A critical item for Trump: Discipline


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2007
For those that have followed, I have been consistent about my top issue, Immigration and that Trump's greatest weakness was his lack of discipline.

On the latter, people can ascribe the reasons why: "mad" genius, narcissistic traits, etc. All can be true to some extent.

To make a point that @Capt Ron 1 has made (in a different context) is how "dumb" (not my term per se, but his) that liberals and progressives can be. I would not call it "dumb", but rather "one-dimensional" or "narrow field". What they did not anticipate post January 6th is that throwing Trump off of twitter and then in their engagement in "lawfare" along with associated gag orders, is that they both combined to do what Trump failed to do as president: be disciplined.

Why is this important?

The same reason why the "basement" strategy for Biden worked so well. The less voters knew, the better.

For Trump, voters know who he is. Voters also know the alternative. Musing about things such as "no income taxes, but all paid through Tariffs" gains him little and allows the media to tee off on the independent swing voters, who are not sure.

Voters see a version of this of the outcomes of the business roundtable meeting where (apparently) CEOs had more questions and he lost ground. Now, one could argue the reporting here, but for those us who work in corporate america (I do), it is a plausible outcome. (one note - these "leaks" only seem to go one way. Few "leak" on Biden, but they do on Trump.)

I hope this time around, Trump sees the power of "less is more". Voters want to see him strong on Immigration (63% favor deportation), strong on inflation and regulation, and come to a reasonable point on the internal culture "wars". That's it.

Discipline ALSO matters for the right-wing interest groups. If, the SBC, wants to have improved policies on Abortion, then....start with having Trump in office. Biden in office will mean that anything that gets passed will be Vetoed. Get out the vote and do not let specific pre-election interests take away from the broader outcome that many want.

We will see.

Again, the key to this election will be discipline.
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For those that have followed, I have been consistent about my top issue, Immigration and that Trump's greatest weakness was his lack of discipline.

On the latter, people can ascribe the reasons why: "mad" genius, narcissistic traits, etc. All can be true to some extent.

To make a point that @Capt Ron 1 has made (in a different context) is how "dumb" (not my term per se, but his) that liberals and progressives can be. I would not call it "dumb", but rather "one-dimensional" or "narrow field". What they did not anticipate post January 6th is that throwing Trump off of twitter and then in their engagement in "lawfare" along with associated gag orders, is that they both combined to do what Trump failed to do as president: be disciplined.

Why is this important?

The same reason why the "basement" strategy for Biden worked so well. The less voters knew, the better.

For Trump, voters know who he is. Voters also know the alternative. Musing about things such as "no income taxes, but all paid through Tariffs" gains him little and allows the media to tee off on the independent swing voters, who are not sure.

Voters see a version of this of the outcomes of the business roundtable meeting where (apparently) CEOs had more questions and he lost ground. Now, one could argue the reporting here, but for those us who work in corporate america (I do), it is a plausible outcome. (one note - these "leaks" only seem to go one way. Few "leak" on Biden, but they do on Trump.)

I hope this time around, Trump sees the power of "less is more". Voters want to see him strong on Immigration (63% favor deportation), strong on inflation and regulation, and come to a reasonable point on the internal culture "wars". That's it.

Discipline ALSO matters for the right-wing interest groups. If, the SBC, wants to have improved policies on Abortion, then....start with having Trump in office. Biden in office will mean that anything that gets passed will be Vetoed. Get out the vote and do not let specific pre-election interests take away from the broader outcome that many want.

We will see.

Again, the key to this election will be discipline.

Again? The other 30 times weren’t enough eh?

Seems like Trump is doing just fine without your advice. Also, there is a reason the “discipline” of Romney and Mccain ended in defeat.

The desperation of moderates trying to remain relevant is palpable. The party is NEVER going back.

For those that have followed, I have been consistent about my top issue, Immigration and that Trump's greatest weakness was his lack of discipline.

On the latter, people can ascribe the reasons why: "mad" genius, narcissistic traits, etc. All can be true to some extent.

