It was good for them to have a game like that, unless Clayton remains out which I think he'll be back Saturday.. you saw rotations and him trying the find the right combinations with young guys and starting Aberdeen, that Euro ball kid finally got to play and actually pretty much put the nail in Vandy with those two huge shots in about 20 seconds.. Also in the game we needed Chinyelu the most this year with the other injuries he had four fouls with 18 minutes left in the game and had to overcome that.. It's games like this where you need the other guys to have a night and Richard did that again. Martin never even took a shot until like mid 2nd half and all his attempts were either lay ups or dunks with like a quiet 8 points. At some point with all the guys we play, you're gonna have to get them to chip in offensively and still scored in mid 80's in an ugly ass game with new guys all over the place filling new roles. I like Golden but the way we use bigs in two man game at top of key teams have caught onto and just hammering them and know we are lazy with the ball because our bigs are turnover prone out there.. I still think Martin, Clayton and Richard just flat out haven't been selfish enough this year, we need them to win games.. It's great when Condon and Haugh get like 13 in games but the guards need to be less passive, I mean they are so good at taking it to the hoop.. when they do especially Martin and Richard they throw it down with ease and you're like where the hell is this all the time? Clayton is also crafty and makes a lot of his points actually on lay ups from teams over playing his shooting ability