When You Can’t Win On The Issues.....


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
If we had a straight forward election where everybody in America got one vote and you told Americans the honest truth which each side stood for I don’t think the current Democratic Party would have a shot.

One side stands for increasing your taxes, increasing the corporate tax rate, continuing foreign wars, some of which I fought in, nationalizing healthcare, open borders, The green new deal, reparations for slavery, and giving legal citizenship status to illegal immigrants, and not being as tough on China and Iran, Waiting until after the election to push forward on the vaccine for Covid

The other side stands for keeping the tax rate where it’s at or lower in your taxes more, securing our borders, maintaining our national Identity, pushing America first versus a world economic view, continued use of fossil fuels, keeping healthcare roughly intact as it is now, no reparations, stopping riots, and pushing for a vaccine as rapidly as possible for Covid

Now if we just ran an election based off of issues who would you vote for?

I think that’s what scares the Democrats. Because a majority of Americans would not vote for having their taxes raised and watching their jobs get shipped overseas and having an open border. So many can’t win on the issues what do you do? You create other issues, you cheat, you lie, and you try and stack the deck by pain felons to vote for your candidate, creating a mail in vote fiasco that you know will go to the courts, and trying to steal the election in anyway you can because you can’t win on the issues.

That’s how it looks to me, and there were certain Democratic candidates I would’ve voted for over Trump, I’m a relative independent, but if you’re gonna keep giving me Hillary and Biden I’m always going to vote for the outsider.
8 years under the Messiah saw black American poverty go up, so the U. S. Census Bureau tells me. The "smartest" woman in the world ran for the long-legged Mack Daddy's third term. Mack Daddy and Hillree gave us Trump. Then the coup attempts began. But these 2 stiffs have been too stupid to pull off 2 coup attempts.
If that were true the Pubs wouldn’t be working so hard to restrict voting.
Restrict voting or try and ensure that it’s actually fair and not cheating I guess it just depends on how you look at it. So you really support the idea of raising taxes on the middle-class, and unless You are an idiot or an ideologue you have to realize that they will raise the taxes on the middle-class.

At least according to what they said. In fact I think every Democratic president since JFK is raise taxes on the middle-class.
Joe says he won't raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 as "lying" Trump says.
Joe will close corporate loopholes he tells me in a TV ad.

Hey Joe. Corporations don't pay taxes. I do. Charter Spectrum now gives me a cord cutter rate, thanks to the Trump corporate tax cut. Charter doesn't pay taxes. They collect from me and pass to city, county. Midway Independent School District and Fed. Close a corporate loop hole and I get hit in the pocket book. Idiot!
Oh it’s true. There is a reason you want the undereducated voting. Some of those reasons were in the OP
I didn’t realize there was an education test for being able to vote. I believe the S.C. ruled those unconstitutional. Your segregationist roots are showing again.
I didn’t realize there was an education test for being able to vote. I believe the S.C. ruled those unconstitutional. Your segregationist roots are showing again.

But that doesn't make sense....he's a republican, they are the party that freed the slaves and supported voting rights for women and minorities. Your party is the party of segregation, racism and the kkk. What gives?

Wait....OMG....did we do another of those magical 'party switches' again??? OMG guys! You gotta send out a memo when this happens!!!
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So which is better for a democratic republic, an educated voter or an uneducated voter?
Good question. I’m not sure.

At first thought, I would say an educated one. But history has shown that when only the elite have a say, bad things happen when the plight of the common man is ignored. The French and Russian Revolutions are good examples. So, ultimately, I’d have to say one man, one vote is the best way to provide for the best interests of all the people.
Good question. I’m not sure.

At first thought, I would say an educated one. But history has shown that when only the elite have a say, bad things happen when the plight of the common man is ignored. The French and Russian Revolutions are good examples. So, ultimately, I’d have to say one man, one vote is the best way to provide for the best interests of all the people.

The fact that you think only the 'elite' can be educated is so telling on so many levels.
Good question. I’m not sure.

At first thought, I would say an educated one. But history has shown that when only the elite have a say, bad things happen when the plight of the common man is ignored. The French and Russian Revolutions are good examples. So, ultimately, I’d have to say one man, one vote is the best way to provide for the best interests of all the people.

Where did I say the elite? Educated and elite are not equivalents. Let me rephrase..... which is better, voters with who are more cognizant of the major issues, or less cognizant?
Where did I say the elite? Educated and elite are not equivalents. Let me rephrase..... which is better, voters with who are more cognizant of the major issues, or less cognizant?
Elitism has typically been associated with education. That’s why I said that.

Obviously the more informed you are the better. But many, if not most, vote solely on the one or two issues most important to them. For example abortion, or social justice. I’ve posted the link to Bidens website outlining his stance on many issues after his position has been misrepresented on here. I doubt anyone even bothered to check it out.

Most People simply vote on who they like or trust.
Good question. I’m not sure.