To make a point that @Capt Ron 1 has made (in a different context) is how "dumb" (not my term per se, but his) that liberals and progressives can be. I would not call it "dumb", but rather "one-dimensional" or "narrow field". What they did not anticipate post January 6th is that throwing Trump off of twitter and then in their engagement in "lawfare" along with associated gag orders, is that they both combined to do what Trump failed to do as president: be disciplined.

Why is this important?

The same reason why the "basement" strategy for Biden worked so well. The less voters knew, the better.

For Trump, voters know who he is. Voters also know the alternative. Musing about things such as "no income taxes, but all paid through Tariffs" gains him little and allows the media to tee off on the independent swing voters, who are not sure.

Voters see a version of this of the outcomes of the business roundtable meeting where (apparently) CEOs had more questions and he lost ground. Now, one could argue the reporting here, but for those us who work in corporate america (I do), it is a plausible outcome. (one note - these "leaks" only seem to go one way. Few "leak" on Biden, but they do on Trump.)

I hope this time around, Trump sees the power of "less is more". Voters want to see him strong on Immigration (63% favor deportation), strong on inflation and regulation, and come to a reasonable point on the internal culture "wars". That's it.

Discipline ALSO matters for the right-wing interest groups. If, the SBC, wants to have improved policies on Abortion, then....start with having Trump in office. Biden in office will mean that anything that gets passed will be Vetoed. Get out the vote and do not let specific pre-election interests take away from the broader outcome that many want.

We will see.

Again, the key to this election will be discipline.
I can tell Donald Trump agrees with you. He is running a very good campaign so far. If this keeps up it will be a blow out
For those that have followed, I have been consistent about my top issue, Immigration and that Trump's greatest weakness was his lack of discipline.

On the latter, people can ascribe the reasons why: "mad" genius, narcissistic traits, etc. All can be true to some extent.

To make a point that @Capt Ron 1 has made (in a different context) is how "dumb" (not my term per se, but his) that liberals and progressives can be. I would not call it "dumb", but rather "one-dimensional" or "narrow field". What they did not anticipate post January 6th is that throwing Trump off of twitter and then in their engagement in "lawfare" along with associated gag orders, is that they both combined to do what Trump failed to do as president: be disciplined.

Why is this important?

The same reason why the "basement" strategy for Biden worked so well. The less voters knew, the better.

For Trump, voters know who he is. Voters also know the alternative. Musing about things such as "no income taxes, but all paid through Tariffs" gains him little and allows the media to tee off on the independent swing voters, who are not sure.

Voters see a version of this of the outcomes of the business roundtable meeting where (apparently) CEOs had more questions and he lost ground. Now, one could argue the reporting here, but for those us who work in corporate america (I do), it is a plausible outcome. (one note - these "leaks" only seem to go one way. Few "leak" on Biden, but they do on Trump.)

I hope this time around, Trump sees the power of "less is more". Voters want to see him strong on Immigration (63% favor deportation), strong on inflation and regulation, and come to a reasonable point on the internal culture "wars". That's it.

Discipline ALSO matters for the right-wing interest groups. If, the SBC, wants to have improved policies on Abortion, then....start with having Trump in office. Biden in office will mean that anything that gets passed will be Vetoed. Get out the vote and do not let specific pre-election interests take away from the broader outcome that many want.

We will see.

Again, the key to this election will be discipline.

Trump could do everything you stated he should do. Then on the morning of November 5th, his limo driver could run through a puddle that splashes a few drops on a (minority) on the sidewalk… and the MSM would send out alerts saying “Trump hates black people!” with an *anonymous source* claiming “Trump tried to grab the wheel in an effort to hit a person-of-color!” or similar BS.

The “dumb” people—- “I KNEW IT!!! There’s no way I can vote for a RACIST like him! I simply MUST vote for a lifetime-liar, pants-crapping, likely-pedophile, brain-dead puppet now!!!”

“Dumb” is the kindest term for voters like that.
Again? The other 30 times weren’t enough eh?

Seems like Trump is doing just fine without your advice. Also, there is a reason the “discipline” of Romney and Mccain ended in defeat.

The desperation of moderates trying to remain relevant is palpable. The party is NEVER going back.

