Chance of Zaire playing for the Gators?

I believe that they would do better than 7-5 with any of the 4 young QB's, (Franks rsFr, Trask rsFr, Toney Fr-EE, Allen Fr) so that doesn't worry me. o_O

I doubt that they would go 9-3 with 'head-case' Zaire and just 3 months to win over the team, and to learn the offense. :rolleyes:

Heck, I'd even rather go with the LDR/Sproles combo than to bring in Zaire. :confused:

On the other hand,,, IF Mc-Nuss can't get it done with the 6 QB's that they have chosen and brought in and coached (for months, or years in some cases), and that are already on the roster, and therefore need a NL reject that has been coached by the monumental loser Jelly-Belly-Kelly to have a chance at a decent W/L season, then their jobs are (or should be) on the line imoho.... :mad:

Well imo the staff shouldn't survive a 7-5 record but I think we know it would take a total collapse to 6-6 for his job to possibly be on the line. I am curious to see what happens if we do have a terrible offense again. You would think they would force a change at OC but who would come here knowing Mac's job is on the line and after seeing what happened in 2014. I think only a non-power 5 up and comer would risk doing that even with 2 years $ guaranteed like with Roper. There are some good young ones out there if you could get them to come here. Our QB situation could dictate that also. If they don't think we have a decent one on the roster they probably wouldn't come here. LDR is so limited I think if the defense falls off quite a bit we would be sweating games against teams like KY possibly and Tenn at home.
I'm going the other way Fev, what if one or more of those 4 Fr QB's blows the lid off?

I think that they need to average 28 pts, and 30+ would be better. I see the offense loaded now with play-makers that Mc has brought in. The QB play is the key, as we all know by now. Mc-Nuss has to step up in 2017 as QB coaches, and as game day planners, and as play callers (OC Nuss). We'll see, it's their team now, so no more 'offensive' excuses.... o_O

The defense is NOT going to go into dumpster fire mode, even if they do drop off a little bit due to unforeseen injuries during the season. Their depth should be able to cover for them, up to a point.

It looks to me like the critical 'both lines' part of the team has made a dramatic turn-around from where they were with the musclecramp's departure. I think that the DL has a little better depth, and the OL has made a near miracle transformation. The OL is 3 deep now, with 2 deep quality experience.

My Own OL Depth Chart Speculation??? Aug. will determine depth chart.

The starting Center and both Tackles look set, all of the rest are wide open.
1st -- LT Ivey ------
LG/C Jordan ----- C McCoy -- RG Riles ------ RT Taylor
2nd - LT Forsythe - LG Harkless - C Heggie - RG Buchanon - RT Johnson
3rd - LT Mike ------- LG Moore ----- OG/C Villano -- RG Desir-Jones --- RT Telfort

WR - Callaway - Cleveland - Hammond - middle-men - FNG's Green-Robinson
Slot - Powell - Massey - FNG RB Davis?
TE - Goolsby - Lewis - Stephens - FNG's Gamble-Byrd
RB - Thompson - Scarlett - Perine - FNG's Lemons-Davis
?QB? - LDR - Franks - Trask - Sproles -- FNG's Toney - Allen

The kickers are the best in the SEC/Nation imo. Townsend & Pinerio

To me,,, it looks like they'd have to stumble badly to not make another trip to Hotlanta.
Hard to say for sure. That Michigan game will tell us a lot about the offense because Michigan does have some quality experience there with some players that weren't starters last season. Our offense will be tested I am sure. As far as our defense a bad showing wouldn't be a good sign but I am not sure a good showing will mean everything is OK either since Michigan looks like they may have issues on that side with all the departures.
I'd of course like to see the team beat the snot outta the hard-blows meat-chickens, but that game means a lot less to me than the Game against the Head-BJ's tennis-sea.
That's the game that might tell us how the season is going to pan out...

Beat them and the butt-sniffers and they are likely back in Hotlanta for the 3rd consecutive year.

Start with Mich, finish with FSU, and play 8 SEC's in between them, with a trip to play the SECw-C (likely Bama) as the prize... (jus-damn!) :confused:
Booger McFarland just said that he has heard from people Franks hasn't grasped the playbook and is still a year away (PC talk he isn't getting it down upstairs). My own view would be if he doesn't have the upstairs stuff down after 2 Spring camps and a redshirt season then we could possibly have another Driskel on our hands. He did go on to say if Mac didn't think we could win the East this season that maybe we should go with the young guy anyway to build for the future.
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Having watched all of them as closely as I can (HS film and/or Spring), I still believe that 2 of them can get the team to Hotlanta. Trask or Allen, with Toney as the wildcat in either case.

