A good (finally) poll for Trump

If she is an idiot, and you are expressing your opinion, then what does that say about people who vote for a man that only wants to destroy our country? Whether you like the Dem. ticket Or not, Trump is the greatest nut job in the political arena. He cannot realize his mouth is his own worst enemy. He has a personality that makes people want to slap him into eternity.. I have lived a long time and Trump is the most obnoxious person I have ever listened to. My opinion here.
What does this have ANYTHING to do with outrageous grocery prices, high interest rates, open borders, and WWIII about to start Jimbo? Do you think your priorities MAY be a bit fuched up son? Let me get this are OK with someone ruing the Country...but they need to be nice about it? Because that is EXACTLY what you just posted. Or would you take a few things you consider "mean" and have young people be able to afford to buy a new home again(they CANNOT now) our borders closed(they have not been for over 3 years) and the wars brought on BY FJB and Kommie Allah because THEY orchestrated the most HORRIBLE, embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan possible? What are your priorities Jimbo? Oh...and how does/did Trump do ANYTHING to destroy the Country?? Put up or STFU son! Lets hear it.

Combine Dem oversampling and the shy Trump voter and we might be able to get to "too big to rig".

I'd guess those two factors are worth 6-8 points.

Here is the funny thing. The pollsters all got busted using D+5 oversampling. They were getting hammered on social.

Now they have switched to over sampling Biden voters in 2020. So more independents and republicans, but people that voted for Biden. It’s quite comical to watch.
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If she is an idiot, and you are expressing your opinion, then what does that say about people who vote for a man that only wants to destroy our country? Whether you like the Dem. ticket Or not, Trump is the greatest nut job in the political arena. He cannot realize his mouth is his own worst enemy. He has a personality that makes people want to slap him into eternity.. I have lived a long time and Trump is the most obnoxious person I have ever listened to. My opinion here.

Jimbo. Here is what leftist media was on board with until a month ago.

Here is the funny thing. The pollsters all got busted using D+5 oversampling. They were getting hammered on social.

Now they have switched to over sampling Biden voters in 2020. So more independents and republicans, but people that voted for Biden. It’s quite comical to watch.
2 reasons they do this..
1) Cover for the cheat, it's real fishy if she's down 8 and wins by 6
2) Keeping her base hopeful the ensure they turn out
Jimbo. Here is what leftist media was on board with until a month ago.

So the same people who told us Joe was sharp as a tack and ready for 4 more years, that Kamala was a drag on him and needed to be replaced...are now telling us Kamala is ready to lead the nation into prosperity?

I think we should believe them. I don't know why yo, I just have a feeling they're right this time.
It is simply not believable that she's ahead. She spends her entire time with her foot in her mouth and then when that comes out.

The village idiots don't care. Either they are the "free shit" crowd or live in a socialist utopia inside their pee sized brains.
There are a small few that are so wealthy that they live in an alternate universe where it doesn't even affect them. That explains Hollyweird very quickly.
It is simply not believable that she's ahead. She spends her entire time with her foot in her mouth and then when that comes out, she replaces it with something else ...
I have gone on record all over these threads saying I DO NOT BELIEVE SHE IS. I will still call an electoral landslide for Trump. I consider anything he gets over 300 a landslide
It is simply not believable that she's ahead. She spends her entire time with her foot in her mouth and then when that comes out, she replaces it with something else ...
These are the kind
It is simply not believable that she's ahead. She spends her entire time with her foot in her mouth and then when that comes out, she replaces it with something else ...
this is some of things I base my opinion on. And I add...MANY demographics like Hispanic, blacks, young people have shifted HEAVILY for Trump. He lost by 40K votes divided in 3-4 swing states(I think it was stolen from him).

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I think it's pretty easy to project how she'll actually do and how the MSM will paint her performance.

The terms night and day come to mind ...
Yep. Congratulations Joe, you answered all the questions! :rolleyes: 😂 I'll bet Dr Jill Drapes is still stewing about being evicted from her Oval Office floral decorations.