Now that the trials are over (it appears) and he has more time to campaign, his discipline will be challenged.

To @Capt Ron 1 - he has made great decisions including not getting on the stages for the debates. Will it continue is the question.

Nothing in my post talked about some "RINO" agenda. It happens that I am no (and have never been a fan) of Romney nor McCain as a leader of the republican party. McCain's thumbs down was....will let others weigh in.

Let's start with my view on Immigration of which I have not waived. It does not countenance a "border deal". It is a wall and deportation - along with 63% of the public.

@Capt Ron 1 - to your point, he has been good so far. Can he continue, is the question.
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Trump could do everything you stated he should do. Then on the morning of November 5th, his limo driver could run through a puddle that splashes a few drops on a (minority) on the sidewalk… and the MSM would send out alerts saying “Trump hates black people!” with an *anonymous source* claiming “Trump tried to grab the wheel in an effort to hit a person-of-color!” or similar BS.

The “dumb” people—- “I KNEW IT!!! There’s no way I can vote for a RACIST like him! I simply MUST vote for a lifetime-liar, pants-crapping, likely-pedophile, brain-dead puppet now!!!”

“Dumb” is the kindest term for voters like that.
The MSM clearly will (and is doing) everything to cast everything in terms of "threats to democracy" and other intersections such as the above.

Look at Liz continuing to curry favor being "lauded" on CNN as a "crusader" had this to say.

On this point, Trump should meet and be gracious with people like Mitch.
The MSM clearly will (and is doing) everything to cast everything in terms of "threats to democracy" and other intersections such as the above.

Look at Liz continuing to curry favor being "lauded" on CNN as a "crusader" had this to say.

On this point, Trump should meet and be gracious with people like Mitch.

Geeez… that clip was full of feces! They managed to insert 80% of their propagandist talking points into that short segment. Frankly, if not facing execution, Liz (and the J6 committee) should be rotting in prison.

As for Mitch, he’s definitely a political animal, with instincts directed towards survival. I think Trump recognizes that, and understands Mitch’s (political) deal-making.

So, we know what the MSM is going to do. But why do the “dumb” voters fall for it, over and over? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve stated that your wife is one of these (with decorum, I’ll use) “uncertain” people, right? If Trump doesn’t maintain the discipline you’ve advised… is she just going to stay home on Election Day, or somehow find a reason to go pull the lever for FJB???
Geeez… that clip was full of feces! They managed to insert 80% of their propagandist talking points into that short segment. Frankly, if not facing execution, Liz (and the J6 committee) should be rotting in prison.

As for Mitch, he’s definitely a political animal, with instincts directed towards survival. I think Trump recognizes that, and understands Mitch’s (political) deal-making.

So, we know what the MSM is going to do. But why do the “dumb” voters fall for it, over and over? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve stated that your wife is one of these (with decorum, I’ll use) “uncertain” people, right? If Trump doesn’t maintain the discipline you’ve advised… is she just going to stay home on Election Day, or somehow find a reason to go pull the lever for FJB???
Spot on with how propogandist is has become.

Agreed with Mitch. Mitch understands the stakes, and it turns out Trump was right on things like immigration.

You are spot on with my wife and thank you for being respectful here. She is a VP of a large organization and sits in the Finance function.

You have hit upon the EXACT issue - and yes, that is it. By any measure - immigration, inflation, tax policy, DEI, etc. she should not be remotely considering Biden.

There is a significant issue of "trust" with Trump tied in with Abortion, how he speaks to other people, off-hand comments he makes, she just rolls her eyes and says, "in good conscience, it is almost impossible for me to vote for Trump."

Every time she sees Biden, failed policies on immigration, defund the police, failure of mandates, inflation, etc. she realizes that she cannot vote for him.

Trump not being in the debates was perfect. He did not have to say a word. And he won and his strength has only grown and grown.

Now, what she may do is vote (she always does), but not make a presidential selection. I think the "scars" on Trump run deep. But, even that is different from an affirmative vote. The Muslim community (for completely different reasons) may do the same.

