Hired by UGly on Dec. 6th 2015.
2016 - #9 - 21 - Sr or rsJr - and that's a full class, just not a full years recruiting.
Quality of 2016? - 21 -- 3 - 10 - 7 - 1 -- 3.71, sorry, but that's a FULL class...
2017 #3 - 26 - Jr or rsSo
2018 - #1. 26 - So or rsFr -- Went 11-3 and finished ranked t7-8, going down-hill...
2019 - #1. 24 - Fr
At the start of the 2019 season, 4th&Dumb will have recruited 91 ship players to UGly.
The 2016 class of 21 recruits will be Sr's or rsJr's.
The entire freakin' team, minus a possible few rsSr's are his recruits.
UGly - ZERO NC's in the last 37 years.
UF - 3 NC's in the last 22 years.
7 years for 2 coaches, UF doesn't keep the losers like UGly does...