Trump destroyed Biden and Biden self destructed, the same is going to happen to her. But that won't be the fable they tell.
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Yep. And the funny part is there are plenty of polls that still show trump way ahead. Trafalgar, Rasmussen, and even some you have listed will still be Trump electoral wins.

One thing not being talked about enough is this….

That’s from April. The latest trends are even worse for Dems. That’s not to mention the massive dem advantage in california. So when taken as a whole, a D+5 national poll is a joke at best. And there are worse. I have seen D+9.
How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.
  • Wow
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How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.
Not sure if you've been paying attention, but there has been a lot less name-calling and a lot more focus on the issues from Trump over the last little bit. The accusations you are making or not what they once were. The media painted is something entirely different.. I watched the interview where Trump was interviewed by several black female journalists and I thought he did a great job., but the press claimed it was something other than that. I wondered aloud if they watched the same thing I did ...
How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.

It’s bad because the pollsters are using 2020 results and voter data for their polling. In 2020 we were a D+5 voter registration country. We are no longer that. This is from April of 24, and it has tightened even more since then if you look at month over month gains and losses per state.

So what it means is that they are over sampling Dem voters in all the polls, and yet the betting markets are still favoring Trump.

So yes, it’s bad news for Dems. And if the rumors about RFK are true…things are getting ready to get real spicy.

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It’s bad because the pollsters are using 2020 results and voter data for their polling. In 2020 we were a D+5 voter registration country. We are no longer that. This is from April of 24, and it has tightened even more since then if you look at month over month gains and losses per state.

So what it means is that they are over sampling Dem voters in all the polls, and yet the betting markets are still favoring Trump.

So yes, it’s bad news for Dems. And if the rumors about RFK are true…things are getting ready to get real spicy.

The commie's dismissal of RFK may come back to bite her, particularly with the way she did it. It really pissed him off. Which is further highlights what horrible politician she is in addition to being a stupid person in general ...
How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.
Somewhere in here I must have missed the 9% inflation, triple high interest rates, open borders and WWIII about to start. Did I miss something, or are you kind of a soft person?
  • Haha
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How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.
Oh he is debating the issues. But The Toe won't show up for a debate and hides in the cellar. She flat out declined a debate on Fox because she knows......... No way she is going to debate Trump in front of an audience who is going to pillage and burn her at the stake. Trump on the other hand couldn't care less. He'll go into hostile territory and give back as good as given. And you know it.