We are in one of the swing states that will decide this election. Each one comes down to somewhere between 13,000 and 100,000 votes. That is not a lot.

That is the point.
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Now that the trials are over (it appears) and he has more time to campaign, his discipline will be challenged.

To @Capt Ron 1 - he has made great decisions including not getting on the stages for the debates. Will it continue is the question.

Nothing in my post talked about some "RINO" agenda. It happens that I am no (and have never been a fan) of Romney nor McCain as a leader of the republican party. McCain's thumbs down was....will let others weigh in.

Let's start with my view on Immigration of which I have not waived. It does not countenance a "border deal". It is a wall and deportation - along with 63% of the public.

@Capt Ron 1 - to your point, he has been good so far. Can he continue, is the question.
Pelosi sure baited him today. The answer is YES. He has a huge ego, but if anyone thinks he is stupid, they will be crying their eyes out the day after the election, including that evil bit**
Spot on with how propogandist is has become.

Agreed with Mitch. Mitch understands the stakes, and it turns out Trump was right on things like immigration.

You are spot on with my wife and thank you for being respectful here. She is a VP of a large organization and sits in the Finance function.

You have hit upon the EXACT issue - and yes, that is it. By any measure - immigration, inflation, tax policy, DEI, etc. she should not be remotely considering Biden.

There is a significant issue of "trust" with Trump tied in with Abortion, how he speaks to other people, off-hand comments he makes, she just rolls her eyes and says, "in good conscience, it is almost impossible for me to vote for Trump."

Every time she sees Biden, failed policies on immigration, defund the police, failure of mandates, inflation, etc. she realizes that she cannot vote for him.

Trump not being in the debates was perfect. He did not have to say a word. And he won and his strength has only grown and grown.

Now, what she may do is vote (she always does), but not make a presidential selection. I think the "scars" on Trump run deep. But, even that is different from an affirmative vote. The Muslim community (for completely different reasons) may do the same.

We are in one of the swing states that will decide this election. Each one comes down to somewhere between 13,000 and 100,000 votes. That is not a lot.

That is the point.

Choosing to leave the Prez slot empty, if the Mrs. goes that route… is a mindset I can understand, at least. I also have friends and family that are concerned with some of what Trump says/does. Fortunately for me, those friends and family have weighed Trump’s overall job performance against what has been happening the last 3 1/2 years… and they know we can’t survive another term of FJB.

IMO, those that thought “ anybody but Trump” four years ago, cannot be thinking anything other than how that has flipped to “anybody but Biden” this time… even if, yes, that means checking the box for Trump now.

As for abortion, I agree with (what I think is) your advice to Trump. He should stay cool and merely say SCOTUS corrected a ruling that improperly (throw in RBG’s questioning of R vs. W, even) put the issue under Federal control… and it’s now up to the states, as it always should have been. Then say “Next issue, please.” and move on to inflation/the border/national security.

May you and Mrs. grandhavendiddy have a nice weekend. 😉
Choosing to leave the Prez slot empty, if the Mrs. goes that route… is a mindset I can understand, at least. I also have friends and family that are concerned with some of what Trump says/does. Fortunately for me, those friends and family have weighed Trump’s overall job performance against what has been happening the last 3 1/2 years… and they know we can’t survive another term of FJB.

IMO, those that thought “ anybody but Trump” four years ago, cannot be thinking anything other than how that has flipped to “anybody but Biden” this time… even if, yes, that means checking the box for Trump now.

As for abortion, I agree with (what I think is) your advice to Trump. He should stay cool and merely say SCOTUS corrected a ruling that improperly (throw in RBG’s questioning of R vs. W, even) put the issue under Federal control… and it’s now up to the states, as it always should have been. Then say “Next issue, please.” and move on to inflation/the border/national security.

May you and Mrs. grandhavendiddy have a nice weekend. 😉
Perfectly summarized.

Also - on abortion, a nuanced point is that other otherwise Trump supportive groups should not force him to take a position. Get rid of Biden and then shape policy by winning more house and senate seats. Make it easy for Trump to pressure Biden on the exact items you highlight.

And thank you: driving to our beach place now.
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