2011 Honda Accord

When I first moved from Lake City to Jax I lived in Mandarin, bought a house when that whole area was quiet and nice. Hell, I remember when Beuaclerc had a golf course. Hooters on Goodby's Creek was one of my stomping grounds back in the day, when titties were more important than beer and wing quality. 😂 Got way too crowded for me, fled to the beaches area. Now it sucks too. I hate cities. Oakleaf is in the middle of BF Egypt, my doc used to be there, hated driving there. And to hell with that toll road. They can kiss my ass as well. I could bitch about Duval and Clay Counties until the cows come home. I have to come back Monday for a couple of weeks, then I'm outta there for another month. Wife won't let me sell that house because of her family being there. Does OJ do contract work ? 😂
The Honda that made an indelible print on my mind was in an Ohio parking lot. A rusted out hulk with a window sticker that read RUST PROTECTION BY RUST FREE.

The Toyota was a northern Kalifornia faded beat up pick up with a shiny bumper sticker that read SAY NO TO OIL DRILLING.

The brand new Honda with all windows rolled down in the Mojave Desert at 114F with the not all that dependable rotary AC technology. All auto makers suffered. CAFE gave auto makers an extra 1 mpg using this technology. Super reliable piston AC compressors were gone.