a title. Mac won a division losing MORE games than Mullen just lost and you think that supports your point?
And LOL@ almost coulda lost, that’s what we’re resorting to now? Yea well Kirby actually lost to Vandy in year 1 and other garbage teams like GT at home but that hasn’t stopped you from declaring him the next Belicheck. But Mullen’s year 1 losses get scrutinized to death. And btw the draft doesn’t support your point that UF was more talented than UK or Mizzou. It’s almost like you don’t pay attention to what you’re actually talking about. UK just had a player go 7th overall in the draft for starters while we didn’t have our first player picked until the 2nd round. And all our seniors went undrafted. Do I need to keep going?