I had my doubts about Franks after watching his HS All Star game, (he sucked imo).
And he confirmed it a bit more after his first UF Spring, (he sucked even worse).
In his last Spring appearance, he again sucked imo, so I'm thinking he needs to xfer down a level and play his heart out. Maybe a lot of practice and game experience at that level could get him his shot at the NFL.

Strange Thought - IF you could fuse LDR and Franks together at the hip, then maybe they could make one very good QB together, but neither of them has everything that it takes to be the Gator starting QB. JMOHO's as always....
Booger McFarland just said that he has heard from people Franks hasn't grasped the playbook and is still a year away (PC talk he isn't getting it down upstairs). My own view would be if he doesn't have the upstairs stuff down after 2 Spring camps and a redshirt season then we could possibly have another Driskel on our hands. He did go on to say if Mac didn't think we could win the East this season that maybe we should go with the young guy anyway to build for the future.


BTW, if true it's funny how every QB that rolls through here under this staff can't get it. Grier was amazing against Ole Miss but otherwise struggled. Treon struggled, LDR struggled, and Appleby struggled. Then the reports all spring were that Franks had moved ahead of Trask but if he's struggling too then the obvious conclusion is they both are. That's 6 different QB's who can't 'get it.' Maybe the problem ain't the QB's. Having Nuss on staff is a handicap.
Until you look at both Mc and Nuss's prior work history with QB's....

Struggles, but 2x SECe-C's anyway. :rolleyes:
There are definitely some unidentified ambiguities involved in this...:confused:

I wonder how much the 'internal politics' is affecting who the QB is?
Are Mc-Nuss making all of the decisions unhindered? Not accusing, just wondering.
Because it has happened in the ugly past.... :oops:

Call me biased (as if we aren't all a bit biased in our opinions), but I didn't see Trask as being behind Franks, just an internal decision on which one of them to push forward. o_O

Game time is the way to sort this out. That's why I wanted both Franks and Trask to get some early playing time against the early teams last season, but NOOoooo, they played LDR the whole time, to my disgust. They apparently were scared chitless that one of them would outperform LDR creating QB controversy. Thus we got LDR and then Happyby when he went down... :confused:

This time around, with Mich as the 1st game, they don't have that luxury.
I could see Mc-Nuss going default and playing LDR vs Mich. IF that happens, I sure hope that he plays both Trask and Franks in the 2nd game, before tennis-sea gets here. The longer this goes on,,,, the uglier it will get... :cool:
Neither Mac or Nuss have coordinated high level offenses. Those Bama teams won with defense and very bland, run-heavy offensive systems that didn't really feature the QB. Nuss in particular has been forced out and then fired at his last two stops. A year after he left Michigan Harbaugh comes in and gives them a top 50 offense with an Iowa put into perspective how bad of a job Nuss did the year before.
That's so totally biased, cherry picked, and incomplete imo, that I'm not willing to pick it all apart. We'll just have to agree to disagree, and others can come down on it wherever they like.
These are the passing rankings of offenses coordinated by Mac/Nussmeir at the highest level:

2008 (Bama): 81
2009 (Bama): 69
2010 (Bama): 25
2011 (Bama): 66
2012 (Bama): 62
2013 (Bama): 45
2014 (Michigan): 114
2015 (UF): 61
2016 (UF): 73

Objectively, they've had two passing games that were above average between them as coordinators. McElwain's Colorado St. teams were 94th, 21st, and 9th in his three years there which is better than what he posted at Bama (and encouraging), but he wasn't the offensive coordinator for those and apparently didn't agree with the offensive coordinator on what to run so who knows.
Personally I don't care who the QB is or how our offense ranks. I just want to win the East, get to Atlanta again, beat FSU for a change and be in the hunt for the Final 4. Mac is getting more & more of his pieces of the puzzle together and has done pretty well with the ones he inherited. Now it's time to show what he can do with more of his own guys in place. I'm pulling for them and the QB, no matter who they settle on.
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That's so totally biased, cherry picked, and incomplete imo, that I'm not willing to pick it all apart. We'll just have to agree to disagree, and others can come down on it wherever they like.

how in the hell is it any of those things? It's mere facts

BTW, if true it's funny how every QB that rolls through here under this staff can't get it. Grier was amazing against Ole Miss but otherwise struggled. Treon struggled, LDR struggled, and Appleby struggled. Then the reports all spring were that Franks had moved ahead of Trask but if he's struggling too then the obvious conclusion is they both are. That's 6 different QB's who can't 'get it.' Maybe the problem ain't the QB's. Having Nuss on staff is a handicap.
Neither Mac or Nuss have coordinated high level offenses. Those Bama teams won with defense and very bland, run-heavy offensive systems that didn't really feature the QB. Nuss in particular has been forced out and then fired at his last two stops. A year after he left Michigan Harbaugh comes in and gives them a top 50 offense with an Iowa put into perspective how bad of a job Nuss did the year before.

