All about power and control, not ability to serve. The John Fetterman fiasco.

As proud as Georgians who appreciate supporting white nationalist anti-semites?

By what metric is this considered working?
He's too stupid or ignorant to realize that the difference is that Feinstein is being pressured to resign by democrats while Fetterman was or is not. But his stupidity has no limits. And EvilWayz, I hope you realize that the bozo you addressed the question to doesn't know the meaning of a question mark.
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He's too stupid or ignorant to realize that the difference is that Feinstein is being pressured to resign by democrats while Fetterman was or is not. But his stupidity has no limits. And EvilWayz, I hope you realize that the bozo you addressed the question to doesn't know the meaning of a question mark.
You do know the PA has a democrat governor and they still would retain the majority. The democrats lose nothing if Fetterman and/or Feinstein resign. The difference is Fetterman can make it to work and Feinstein can't. You are overthinking this or trying too hard to criticize the democrats. Ill let you decide.

Apparently you are the one confused.
He is sitting there - yes - but his brain is NOT working.
I think it’s extremely sad.
His brain is clearly working but at a slower pace. So stroke victims shouldn't be allowed in government or work at all? Did you think that he would have a stroke and be great in 1 year? The stroke that he had will take years for recovery and the voters of PA are ok with. The sad part is how you view stroke recovery people.
By what metric is this considered working?
He's physically able to vote and process thoughts. His processing skills is at a slower pace than normal but he can still process. What is wrong with that?

I worked with a guy in a chemistry department that suffered a massive stroke, he came back after 6 months and his pace was just like Fetterman. He still was able to complete his projects but he definitely was at a slower processing pace than his normal self. He got better and is now night and day, 3 years later.
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He's physically able to vote and process thoughts. His processing skills is at a slower pace than normal but he can still process. What is wrong with that?

I worked with a guy in a chemistry department that suffered a massive stroke, he came back after 6 months and his pace was just like Fetterman. He still was able to complete his projects but he definitely was at a slower processing pace than his normal self. He got better and is now night and day, 3 years later.
I suffered a massive stroke two years ago and it took me a year to learn how to walk, talk, and control my bowels again and my memory is still shit sometimes.

And I'm not in Congress.

That dude is too jacked up to be in charge of an ice cream truck.
You do know the PA has a democrat governor and they still would retain the majority. The democrats lose nothing if Fetterman and/or Feinstein resign. The difference is Fetterman can make it to work and Feinstein can't. You are overthinking this or trying too hard to criticize the democrats. Ill let you decide.

His brain is clearly working but at a slower pace. So stroke victims shouldn't be allowed in government or work at all? Did you think that he would have a stroke and be great in 1 year? The stroke that he had will take years for recovery and the voters of PA are ok with. The sad part is how you view stroke recovery people.
Your very amateurish attempt to “stroke shame” me is what is truly offensive.
Why? Because my Mother suffered at least three strokes and the cumulative effect left her with a severe deficit just before she passed away. So don’t you even try to pull that garbage on me.
I suffered a massive stroke two years ago and it took me a year to learn how to walk, talk, and control my bowels again and my memory is still shit sometimes.

And I'm not in Congress.

That dude is too jacked up to be in charge of an ice cream truck.
You are dealing with such a bozo who will probably tell you that you know nothing about strokes even having experienced a major one yourself. He will not give you an inch and dealing with him is a complete waste of time.
All the best healthwise to you.
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He works like Brandon does....cannot even complete a full sentence. What is it with you lefties electing people who's brains do not function fully? Do you think it makes you all look better, with all of your shortcomings?
His best effort was when he opened the debate with Oz by addressing the crowd with his opening line, "Goodnight, everyone!". 😂
His best effort was when he opened the debate with Oz by addressing the crowd with his opening line, "Goodnight, everyone!". 😂
That make me LOL THEN...and now again. Funny part is...these lefty communist's talk about how Oz was the "bad candidate"...and their guy is just like the idiot that was installed illegally in the white house.....BRAIN DEAD.
He works like Brandon does....cannot even complete a full sentence. What is it with you lefties electing people who's brains do not function fully? Do you think it makes you all look better, with all of your shortcomings?

