Well, well, well isn't this special


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
Per CDC Data the COVID-19 Death Rate Peaked in the US in April – There’s More Pneumonia Deaths Than COVID-19 Deaths in 2020
The CDC reported data as of the middle of August related to COVID-19 and pneumonia deaths year to date. The most recent data shows as follows:


What we clearly see from the current data is that both COVID and pneumonia peaked in April. The increase of reported deaths in July was minor and certainly not a material event. Also, what is apparent from the data is that there are more pneumonia deaths to date this year (159,990) than COVID deaths (153,727). This is apparent in the chart as COVID deaths were not reported until March while pneumonia deaths started earlier in the year.

Democrat: Oh, but clearly we see that those reported pneumonia deaths were a result of covid before we knew about covid.... blah, blah, blah...
The non-believer: But notice how the BOTH are down and have been down...
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You know, for the first 3 months I would post that I think this is mostly over hyped on message boards, but kept pretty quiet publicly. For the last two months, been calling this BS what it is in public as well...


Here is the thing....until the people running this scam, can tell me what the goal is....get back to effin work. Living in fear at home, IS NOT LIVING, so may as well take the very minor rona risk and get to living.