Who's watching Trump at CPAC?

See what I mean. This is the mentality of the CC deniers. God will take care of the planet, so they can feel free to pollute all they want.

Blows me away. Do they even believe oil and coal pollutes? Ask the Chinese how fun it is to breath the open air in the country they are destroying. Either they’re lying to themselves or they were born after the year 2000
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“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
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“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
You’re not supposed to sexually assault kids but that hasn’t stopped you or your brethren 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Blows me away. Do they even believe oil and coal pollutes? Ask the Chinese how fun it is to breath the open air in the country they are destroying. Either they’re lying to themselves or they were born after the year 2000

Warming a week ago in North Texas 🤭🥶🔥

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Warming a week ago in North Texas 🤭🥶🔥

86 degrees here in birmingham Alabama yesterday (February 28). Supposed to be Winter.

If you want to educate yourself, get an almanac out and pick a city and calculate the average temps during a certain year in the 70s and compare them to any year in the last three years and you’ll see a big difference
Biden has his issues. I like lower taxes, but not at the expense of addressing climate change. I suck no politian Dick and I try to be respectful when I can.

I have 2 young boys and I’d like to tell them I did everything I could to ensure they had the same healthy, clean earth that I was grateful to be born onto. Gods creation is amazing and we should take care of it

Agree. IMO the mistake that you're making is in assuming that your higher taxes and/or higher prices for goods are in anyway helping mother earth.

I do not believe that they are. Moving away from plastics as much as humanly possible is a move in the right direction, however.
It snowed here about 10 days ago.

Climates change. They always have. They always will. Raising your taxes and the costs of goods and services will not prevent climate change.
Another straw man. Just because the climate is always changing doesn’t mean that fossil fuels aren’t contributing to it. And I love the way you throw in taxation as a way to distract from the issue.

You’re really off today.
Another straw man. Just because the climate is always changing doesn’t mean that fossil fuels aren’t contri to it. You’re really off today.

It doesn't mean that raising the price of fossil fuels or forcing alternative energy on an unprepared marketplace will reverse climate change either...right?

And you say I'm off?

See, that isn't helping you. Most everyone knows that she didn't say that and wouldn't say that. But you probably think she did.

She's smarter than the whole collective of Borg, I mean Trump sycophants. And she doesn't think "progressive" is an offensive term. Because it isn't.

Sorry, but this country ain't staying old, white and backward forever.

Link that you won't click on
She's as dumb as a brick, but it's a level that you should aspire to. Keep looking up, your bartender is smarter than thou. Oh, and Bernie Sanders DID say it.

As for the horse 🤣 face, this is absolutely real.

It snowed here about 10 days ago.

Climates change. They always have. They always will. Raising your taxes and the costs of goods and services will not prevent climate change.

We got a half inch. That’s the first Dusting we’ve had since 2017
Another straw man. Just because the climate is always changing doesn’t mean that fossil fuels aren’t contributing to it. And I love the way you throw in taxation as a way to distract from the issue.

You’re really off today.
It doesn't mean it is. That's not settled science. How in the HELL do you explain dramatic climate shifts before the invention of the combustible engine? You can't. Climate changes. PERIOD. It's bullshit.
It doesn't mean it is. That's not settled science. How in the HELL do you explain dramatic climate shifts before the invention of the combustible engine? You can't. Climate changes. PERIOD. It's bullshit.
Most Experts disagree. I’m not going to argue with someone that has no knowledge and such a simplistic take on the subject. Like I said, I couldnt care less if you believe it or not. Nobody cares about your uniformed opinion.
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It doesn't mean that raising the price of fossil fuels or forcing alternative energy on an unprepared marketplace will reverse climate change either...right?

And you say I'm off?

No, it doesn’t. And I haven’t argued it would. Scientists deal in probabilities. You seem to require certainties.

The first step is merely accepting that it exists, which many on here are still unable to do. Which is why I rarely waste my time on the subject.
Most Experts disagree. I’m not going to argue with someone that has no knowledge and such a simplistic take on the subject. Like I said, I could care less if you believe it or not. Nobody cares about your uniformed opinion.
I don't GAF what you think Fry Boy. Climate's gonna climate, and no amount of taxation and regulation is going to stem the tides of mother earth. So keep wringing your hands climate truther, the weather is just fine. If it's not good today, come back tomorrow. 🤣
My hometown of Lexington, KY. the year I was born in 1977:

1977 January low to high of day range
1. 0-22 degrees
2. 1-30 degrees
3. 23-30 degrees
4. 23-34 degrees
5. 29-34 degrees
6. 29-34 degrees
7. 14-33 degrees
8. 2-30 degrees
9. 23-30 degrees
10. 7-33 degrees
11. -8 to 8 degrees
12. -8 to 17 degrees
13. 14-31 degrees
14. 31-35 degrees
15. 25-35 degrees

January 2020 low to high of day range
1. 35-50 degrees
2. 39-53 degrees
3. 39-56 degrees
4. 38-56 degrees
5. 31-52 degrees
6. 31-50 degrees
7. 32-51 degrees
8. 36-51 degrees
9. 32-61 degrees
10. 57-67 degrees
11. 57-75 degrees
12. 41-75 degrees
13. 35-51 degrees
14. 35-56 degrees
15. 37-69 degrees

In 1977 the temp went below freezing everyday
In 2020 the temp went below freezing 2 of 15 days

low temp for 1977 was -8
Low temp for 2020 was 31

high temp for 1977 was 35 degrees
High temp for 2020 was 75 degrees
It snowed here about 10 days ago.