I wonder if goldmom considers this stroke shaming?
Apparently you are the one confused.
He is sitting there - yes - but his brain is NOT working.
I think it’s extremely sad.
Just like the majority of lefties in public office. They refuse to see the reality that the people they vote for are incompetent morons from top to bottom.
I tell me.

Well if you were consistent you would consider all of the stroke victims are too disabled to work talk as stroke shaming of the actual victims...

You were quite quick to jump to that accusation at kalim...

Silence on ron and jb1215

Do you think stroke victims are incompetant morons like jb1215 said ?

What would you have said to someone who called your mother that ?

"They refuse to see the reality that the people they vote for are incompetent morons from top to bottom."
Well if you were consistent you would consider all of the stroke victims are too disabled to work talk as stroke shaming of the actual victims...

You were quite quick to jump to that accusation at kalim...

Silence on ron and jb1215

Do you think stroke victims are incompetant morons like jb1215 said ?

What would you have said to someone who called your mother that ?

"They refuse to see the reality that the people they vote for are incompetent morons from top to bottom."
Stroke victims are not morons and not all morons have had a stroke.
Nice try.
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Your very amateurish attempt to “stroke shame” me is what is truly offensive.
Why? Because my Mother suffered at least three strokes and the cumulative effect left her with a severe deficit just before she passed away. So don’t you even try to pull that garbage on me.
It's not stroke shame, you are criticizing a man in recovery from a stroke. Do you think because he suffered a stroke, he shouldn't be allowed in the congress? That's the question.

I have seen multiple people recovery from it, so I think he should be given the chance and if his progress isn't enough in 6 years then the voters can decide what to do but to be harsh or make fun of the man for not being back to normal from a stroke in about a year is sad and pretty cruel TBH.
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It's not stroke shame, you are criticizing a man in recovery from a stroke. Do you think because he suffered a stroke, he shouldn't be allowed in the congress? That's the question.

I have seen multiple people recovery from it, so I think he should be given the chance and if his progress isn't enough in 6 years then the voters can decide what to do but to be harsh or make fun of the man for not being back to normal from a stroke in about a year is sad and pretty cruel TBH.
Where did I make fun of him? WHERE?
I said it was sad.
I hope for his own sake he’s able to recover but right now he’s in a high pressure situation that cannot help him to do so. He needs to be focused on recovery therapy.
You can’t admit that.
I guess goldmom is diagnosing him after close review of his medical records and intimate knowledge about his therapy & recovery?

Lets leave that to medical professionals actually handling his care
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Where did I make fun of him? WHERE?
I said it was sad.
I hope for his own sake he’s able to recover but right now he’s in a high pressure situation that cannot help him to do so. He needs to be focused on recovery therapy.
You can’t admit that.
You all are making fun of his slow pace. You clearly said his brain isn't working because he's talking slow. Is that not making fun of the complications from his stroke?

I will never tell him how he should recover. Everyone will recover differently. If he feels like he can do both AND his doctor agrees, then do both.

But we should accept that he's not going to be normal for awhile. You guys are clearly judging him based of the stroke effects.

I also never said that Feinstein should resign but I understand why some Dems are asking her to, because she actually can't make it to work.
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Well if you were consistent you would consider all of the stroke victims are too disabled to work talk as stroke shaming of the actual victims...

You were quite quick to jump to that accusation at kalim...

Silence on ron and jb1215

Do you think stroke victims are incompetant morons like jb1215 said ?

What would you have said to someone who called your mother that ?

"They refuse to see the reality that the people they vote for are incompetent morons from top to bottom."
Think about this. I am literally being criticized by the far right on here because I believe that we should be understanding of stroke victims and what they are going through while recovering.

They think that we should just kick people to the curb, if they have a bad stroke. I'll never agree with that.
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