AP ??? 💤 💤💤💤💤💤
When compared to "DCDraino" I'll stick with AP .
AP ??? 💤 💤💤💤💤💤
When compared to "DCDraino" I'll stick with AP .
It would seem that ALL of us would want to insure that this election is straight up. We all suffer if it isn't.
OK welcher any link showing admissible evidence proving your claimed widespread fraud that has been introduced into these states. Link, you know some verification of this proof you claim. Otherwise just another Ghost Hoodwinin' lyin and welchin'.
You would think. However, there’s at least one in this board that wants every illegal vote counted
Ghost gets it. This is not classical mechanics. There is nothing hard here.Every dem here is just fine with their cheating.
We are good people, they are not. It's really not that complicated.
Ghost gets it. This is not classical mechanics. There is nothing hard here.
The hell of it is, these people are literal morons. They are desperate to destroy the source of a better life for each of them.
@Nolec is homeless on the street. A stretch limousines stops. A man in a suit gets out, hands @Nolec a huge money clip with thousand dollar bills and winks at him and whispers "Take this and go live a happy life!'
@Nolec looks at him, and screams "You fool! That money could have germs all over it, are you trying to kill me???"
Trump shakes his head, gets back in his limo and drives off.
Would be nice if you joined us on the sports board to discuss Coach Cornrows and FSU football.Starting to feel like I might need to pay welcher some rent for all that space in his head, even though most is empty anyway. Making up entire vignettes about me..... somewhat unsettling. May need an intervention for that boy. LOL
Would be nice if you joined us on the sports board to discuss Coach Cornrows and FSU football.
Would be nice if you joined us on the sports board to discuss Coach Cornrows and FSU football.
I've watched a total of 30 mins of college football this year and even I know that FSU sucks as badly as @Nolec's defense of worthless masks. LOL
Yep, them worthless masks are bad. Getcha a good one and wear it. Welcher
I will give props to the loyal FSU fans around the Jax area, still wearing their hats and shirts with pride, unlike the Dwag fans who haven't worn their attire out in the streets since November 7th. Funny I used to see so many Dwag shirts and hats worn at the gym but these same dudes haven't worn them since.Haven't been there much this year, depressing. At least we're not Penn St. coming in with actual expectations.
I will give props to the loyal FSU fans around the Jax area, still wearing their hats and shirts with pride, unlike the Dwag fans who haven't worn their attire out in the streets since November 7th. Funny I used to see so many Dwag shirts and hats worn at the gym but these same dudes haven't worn them since.
Don't get mad at me cause you keep picking the losing team. You just make poor life choices. I suspect as a younger and dumber man you hated the idea of FSU hiring some 'fatass redneck from Birmingham' to coach FSU.
Probably said it while wearing the same snot-encrusted mask you're wearing now LMAO!
Daydreaming Nolec vignettes again. Troubles me. Welcher has lost so many real disagreements with me, he's making up narratives to make himself look better. Self-Hoodwinking . LOL
You just hanging out in the bad hoods GD3! HeheheI will give props to the loyal FSU fans around the Jax area, still wearing their hats and shirts with pride, unlike the Dwag fans who haven't worn their attire out in the streets since November 7th. Funny I used to see so many Dwag shirts and hats worn at the gym but these same dudes haven't worn them since.
Weird. CNN doesn’t think it’s conspiracyWelcher daydreams stories about me, thinks masks kill, Fauci's getting 500M, and there is no flu shot and thinks I have no idea of the real world. 8oM to 74M popular vote (Trump lost that twice) and 306 to 238 Electoral College sounds like real world. To date there has been zero evidence produced in a court to prove wide-spread voter fraud. That's real world. Wacko dead Venezuelan dictator theories with no evidence is not real world. Demon sperm Drs. is not real world. At this juncture, the Republican Party is running their future into the ground.
Welcher daydreams stories about me, thinks masks kill, Fauci's getting 500M, and there is no flu shot and thinks I have no idea of the real world. 8oM to 74M popular vote (Trump lost that twice) and 306 to 238 Electoral College sounds like real world. To date there has been zero evidence produced in a court to prove wide-spread voter fraud. That's real world. Wacko dead Venezuelan dictator theories with no evidence is not real world. Demon sperm Drs. is not real world. At this juncture, the Republican Party is running their future into the ground.
Affidavits are evidence and we know they have hundreds of them.
They say they have more. I suspect they do.
I suspect we will find out that your party are the massive cheaters that we've always suspected they were. Coordinated at a high level.