Climates change. They always have. They always will. Raising your taxes and the costs of goods and services will not prevent climate change.
And claiming your paying for carbon setoffs is just a load of BS. Who determines exactly how much carbon emissions each of us are allowed to have? How do you determine if someone is producing more than their allowed amount. How do you "buy" carbon offsets? Who exactly is selling offsets? How much do offsets costs? Who keeps track of who sold them and who bought them and much carbon emission each of those people are now producing?
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And claiming your paying for carbon setoffs is just a load of BS. Who determines exactly how much carbon emissions each of us are allowed to have? How do you determine if someone is producing more than their allowed amount. How do you "buy" carbon offsets? Who exactly is selling offsets? How much do offsets costs? Who keeps track of who sold them and who bought them and much carbon emission each of those people are now producing?
A famous poster on Volquest who was not a climate change doom and gloomer, named Volfan Taxman, supposedly sold tree planting to music festival attendees. He would use the miles they traveled, mode of transportation etc to calculate their carbon emissions and sold them the amount of trees needed to offset their trip. He claims to have laughed all the way to the bank.
A famous poster on Volquest who was not a climate change doom and gloomer, named Volfan Taxman, supposedly sold tree planting to music festival attendees. He would use the miles they traveled, mode of transportation etc to calculate their carbon emissions and sold them the amount of trees needed to offset their trip. He claims to have laughed all the way to the bank.

Taxi??? 😭😭😭😭
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Most Experts disagree. I’m not going to argue with someone that has no knowledge and such a simplistic take on the subject. Like I said, I could care less if you believe it or not. Nobody cares about your uniformed opinion.

Most experts, as in 99 percent of all scientists agree, that climate change is a problem.

Scientists are the nerdy people we all went to school with, that payed attention and made A’s and high SAT scores, followed by scholarships to schools like MIT and Harvard. After studying from sun up to sun down with the top professors attainable, they accepted jobs in scientific research, where they continued to research and study with other liked minded ultra high IQ scientists.

It is these scientists, that all believe, thru extensive studying and research, that man made climate change is real.
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Most experts, as in 99 percent of all scientists agree, that climate change is a problem.

Scientists are the nerdy people we all went to school with, that payed attention and made A’s and high SAT scores, followed by scholarships to schools like MIT and Harvard. After studying from sun up to sun down with the top professors attainable, they accepted jobs in scientific research, where they continued to research and study with other liked minded ultra high IQ scientists.

It is these scientists, that all believe, thru extensive studying and research, that man made climate change is real.
And these are the same nerds who believed around 1400 AD the earth was flat. So at least they got that going for them. The mark of a scientist is to always be skeptical. The mark of today's scientist is "who is paying for their grants, and what result would they like to see?" NOAA is notorious for going full retard, look no further than their fisheries "science" based on bogus bullshit. :rolleyes:
And these are the same nerds who believed around 1400 AD the earth was flat. So at least they got that going for them. The mark of a scientist is to always be skeptical. The mark of today's scientist is "who is paying for their grants, and what result would they like to see?" NOAA is notorious for going full retard, look no further than their fisheries "science" based on bogus bullshit. :rolleyes:

Oh yes, these people devoted their lives to deceive us and you know this because you watch the news. What is your educational back ground? I don’t claim to be smart, but like being a fan of athletes that are the best of the best, I’m also fans of the smartest and brightest and I don’t pretend to know more than them. Just like I don’t pretend to be a better golfer than Paul Azinger, just because I played Golf at FSU on a full ride. Know your role
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I don't GAF what you think Fry Boy. Climate's gonna climate, and no amount of taxation and regulation is going to stem the tides of mother earth. So keep wringing your hands climate truther, the weather is just fine. If it's not good today, come back tomorrow. 🤣
Don’t get mad at me just because I pointed out how ignorant you are on the subject.
Don’t get mad at me just because I pointed out how ignorant you are on the subject.
You are a dumb fvck on nearly every subject you post on..........and then you generate lies and then deny you ever said those lies. Even when it is quoted and posted for god and country to see again. That's how you got your nickname Welcher. 🤣
She's as dumb as a brick, but it's a level that you should aspire to. Keep looking up, your bartender is smarter than thou. Oh, and Bernie Sanders DID say it.

As for the horse 🤣 face, this is absolutely real.