At first thought, I would say an educated one. But history has shown that when only the elite have a say, bad things happen when the plight of the common man is ignored. The French and Russian Revolutions are good examples. So, ultimately, I’d have to say one man, one vote is the best way to provide for the best interests of all the people.
You are confusing elite with indoctrinated. And I see the left did their job well on you. Mission Accomplished!
Elitism has typically been associated with education. That’s why I said that.

Obviously the more informed you are the better. But many, if not most, vote solely on the one or two issues most important to them. For example abortion, or social justice. I’ve posted the link to Bidens website outlining his stance on many issues after his position has been misrepresented on here. I doubt anyone even bothered to check it out.

Most People simply vote on who they like or trust.

And we don't trust Biden, so we don't waste our time reading what he wrote on a website that was put there to fool sheep.

Given that you knew where to find it and are actively pointing others to check it out, I see his efforts are working. Sad!
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It is very concerning the message to the people is being controlled by 5 networks. 90% to 95% negative reporting on Trump. How is that even possible? Fox News does have a right leaning stance but at least there is a cross section of political beliefs expressed on Fox. I have seen Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram say negative things about some of Trumps policies. I never saw any negative reporting from the 5 liberal networks on Obama. Fox has Shepard Smith, a liberal leaning philosophy, hosting his own show. Fox has Juan Williams on The Five representing a far left viewpoint. Tucker has liberals on all the time and debates them on the merit of their arguments. A FAIR and free press is essential to the efficient workings of our democracy. You repeat the same lies long enough and the lies become accepted as facts. Take one issue.....systemic racism in America (they intimate that it is all because of Trump because he is a racist). Facts on the other hand refute this lie. Systemic racism could not have a two term black president elected. Wages have never been higher for all races. ANTIFA and BLM can spread their message of racism but Farrakhan can say anything he wants and he gets a free pass. Just tell me what the rules are and we all will follow them. But there are two sets of rules. America was not founded on this belief. 2+2=4, if the mainstream media keeps telling you the answer is 5, eventually people are going to say, “well yes 2+2 is 5. Still doesn’t change the fact 2+2 is 4.
I didn’t realize there was an education test for being able to vote. I believe the S.C. ruled those unconstitutional. Your segregationist roots are showing again.
Good grief smdh. There it is. The go to card of the left. Racist. Fwiw you have no clue who you’re talking about, but go ahead. Let that bigotry of assuming shine through. Biracial family here kind sir.
Glad you tie uneducated to race. Who is the segregationist?

Fixed typos. Was in car
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It is very concerning the message to the people is being controlled by 5 networks. 90% to 95% negative reporting on Trump. How is that even possible? Fox News does have a right leaning stance but at least there is a cross section of political beliefs expressed on Fox. I have seen Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram say negative things about some of Trumps policies. I never saw any negative reporting from the 5 liberal networks on Obama. Fox has Shepard Smith, a liberal leaning philosophy, hosting his own show. Fox has Juan Williams on The Five representing a far left viewpoint. Tucker has liberals on all the time and debates them on the merit of their arguments. A FAIR and free press is essential to the efficient workings of our democracy. You repeat the same lies long enough and the lies become accepted as facts. Take one issue.....systemic racism in America (they intimate that it is all because of Trump because he is a racist). Facts on the other hand refute this lie. Systemic racism could not have a two term black president elected. Wages have never been higher for all races. ANTIFA and BLM can spread their message of racism but Farrakhan can say anything he wants and he gets a free pass. Just tell me what the rules are and we all will follow them. But there are two sets of rules. America was not founded on this belief. 2+2=4, if the mainstream media keeps telling you the answer is 5, eventually people are going to say, “well yes 2+2 is 5. Still doesn’t change the fact 2+2 is 4.

Fox is garbage. Tucker is the new OReily, they will find a way to fire him soon, he's telling the truth too much on live TV, liberal owners at Fox can't have that.

OAN much better for now. Just news, little commentary. Trusts the audience to be smart enough to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions about the material.

@BSC911 hates OAN. Dots connect.
Good grief smdh. There it is. The go to card of the left. Racist. Fwiw you have no clue who are shat your talking about, but go ahead. Let that bigotry of assumishine through. Biracial family here kind sir.
Glad you tie uneducated to race. Who is the segregationist?
Well then you should know the history of poll tests.

Congrats on being biracial.
Well then you should know the history of poll tests.

Congrats on being biracial.
Your entire premise here is making assumptions, and ignorant. Congrats on letting the real bigotry shine thru
Elitism has typically been associated with education. That’s why I said that.

Obviously the more informed you are the better. But many, if not most, vote solely on the one or two issues most important to them. For example abortion, or social justice. I’ve posted the link to Bidens website outlining his stance on many issues after his position has been misrepresented on here. I doubt anyone even bothered to check it out.