Not sure if you've been paying attention, but there has been a lot less name-calling and a lot more focus on the issues from Trump over the last little bit. The accusations you are making or not what they once were. The media painted is something entirely different.. I watched the interview where Trump was interviewed by several black female journalists and I thought he did a great job., but the press claimed it was something other than that. I wondered aloud if they watched the same thing I did ...
I actually do not pay attention anymore. I stopped watching FOX News 4 years ago and do not go to bed irritated or mad anymore. It got me riled up for years, but no more.
Facts actually do not matter, perception does. What I am saying is people's perception of President Trump is a name calling bully. Honestly, I cannot stand him, but I like his policies - except tariffs. I will vote for him a third time this year even if I do not like him as a person. However, there are many people who will not do that. Hopefully, we can overcome people's negative perceptions, and he wins.
I put ZERO credence in polls. What matters is the end vote count of the electoral college.
Currently, I am way more focused on beating Miami next Saturday than anything else - so GO GATORS!!!!
Somewhere in here I must have missed the 9% inflation, triple high interest rates, open borders and WWIII about to start. Did I miss something, or are you kind of a soft person?
Soft is not in my vocabulary D##k head. I am 66 years old and have never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am a lifelong Republican and run a financial planning practice, so I am more aware of the economic conditions than most. I never once said anything good about the Dems in my post. I said many people I know refuse to vote for Trump. Read the post next time before making your d++k head comments.
I actually do not pay attention anymore. I stopped watching FOX News 4 years ago and do not go to bed irritated or mad anymore. It got me riled up for years, but no more.
Facts actually do not matter, perception does. What I am saying is people's perception of President Trump is a name calling bully. Honestly, I cannot stand him, but I like his policies - except tariffs. I will vote for him a third time this year even if I do not like him as a person. However, there are many people who will not do that. Hopefully, we can overcome people's negative perceptions, and he wins.
I put ZERO credence in polls. What matters is the end vote count of the electoral college.
Currently, I am way more focused on beating Miami next Saturday than anything else - so GO GATORS!!!!
Nothing I disagree with here. You are one of the few that do not let personality outweigh performance. We have MANY on here that disregard FACTUAL performance for personality. The problem I see with this is you have one side that has used the government agncies to take out their political opponents, disregarded the Constitution in EVERY case, has the WORST record of any administration in 5 decades, that INSTALLED their current candidate that has NEVER been voted for by "We the People". Want to talk personalities? Walz is a VALOR THIEF. He lied about his service for political gain. He let his city BURN to the ground when he could have stopped it immediatly. PLEASE...someone tell me what Trump has EVER done to compare to this? So sorry....the media 24/7 is after Trump...NO ONE would look good to the public inder that scrutiny. LASTLY...look at all the candidates families and what do you see? I will compare Trumps family to any of them, because ALL of the dims families are straight GARBAGE people, and it is not even close. That is as telling as you can get
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Soft is not in my vocabulary D##k head. I am 66 years old and have never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am a lifelong Republican and run a financial planning practice, so I am more aware of the economic conditions than most. I never once said anything good about the Dems in my post. I said many people I know refuse to vote for Trump. Read the post next time before making your d++k head comments.
Maybe I should have left that last part out. Sorry. Looking back, I deserved this. I still do not believe a word in the post you quoted on this subject, because you left out the MUCH, MUCH worse stuff the dims do. I consider valor theft worse than some mean tweets personally
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I actually do not pay attention anymore. I stopped watching FOX News 4 years ago and do not go to bed irritated or mad anymore. It got me riled up for years, but no more.
Facts actually do not matter, perception does. What I am saying is people's perception of President Trump is a name calling bully. Honestly, I cannot stand him, but I like his policies - except tariffs. I will vote for him a third time this year even if I do not like him as a person. However, there are many people who will not do that. Hopefully, we can overcome people's negative perceptions, and he wins.
I put ZERO credence in polls. What matters is the end vote count of the electoral college.
Currently, I am way more focused on beating Miami next Saturday than anything else - so GO GATORS!!!!

It is interesting isn’t it. Everyone demands Trump to be nice, then the left spends an entire week hurling disgusting insults at him, and it’s crickets.

Not even my guy @grandhavendiddy has posted anything about Dems being disciplined. Quite strange.
Nothing I disagree with here. You are one of the few that do not let personality outweigh performance. We have MANY on here that disregard FACTUAL performance for personality. The problem I see with this is you have one side that has used the government agncies to take out their political opponents, disregarded the Constitution in EVERY case, has the WORST record of any administration in 5 decades, that INSTALLED their current candidate that has NEVER been voted for by "We the People". Want to talk personalities? Walz is a VALOR THIEF. He lied about his service for political gain. He let his city BURN to the ground when he could have stopped it immediatly. PLEASE...someone tell me what Trump has EVER done to compare to this? So sorry....the media 24/7 is after Trump...NO ONE would look good to the public inder that scrutiny. LASTLY...look at all the candidates families and what do you see? I will compare Trumps family to any of them, because ALL of the dims families are straight GARBAGE people, and it is not even close. That is as telling as you can get
Could not agree more. It has always been a double standard with them.
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I actually do not pay attention anymore. I stopped watching FOX News 4 years ago and do not go to bed irritated or mad anymore. It got me riled up for years, but no more.
Facts actually do not matter, perception does. What I am saying is people's perception of President Trump is a name calling bully. Honestly, I cannot stand him, but I like his policies - except tariffs. I will vote for him a third time this year even if I do not like him as a person. However, there are many people who will not do that. Hopefully, we can overcome people's negative perceptions, and he wins.
I put ZERO credence in polls. What matters is the end vote count of the electoral college.
Currently, I am way more focused on beating Miami next Saturday than anything else - so GO GATORS!!!!
And that perception of Trump is reinforced by the constant barrage of the same talking points from the left. if he did something different wouldn't matter they would still feel the same way. Hell he's been the news every single day since he left Office., they just can't help themselves.

