All about power and control, not ability to serve. The John Fetterman fiasco.


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Fetterman hears voices like the teachers in 'Peanuts' after stroke, struggles to adjust to Senate life: report

There's a rumor going around his wife calls him the "Great Pumpkin" now. 😂

Vote by mail, drop boxes, allowing election officials to change voting laws, etc.

Look, this isn’t a dem thing, it’s a Republican thing as well.
I can't see where it's been a GOP thing, other than a counter-offensive to Dimtard gerrymandering.
Vote by mail, drop boxes, allowing election officials to change voting laws, etc.

Look, this isn’t a dem thing, it’s a Republican thing as well.
That wouldn't make PA red. Born and raised in PA. Lived from Philadelphia County to Washington County. PA is definitely purple leaning blue. It's been that way since the 80s. Just follow the election history, they vote mostly Democrats for governor, senator and president.

They have more counties that are republican but not enough people in them to erase the highly democratic Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and it's surrounding suburb.

Those changes won't generate the results you alluded to based on my experience.
Dems will do terrible things to people for power.

Dr. Jill should be charged with elder abuse.
This. It is sad. I honestly feel sorry of Joe and Fetterman. These men need help, care, and human dignity and the people around them...the people who are supposed to love them the most use them, exploit them for power. Its really pretty sick.
This. It is sad. I honestly feel sorry of Joe and Fetterman. These men need help, care, and human dignity and the people around them...the people who are supposed to love them the most use them, exploit them for power. Its really pretty sick.
Liberals are, in general, sh!tty people
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How does one vote for a person that was so obviously compromised? He was clearly a potato and now people feign surprise that he is a potato?
Ummmmm. Joe Hiden much? That clown checked out of reality years ago. He can't even read a teleprompter without a major dose of Adderal. The Potato has a special little corner of hell waiting for him. Hell, just like a defective gas grill, with hotspots custom made for his ilk and Hillary Clinton.

“What truly blows my mind, though, is that these are the same press outlets that reported on Donald Trump walking down a ramp slowly and holding a glass of water with two hands, as if it was grounds for forced removal from office. Meanwhile, they pretend that Fetterman is just fine and shouldn’t resign despite how obvious it is that he’s not going to recover. The hypocrisy is off the charts.”
Ummmmm. Joe Hiden much? That clown checked out of reality years ago. He can't even read a teleprompter without a major dose of Adderal. The Potato has a special little corner of hell waiting for him. Hell, just like a defective gas grill, with hotspots custom made for his ilk and Hillary Clinton.
If the election was not rigged, Brandon would have totaled about 45-50 million votes. Most of those people do not love America, so that explains a bunch