Nuss did alright at Washington I think it was years ago but people said the head coach was running the offense there for the most part.

Thanks. That's interesting. And one of the reasons I've been saying we should run a spread offense for years (well we kinda run some hybrid mismatch spread now but...). Almost all these HS QB's run a spread then we get them here and try to have them make prostyle reads, it's making things harder just for the sake of making things harder. Btw...whose bright idea was it to take two projects in one class? A guy in Franks who had all kinds of mechanic issues and then a guy in Trask who couldn't start in HS. Brilliant. If neither of them are ready that's on them. I'm tired of the excuses.
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What the hell, how about a board reply boosting rant on the issue? ;)

Overall, the Gators had a successful spring to vault them into the critical offseason, McElwain said. -------- That's a joke, right? :rolleyes:

Right now, I'm not buying that there is any real competition going on for the starting QB job.
It's going to be Franks, with LDR as the experienced #2, and with Toney having some packages.
They will try to use Toney to 'bail-out' those 1st two, when they go in the game dumpster.

Trask is going to continue to rot on the bench from lack of use.
Allen is going to take a redshirt while running with the scout team.
Both Trask and Allen will likely be gone before the start of the 2018 season. :oops:

The icing for this cluster-cake would be IF they really do bring in Zaire...:confused:

I doubt that any top quality QB's will be coming in the 2018 class. o_O
They may be able to they get a 2nd tier QB, a long term project type.

UGA is the likely SECe-C for 2017.... (but I've been incorrect before, hoping I am now) :cool:
Well you might not be far off about the 2018 QB...we still haven't gotten a commit from one. And considering top QB's commit early and rarely flip it ain't looking too good.
For those that wanted Neutered Lame's Jelly-Belly-Kelly instead of Mc, how about this:

beating eventual Rose Bowl champion Michigan State in September 2013, Kelly is 5-10 against ranked teams and without a win against a top-10 opponent.

But some still want a nuttless reject QB that was coached by him???
For those that wanted Neutered Lame's Jelly-Belly-Kelly instead of Mc, how about this:

beating eventual Rose Bowl champion Michigan State in September 2013, Kelly is 5-10 against ranked teams and without a win against a top-10 opponent.

But some still want a nuttless reject QB that was coached by him???

That QB won in spite of Kelly and did beat the ranked team he started against who had the SECs best defense going into that game.
That QB won in spite of Kelly and did beat the ranked team he started against who had the SECs best defense going into that game.

2014 -- 8-5 NL 31 - 28 LSU 8-5 - (-3)
Proving that Zaire is an All World QB alright....

Except for this of course:

8-5 AU 41 - 7 LSU 8-5 (-34)

7-6 Ark 17 - 0 LSU 8-5 (-17 shutout)
At this point, I'm almost hoping that Mc-Nuss does bring in Zaire,,, and starts him over the other 6 QB's that are already on their roster, (that they brought in).

Sometimes, things have to get worse, before they can get any better, and this just might be one of those times... :confused:
they wouldn't get worse if he's better than the other ones with zero experience

i mean christ look at the QB play for 7 years, average play made us think Grier was Brady.
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they wouldn't get worse IF he's better than the other ones with zero experience (LDR)

i mean christ look at the QB play for 7 years, average play made us think Grier was Brady.

IF, and 7 years and Grier have zero to do with 2017. o_O
Okay guys,,, this is a 'IF I were the HC decision.'

I'll go first on it, so lay out your choices now, and we can either take the praise, or take the heat, come the early 2017 season, by the post TN game. o_O
(review to come on Sunday Sept. 17, 2017)

Who are your top 2 picks for the Gator QB among this list:
Zaire grad-xfer - LDR rsJr - Franks rsFr-ee - Trask rsFr-ee
Sproles rsFr W-O - Toney Fr-EE - Allen Fr

Here are mine: 1. Trask or 2. Allen, and I'd be okay with either at the 1. spot.
I want us to do alright this season but if its not much better or worse I hope Mac gets fired for not having a QB ready to go.
I actually get what he's saying. He wants us to do well, but if we are going to flounder, then flounder badly enough to force a change. I think that's premature, myself.