Most People simply vote on who they like or trust.
Yes, elitism is often associated with late as the turn of the 19th century barely half the population was literate, so reading was a basic entry for advancing in society. Now literacy is expected and basic, although our failed public schools in inner cities are denying that to those who need education the most.
Elitism has morphed into something that a small group who rely on determining that a limited number of acceptable schools and family connections to be considered among elite power brokers. Just try getting in that circle if you went to a regular state school not in the northeast. How dare you! You didn't "prep" in New England? Mommy and Daddy don't summer on the Cape? Forget it! Not even the Hamptons? Yukko.
So along comes this brash loud New York guy and says he's going to drain their, he's going to render them insignificant and go directly to people who wear tee shirts, drink beer, and drive trucks to church. EEWWWW they're just gross!
Eat it, bitches. They're America.
Well it depends on how people are educated or informed. Do they understand the founders/framers world view ie their intent? If not they are worthless as far as preserving this democratic republic. The left promotes a democracy of the misinformed. It is often called a mobocracy. Look at the rioters and the nonsense they call for politically. I believe a large part of this group are college educated (indoctrinated) teachers.

The constitution says the national government must ensure that all states have a republican form of government. If ACB is confirmed every red state should change their senate to be chosen by their counties. A SCOTUS incorrectly ruled against this but this is analogous to how the national Senate is composed.

This is not democracy but republicanism and it ensures that the cities can not control all the levers of power.

Imagine if the Cali Senate was composed of members elected by county. Their Senate would likely be pub. Gridlock at its finest just as the founders envisioned. Nothing big gets done unless more than just 50%+1 agree to it and most of the time you have gridlock which helps keep government small and local.
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It is very concerning the message to the people is being controlled by 5 networks. 90% to 95% negative reporting on Trump. How is that even possible? Fox News does have a right leaning stance but at least there is a cross section of political beliefs expressed on Fox. I have seen Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram say negative things about some of Trumps policies. I never saw any negative reporting from the 5 liberal networks on Obama. Fox has Shepard Smith, a liberal leaning philosophy, hosting his own show. Fox has Juan Williams on The Five representing a far left viewpoint. Tucker has liberals on all the time and debates them on the merit of their arguments. A FAIR and free press is essential to the efficient workings of our democracy. You repeat the same lies long enough and the lies become accepted as facts. Take one issue.....systemic racism in America (they intimate that it is all because of Trump because he is a racist). Facts on the other hand refute this lie. Systemic racism could not have a two term black president elected. Wages have never been higher for all races. ANTIFA and BLM can spread their message of racism but Farrakhan can say anything he wants and he gets a free pass. Just tell me what the rules are and we all will follow them. But there are two sets of rules. America was not founded on this belief. 2+2=4, if the mainstream media keeps telling you the answer is 5, eventually people are going to say, “well yes 2+2 is 5. Still doesn’t change the fact 2+2 is 4.
What does ChiefGene tell us? He can define math's simplest equation. He can define all seven components of critical thinking. He relies heavily on analysis, little on assumption. ChiefGene gets it.
Good question. I’m not sure.

At first thought, I would say an educated one. But history has shown that when only the elite have a say, bad things happen when the plight of the common man is ignored. The French and Russian Revolutions are good examples. So, ultimately, I’d have to say one man, one vote is the best way to provide for the best interests of all the people.

You don't have to be elite to have 8th to 20th grade education level in the US in 2020. No one is asking for a doctorate.
You don't have to be elite to have 8th to 20th grade education level in the US in 2020. No one is asking for a doctorate.
Where are you drawing the line.

I say you must have a degree from a Power 5 school. Excluding FSU.
Well it depends on how people are educated or informed. Do they understand the founders/framers world view ie their intent? If not they are worthless as far as preserving this democratic republic. The left promotes a democracy of the misinformed. It is often called a mobocracy. Look at the rioters and the nonsense they call for politically. I believe a large part of this group are college educated (indoctrinated) teachers.

The constitution says the national government must ensure that all states have a republican form of government. If ACB is confirmed every red state should change their senate to be chosen by their counties. A SCOTUS incorrectly ruled against this but this is analogous to how the national Senate is composed.

This is not democracy but republicanism and it ensures that the cities can not control all the levers of power.

Imagine if the Cali Senate was composed of members elected by county. Their Senate would likely be pub. Gridlock at its finest just as the founders envisioned. Nothing big gets done unless more than just 50%+1 agree to it and most of the time you have gridlock which helps keep government small and local.
I doubt Trump would be eligible to vote using that criteria, much less most of the people that vote for him.

Voting is not supposed to be a history test.
Must have been my UF education.
I have no doubts that is the case. A real education teaches one to think for themselves. But you drank the koolaid and in the process cheated yourself. Indoctrination has been going on for at least 40 years. It was there when I attended, but most are wise enough to see through the ruse. I can't say that though for today's millennials. Sad.
Where are you drawing the line.

I say you must have a degree from a Power 5 school. Excluding FSU.

Well Norvell is on his way in taking care of that exception if FSU keeps up current production..... striving for the Powerless 5
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