And honestly, it doesn't matter how you feel about Trump it matters more how you feel about the policies he brings about. I'll tell you what I really hate., having to spend $60 for a ribeye in a restaurant, six dollars a gallon for gas, Driving past large parking lots in Southern California, and Southern Arizona that are filled with illegals waiting to be picked up for a job, if they can even get one, rampant, crime, and homelessness among other things ...

With normal people, Kamala Harris is unlikable and unelectable and objectively incompetent, however, the vast majority of Democrats will vote for whatever has D next to their name., regardless of how it impacts America. I am flummoxed by this ...
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And that perception of Trump is reinforced by the constant barrage of the same talking points from the left. if he did something different wouldn't matter they would still feel the same way. Hell he's been the news every single day since he left Office., they just can't help themselves.

And honestly, it doesn't matter how you feel about Trump it matters more how you feel about the policies he brings about. I'll tell you what I really hate., having to spend $60 for a ribeye in a restaurant, six dollars a gallon for gas, Driving past large parking lots in Southern California, and Southern Arizona that are filled with illegals waiting to be picked up for a job, if they can even get one, rampant, crime, and homelessness among other things ...

With normal people, Kamala Harris is unlikable and unelectable and objectively incompetent, however, the vast majority of Democrats will vote for whatever has D next to their name., regardless of how it impacts America. I am flummoxed by this ...
100%. Many of us have said this all along. How did the Dims and media treat Bush II and Romney, both mild spoken and non confrontational. What we heard were insults and promises to leave the country (unfulfilled) :mad:
They called Bush an idiot, when in fact, both Biden and Harris ARE. (and now soi boi Walz).

Playing nice in the sandbox with communists didn't and will never work. They only understand the fist, much like Iran and North Korea. But Trump should attack, attack, and attack some more their worthless broken policies and pound the message home for the clueless low informational voters (some which post here).
100%. Many of us have said this all along. How did the Dims and media treat Bush II and Romney, both mild spoken and non confrontational. What we heard were insults and promises to leave the country (unfulfilled) :mad:
They called Bush an idiot, when in fact, both Biden and Harris ARE. (and now soi boi Walz).

Playing nice in the sandbox with communists didn't and will never work. They only understand the fist, much like Iran and North Korea. But Trump should attack, attack, and attack some more their worthless broken policies and pound the message home for the clueless low informational voters (some which post here).
I lost all respect for Mitt Romney after he said that 47% of you will never vote for me and the press just lambasted him for it. It was a true statement yet that pussy apologized for it. That was it I was done with him, and it turns out he was just a rhino anyway ...
How is this article bad for the Dems? It shows them with a slight lead combining party partisans and party leaners.
My own research - total word of mouth - has many moderates and Republicans that hate Trump and refuse to vote for him. Will they vote for Kamala? Who knows, but I find it hard to see a road to victory unless President Trump changes his tune some and argues/debates the issues not name calling and using her race as issues. The biggest beef I hear is that he is not debating the issues, he is name calling. Hard to argue with that.

Kinda hard to debate someone who's positions change so often. Especially hard when she is so ill informed on "her own" positions that she needs to send out minions to explain them because she is incapable of doing so.
Kinda hard to debate someone who's positions change so often. Especially hard when she is so ill informed on "her own" positions that she needs to send out minions to explain them because she is incapable of doing so.
Kinda like when there was tremendous opposition to Obamacare, Obama came out and said I'm just not doing a good enough job of explaining it. Was hilarious and sad....

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