When he wants to, Trump can bring the comedy...


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2007
With Leslie Stahl: "Come on, you never ask hard questions of Biden. What will you ask him? What flavor of ice cream does he prefer?"

The Hunter Biden laptop, held since 2019, is now fully confirmed, but the FBI, not wanting a Hilary repeat, held the laptop until after the election. They knew it was real, all along.
With Leslie Stahl: "Come on, you never ask hard questions of Biden. What will you ask him? What flavor of ice cream does he prefer?"

The Hunter Biden laptop, held since 2019, is now fully confirmed, but the FBI, not wanting a Hilary repeat, held the laptop until after the election. They knew it was real, all along.
Back on May 17th, you said the following: The double standard and the weaponization of the DOJ is simply remarkable.

Now KalimGoodman, who I think you have a respectful relationship with, which is good, was quite surprised or even shocked that you would say that, to the point where he would ask you how you could say that, and then tell you that you are better than that. His mind could not even come close to realizing or acknowleding truth about this DOJ and Garland even from someone he respects.
Your post here about the laptop made me remember that exchange and let us also not forget 51 intel officers signing a letter about Russian disinformation and then Biden using that in the debate.

I don't know how you convince anybody of that weaponization if they just don't want to hear it.
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With Leslie Stahl: "Come on, you never ask hard questions of Biden. What will you ask him? What flavor of ice cream does he prefer?"

The Hunter Biden laptop, held since 2019, is now fully confirmed, but the FBI, not wanting a Hilary repeat, held the laptop until after the election. They knew it was real, all along.
This was pretty funny


Big joe got the better of trump here. weak effort by donald.....something fishy on trumps end for him not to go to his standard unhinged libby mode...
Back on May 17th, you said the following: The double standard and the weaponization of the DOJ is simply remarkable.

Now KalimGoodman, who I think you have a respectful relationship with, which is good, was quite surprised or even shocked that you would say that, to the point where he would ask you how you could say that, and then tell you that you are better than that. His mind could not even come close to realizing or acknowleding truth about this DOJ and Garland even from someone he respects.
Your post here about the laptop made me remember that exchange and let us also not forget 51 intel officers signing a letter about Russian disinformation and then Biden using that in the debate.

I don't know how you convince anybody of that weaponization if they just don't want to hear it.
It's a great question and recall.

I did indeed say that.

On Kalim, which I do, did say that and then offline pinged me separately, and nicely, on my thoughts. He was genuinely and respectfully, curious. I had not responded to this point, which was just a function of being exceptionally busy.

Let me do so now and work backwards.

This moment is about Hunter Biden. The FBI/DOJ knew about the laptop in 2019. They, specifically, looking at Comey did not release information let alone debunk directly (or via leaks, ex-FBI proxies) that this was "Russian Disinformation". The DOJ was going to give him a sweetheart deal and then the judge threw it out and now they are finally putting together a full throated prosecution.

Then you have the various prosecutions of Trump from Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis. Gaetz asked Merrick G. yesterday of whether he would turn over all correspondence and Merrick said, "well, I will refer your request...." which is stalling/obfuscation.

You see Andrew McCabe and Comey on MSNBC on a very frequent basis. 80%+ of D.C. is democratic because those individuals need broader government programs. Republicans, increasingly the Maga/Populist wing are very skeptical of the FBI/CIA, etc. because of the things above.

In some points Trump has not helped himself, at all, with his loose comments or actions at points. His call with Brad R. is obvious. His fighting the FBI about collecting documents another.

Ben Shapiro said it best with Pierce Morgan yesterday when he said, "If trump can manage what he says, and make it all about what Biden is not doing, he will win. If his ego kicks in, then Biden and his MSM allies, can point all of the fire and influence independents in swing states to Biden.

After the verdict, you see immediately in NY, the DNC leader talking about the verdict and what it means.

Could I be wrong that this is all a coincidence? Possible. Is it likely, I highly doubt it. Highly, highly doubt it.
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Thanks for that. You certainly have laid out the case for the DOJ taking a side. If you only looked at the laptop and that the FBI knew whose it was a year earlier but sat on it, how can anyone not say it was to help Joe Biden and that may have won the election, as close as it was.
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