You’re missing what I’m saying.
I’m not talking about immigrants that come via plane because they need a visa to get in, they can be tracked. Do I want them tracked? Only if they’re breaking the law. They are a guest in this country, they are not citizens and therefore do not have the right to any constitutional freedoms. Over staying your visa is breaking the law. If they can be contributing members of society, fast track their citizenship, I’m all for that.
What I don’t want is people who cross the boarder illegally. It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with abiding by the laws of the United States as well as the human trafficking and sex trafficking that is currently happening at the boarder. The amount of people illegally entering the country is in humane to the people that are at detention centers as well as the women and children being raped or killed. Then add the drug trafficking and covid.
It was irresponsible for the democrat candidates to say they would allow them in with no penalty. The influx has everything to do with the policy position of the democrat party and the president of the United States. The boarder detention centers are not capable of receiving the amount of people they are receiving and DHS doesn’t have the manpower to keep up.
If these people want to come to this country, they need to follow the citizenship path that millions of others have followed to gain citizenship into this country. If you want to have a debate on making the path easier, by all means lead the way, I probably agree with you on many of your positions.
I may sound like a dick, non caring, etc. I honestly don’t care how any of this sounds. Talk to the family members that have been murdered by an illegal immigrant. Is it fair their loved one lost their life because the morons in DC want to politicize human life? What about the women that have been raped.
I could go on but hopefully you understand my stance on this.