Here's where I was wrong: I overestimated the morals and pure intelligence of sheep like you. I assumed for the longest time, that we would eventually reach a point where the sheep would have an epiphany and say to themselves "Oh wow, I've been wrong about this the whole time!'
But over the last few years, we had these 'lightbulb' moments over and over again that SHOULD have woke you sheep up.
It never did. You always blamed others, moved the goalposts.
The sheep are literally brainwashed. They suffer from mental illness at this point.
And as soon as Trump wins his 2nd term, we need to get them some help.
Affidavits are not evidence in a court unless they are presented to that court. Therefore they are no more evidence than S. Powell, Rudy saying there's massive fraud, in other words , zero evidence in the court.
A lawyer that presents knowingly false evidence in to the court to obtain a hearing can be disbarred.... this is why none of it has been presented in a court. Welcher if they had it would be in front of a judge long ago.
Affidavits are not evidence in a court unless they are presented to that court. Therefore they are no more evidence than S. Powell, Rudy saying there's massive fraud, in other words , zero evidence in the court.
A lawyer that presents knowingly false evidence in to the court to obtain a hearing can be disbarred.... this is why none of it has been presented in a court. Welcher if they had it would be in front of a judge long ago.
Do you believe half the shit you post or is this another failed troll attempt?
Affidavits are not evidence in a court unless they are presented to that court. Therefore they are no more evidence than S. Powell, Rudy saying there's massive fraud, in other words , zero evidence in the court.
Don't you get tired of making assertions that are never true? You and your master Trump are the most accomplished liars ever.Of course not! LMAO!
24 hours ago you were claiming the courts kept slapping down Trump, this morning the courts slap down you and order that PA cannot be certified.
No biggie! LMAO!
There was no voter fraud!
There wasn't widespread voter fraud!
There wasn't enough voter fraud to change the outcome of the election!
Once states are certified, it's over!
Doesn't matter if the states aren't certified <----YOU ARE HERE
They don't have any evidence of voter fraud!
They don't have enough evidence of voter fraud!
They can't prove it!
Doesn't matter if they can prove it!
Trump stole this election!
All proceeding according to plan! LMAO!
Pattern recognition cannot be taught.Affidavits are evidence and we know they have hundreds of them.
They say they have more. I suspect they do.
I suspect we will find out that your party are the massive cheaters that we've always suspected they were. Coordinated at a high level.
Here's where I was wrong: I overestimated the morals and pure intelligence of sheep like you. I assumed for the longest time, that we would eventually reach a point where the sheep would have an epiphany and say to themselves "Oh wow, I've been wrong about this the whole time!'
But over the last few years, we had these 'lightbulb' moments over and over again that SHOULD have woke you sheep up.
It never did. You always blamed others, moved the goalposts.
The sheep are literally brainwashed. They suffer from mental illness at this point.
And as soon as Trump wins his 2nd term, we need to get them some help.
Don't you get tired of making assertions that are never true? You and your master Trump are the most accomplished liars ever.
Would you want to bet on the Pennsylvania certification?
Affidavits are evidence. And can be presented to any court. Are you saying that they have affidavits they are NOT submitting ?
Remember that in strict usage, affidavits can carry the perjury charge if untrue
Affidavits are not evidence
Affidavits are a very weak form of evidence
Affidavits are a very weak form of evidence, and only valid if properly sworn. They are not at deposition level as there is no examination of fact or cross exam. They state the person's beliefs, observations, even feelings. Ex. in Powell's Mich. case there are affidavits stating Republican observers felt less welcome. The huge flaw of the case is the major allegations of vote fraud are made based on only statistical observations. This won't climb the bar to overturning Michigan's election.
Love watching the sheep try to move the goalposts as their hopes and dreams come crashing down.
LoL.... why are depositions stronger? Because opposing council is present. Why is court testimony stronger? Because there’s cross
who the eff is the opposing attorney here!?!???!!
it has to start with affidavits dude....you’re either ignorant or willfully erecting BS straw men assuming I’m ignorant. Whether this eventually goes somewhere solid with regards to Safe Harbor day is certainly not sure, but for you to just waive you hands and dismiss affidavits is just being stupid
3rd District Federal Appeals Court apparently was not impressed with those affidavits either. That was a sharp rebuke.
Only if they take it but obviously you haven't read the opinion perhaps the most scathing I've ever seen , decided 3 to 0 written by a Trump appointee with all 3 Judges Republicans. Not likely to be taken by the ScotusAnd where does the case go now?
To the Supreme Court.