Nice looking Holstein. Except for the hips for birthing. Needs wormed.
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Oh yes, these people devoted their lives to deceive us and you know this because you watch the news. What is your educational back ground? I don’t claim to be smart, but like being a fan of athletes that are the best of the best, I’m also fans of the smartest and brightest and I don’t pretend to know more than them. Just like I don’t pretend to be a better golfer than Paul Azinger, just because I played Golf at FSU on a full ride. Know your role
My background is both is science and accounting. I don't claim to know everything, but I do know bullshit when I smell it. I'm smart enough to know how these "scientists" get their funding. Always, ALWAYS follow the money. Do you have any clue what confirmation bias is?🤣
My outdoor thermometer read 85. My car to and from baseball practice was between 84 and 88.

How long have you lived in Alabama?

I've had family here all my life. I've lived here 12 years this time. The only other time I've lived in Alabama was when I was a student at UA.
I've had family here all my life. I've lived here 12 years this time. The only other time I've lived in Alabama was when I was a student at UA.
With what my wife went through with the ice and snow and then the rain and holding the umbrella last night. We may be neighbors soon.
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No, it doesn’t. And I haven’t argued it would. Scientists deal in probabilities. You seem to require certainties.

The first step is merely accepting that it exists, which many on here are still unable to do. Which is why I rarely waste my time on the subject.

I require certainties when you want to make drastic moves like Germany did in 2000....that they are paying through the nose for now, with VERY little discernable difference in carbon emissions.

I'm not really the leap and then look sort of guy. And if I'm certain it's fossil fuels, I still say the alternatives must be proven. Because if they aren't, the poorest among us will pay the higher price. It's easy to go alternative when you're a member of the richest nation Earth has ever seen...especially if you're upper middle class in that insanely rich society.
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My hometown of Lexington, KY. the year I was born in 1977:

1977 January low to high of day range
1. 0-22 degrees
2. 1-30 degrees
3. 23-30 degrees
4. 23-34 degrees
5. 29-34 degrees
6. 29-34 degrees
7. 14-33 degrees
8. 2-30 degrees
9. 23-30 degrees
10. 7-33 degrees
11. -8 to 8 degrees
12. -8 to 17 degrees
13. 14-31 degrees
14. 31-35 degrees
15. 25-35 degrees

January 2020 low to high of day range
1. 35-50 degrees
2. 39-53 degrees
3. 39-56 degrees
4. 38-56 degrees
5. 31-52 degrees
6. 31-50 degrees
7. 32-51 degrees
8. 36-51 degrees
9. 32-61 degrees
10. 57-67 degrees
11. 57-75 degrees
12. 41-75 degrees
13. 35-51 degrees
14. 35-56 degrees
15. 37-69 degrees

In 1977 the temp went below freezing everyday
In 2020 the temp went below freezing 2 of 15 days

low temp for 1977 was -8
Low temp for 2020 was 31

high temp for 1977 was 35 degrees
High temp for 2020 was 75 degrees

Your numbers are way out of whack according to the experts that you guys site.

13 to 18 degrees warmer? That's insane.

If I'm not mistaken, the accepted science, even according to scientists that you would prefer, is 1 or 2 degrees warmer over the last 150 years.
And claiming your paying for carbon setoffs is just a load of BS. Who determines exactly how much carbon emissions each of us are allowed to have? How do you determine if someone is producing more than their allowed amount. How do you "buy" carbon offsets? Who exactly is selling offsets? How much do offsets costs? Who keeps track of who sold them and who bought them and much carbon emission each of those people are now producing?

That garbage is the height of rules for thee are not the rules for me.

I'm rich so I can afford to _____. Complete horseshit.
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Most experts, as in 99 percent of all scientists agree, that climate change is a problem.

Scientists are the nerdy people we all went to school with, that payed attention and made A’s and high SAT scores, followed by scholarships to schools like MIT and Harvard. After studying from sun up to sun down with the top professors attainable, they accepted jobs in scientific research, where they continued to research and study with other liked minded ultra high IQ scientists.

It is these scientists, that all believe, thru extensive studying and research, that man made climate change is real.

Those numbers are fake.

I'm not a climate change denier but this kind of BS will never fly with me. My family is full of scientists and I've lived this stuff for as long as I can remember.

Scientists who disagreed have slowly been canceled long before canceled culture was a word. I'll agree that the majority of Scientists agree with you but that 99% number is an outright and outrageous lie.
86 degrees here in birmingham Alabama yesterday (February 28). Supposed to be Winter.

If you want to educate yourself, get an almanac out and pick a city and calculate the average temps during a certain year in the 70s and compare them to any year in the last three years and you’ll see a big difference
When I was in the 7th grade - a LONG time ago in the 60's - I remember it got to 88 one Saturday here in Jacksonville. I remember the next year when I was in the 8th grade it got DOWN to 13 - here in Jacksonville!
What a silly example.
Too bad none of us were hanging out here when most of Florida was underwater...before the Ice Age...tell me again, what exactly did Man do to cause that?

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