I easily and proudly voted against Donna Deegan. Her bragging about her support for the racist org, BLM, really turned me off.I'd give you a like for this, but just can't do it. Several of us on this board know how much of a witch that woman is, wokeness issues aside. I don't think Duval's voter base has shifted so much as long time residents have fled the chicken coup while outsiders have moved in. This is a big problem when blue states drive people out with their bullshit politics and unbearable taxes and living conditions. They forget quite quickly why they left in the first place. As Sunny would say, the slow aren't very quick on the uptake.
Another issue is that a couple of our past GOP mayors are just grifters in it for fame or money. Gate Petroleum bought one soy boy a mayor's election. Curry wasn't a hell of a lot better than Alvin Brown. I did not dislike Brown, but he was owned by the DRats. Complete and utter apathy in Duval County allowed Hillary Lite to barely squeeze out an election win. I am so glad I don't have to read the Fla Times Onion and I rarely if ever watch the horrible local TV news. Can't wait to sell and GTFO of Duval. It was fun when I was young but now, FTS.
Also, Curry although a Repub was crooked and corrupt. This trait mainly reared its ugly head by his attempt to sell the JEA. Without the continued investigative journalism by a reporter with the Times Union he just might have pulled off the scam of the century. I imagine this reporter was a lib Democrat as most reporters are certainly as others have stated the Times Union is/was nothing but a liberal rag. This sort of journalism by a lib Democrat reporting from a liberal media is very rare in our world today.