Yep if it was up to me a change would be made with a 7 or 8 win season if the offense is down in the cellar again but I know in reality it would take a 6-6 record for it to be considered so it isn't happening. I hope he actually turns it around this season on offense and we are competitive again against teams like FSU.

Notre Dame quarterback Malik Zaire’s decision to transfer has been a long saga, and it just got longer.

Anwar Richardson of reports that Zaire has again delayed his transfer decision and is down to two schools, one of them being Texas. He doesn’t plan to announce his plans until after the SEC spring meetings in late May, per Pete Sampson of Irish Illustrated.

Along with Texas, Florida is another possible destination, and that would make sense given that he’s delaying his decision until after the SEC spring meetings. Current SEC rules forbid Florida from taking on graduate transfers due to missing academic requirements, but it’s possible the SEC could soften those rules at the meetings.

That almost confirms Zaire is coming here with Texas having a clear starting QB already. Unless he is a really slow learner he will probably be the starter against Michigan.
So, everybody talks, but nobody wants to put their own butts on the line by picking a 1-2 if they could make the starting QB decision? :rolleyes:
So, everybody talks, but nobody wants to put their own butts on the line by picking a 1-2 if they could make the starting QB decision? :rolleyes:

I would have to see what Franks really looks like in practice and what LDR looks like when he returns. If Franks is having problems like I suspect Zaire would be my preferred starter right now.
Fev, none of us have full and complete information, or a totally solid evaluation of all 7 of those QB possibilities,,, that's where the fun comes in. Take your stab at it like you actually know what you're talking about, even though none of us do... ;)

It's not like any of US out here will be fired over it if we get it WRONG, unlike a certain coach(s) might,,,, if he(they) get it wrong. :oops:
If it was up to me I'd go:

1. Franks
2. Trask
3. Toney

Pick one for Michigan and let him ride out the game unless it's a disaster. Unless the starter blows away the field open the competition back up after Michigan until somebody establishes themself. Then start the guy to begin SEC play.
I wonder what the deal with Fields is. I hear we are telling him he needs to come here because we don't have a QB for the future. I guess most coaches say stuff the kids want to hear however.
Fev, none of us have full and complete information, or a totally solid evaluation of all 7 of those QB possibilities,,, that's where the fun comes in. Take your stab at it like you actually know what you're talking about, even though none of us do... ;)

It's not like any of US out here will be fired over it if we get it WRONG, unlike a certain coach(s) might,,,, if he(they) get it wrong. :oops:

Here is my prediction. The opening day roster will be Zaire starting with Franks listed as the # 2 initially and Trask the # 3 due to LDR coming back from surgeries. If Zaire gets either injured or benched due to ineffectiveness from the Tennessee game on LDR would be the one Mac first plugs in there to replace Zaire. Franks would not come in after Zaire except the Michigan and cupcake 2nd game. If Franks looked pretty good against the cupcake in mop up duty Mac might give him a chance to be the backup option to Zaire from the Tenn game forward however.

Michigan game: 1. Zaire 2. Franks 3. Trask
N Colorado game: 1. Zaire 2. Franks 3. LDR
Tennessee game: 1. Zaire 2. LDR 3. Franks
Didn't ask who Mc-staff might choose as the starter to begin the season.

Didn't ask for your prediction on what would be done after that by Mc-staff, depending on what happened in the first 1-2-3 games at QB.

Here it is again, so give it another try, this time with it being you as HC.

Okay guys,,, this is a 'IF I were the HC decision.'

I'll go first on it, so lay out your choices now, and we can either take the praise, or take the heat, come the early 2017 season, by the post TN game. o_O
(review to come on Sunday Sept. 17, 2017)

Who are your top 2 picks for the Gator QB among this list:
Zaire grad-xfer - LDR rsJr - Franks rsFr-ee - Trask rsFr-ee
Sproles rsFr W-O - Toney Fr-EE - Allen Fr

Here are mine: 1. Trask or 2. Allen, and I'd be okay with either at the 1. spot.
Didn't ask who Mc-staff might choose as the starter to begin the season.

Didn't ask for your prediction on what would be done after that by Mc-staff, depending on what happened in the first 1-2-3 games at QB.

Here it is again, so give it another try, this time with it being you as HC.

1. Zaire 2. LDR (based on what I think is going on listening to some media types and trying to read between the lines in some articles and most of all Mac treating Franks with kid gloves in that spring game). I probably would put Allen # 2 if he had went through Spring practice.

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