Well Jacksonville just shot itself in the foot

I'd give you a like for this, but just can't do it. Several of us on this board know how much of a witch that woman is, wokeness issues aside. I don't think Duval's voter base has shifted so much as long time residents have fled the chicken coup while outsiders have moved in. This is a big problem when blue states drive people out with their bullshit politics and unbearable taxes and living conditions. They forget quite quickly why they left in the first place. As Sunny would say, the slow aren't very quick on the uptake.

Another issue is that a couple of our past GOP mayors are just grifters in it for fame or money. Gate Petroleum bought one soy boy a mayor's election. Curry wasn't a hell of a lot better than Alvin Brown. I did not dislike Brown, but he was owned by the DRats. Complete and utter apathy in Duval County allowed Hillary Lite to barely squeeze out an election win. I am so glad I don't have to read the Fla Times Onion and I rarely if ever watch the horrible local TV news. Can't wait to sell and GTFO of Duval. It was fun when I was young but now, FTS.
I easily and proudly voted against Donna Deegan. Her bragging about her support for the racist org, BLM, really turned me off.
Also, Curry although a Repub was crooked and corrupt. This trait mainly reared its ugly head by his attempt to sell the JEA. Without the continued investigative journalism by a reporter with the Times Union he just might have pulled off the scam of the century. I imagine this reporter was a lib Democrat as most reporters are certainly as others have stated the Times Union is/was nothing but a liberal rag. This sort of journalism by a lib Democrat reporting from a liberal media is very rare in our world today.
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I imagine this reporter was a lib Democrat as most reporters are certainly as others have stated the Times Union is/was nothing but a liberal rag. This sort of journalism by a lib Democrat reporting from a liberal media is very rare in our world today.
God works in mysterious ways. You nailed this one!
1) you're 44th in both and 2) don't tell me what to, hippy.

Regardless, I'd live in Orange Beach, Alabama all week long and twice on Sundays rather than live in shitholes like California, New York City, Atlanta, Chitcago, etc. 😂
1) you're 44th in both and 2) don't tell me what to, hippy.

1) Population density will do that.

Many counties don't even have an ER. We have's a great place to die or get an infection imo.

If one of my Deputies is injured, our standing order is to get them to Montgomery, which surprisingly has two very good trauma departments, one of which is absolutely first rate (due to an abundance of gunshot victims) or to UAB in Birmingham.

Our county schools are all pretty good save one high school. We have some counties with less than 8k people in them. How do you fund a school district like that? The bottom 20 (out of 67) have less than 20K.

We have just about 100k and the vast majority of those people live clustered in two cities.

2) The briefcase isn't even ours. How's your burger?

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1) Population density will do that.

Many counties don't even have an ER. We have's a great place to die or get an infection imo.

If one of my Deputies is injured, our standing order is to get them to Montgomery, which surprisingly has two very good trauma departments, one of which is absolutely first rate (due to an abundance of gunshot victims) or to UAB in Birmingham.

Our county schools are all pretty good save one high school. We have some counties with less than 8k people in them. How do you fund a school district like that? The bottom 20 (out of 67) have less than 20K.

We have just about 100k and the vast majority of those people live clustered in two cities.

2) The briefcase isn't even ours. How's your burger?

It is disturbing in extremis that there are counties in America that don't have singular (1) emergency rooms.
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It is disturbing in extremis that there are counties in America that don't have singular (1) emergency rooms.

You can't fund one with <20k residents. Hell an MRI is about $1mm just to start up. Did you want a radiologist to run it?

They would have to be state funded and we both know how that would turn out. So of course that is exactly what is being discussed by the state legislature. I don't think it will ever pass.
It is disturbing in extremis that there are counties in America that don't have singular (1) emergency rooms.
There ain't one in Dixie County bro. My wife (being a retard) buried a hook in her finger a couple of years ago. Had to drive 60 miles to an emergi center. It really depends on population density and viability of having one or going broke. I'm okay with driving a long way and not having to be around a drooling population base. 😂
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The best part of our ER imo is that it has a helo-pad with Life-Flight standing by 24-7.

True of my Deputies father died about 15 years ago because he was stung by a wasp (wasn't allergic before but was this time). The ambulance that showed up didn't have an Epi shot nor a functional defibrillator. So he freaking died. 🥺
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The best part of our ER imo is that it has a helo-pad with Life-Flight standing by 24-7.

True of my Deputies father died about 15 years ago because he was stung by a wasp (wasn't allergic before but was this time). The ambulance that showed up didn't have an Epi shot nor a functional defibrillator. So he freaking died. 🥺
Bro, I have an aed in my car.
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I'd give you a like for this, but just can't do it. Several of us on this board know how much of a witch that woman is, wokeness issues aside. I don't think Duval's voter base has shifted so much as long time residents have fled the chicken coup while outsiders have moved in. This is a big problem when blue states drive people out with their bullshit politics and unbearable taxes and living conditions. They forget quite quickly why they left in the first place. As Sunny would say, the slow aren't very quick on the uptake.

Another issue is that a couple of our past GOP mayors are just grifters in it for fame or money. Gate Petroleum bought one soy boy a mayor's election. Curry wasn't a hell of a lot better than Alvin Brown. I did not dislike Brown, but he was owned by the DRats. Complete and utter apathy in Duval County allowed Hillary Lite to barely squeeze out an election win. I am so glad I don't have to read the Fla Times Onion and I rarely if ever watch the horrible local TV news. Can't wait to sell and GTFO of Duval. It was fun when I was young but now, FTS.
This is weak. People barely move because of politics. Nobody I know personally ever moved because of politics.
This is weak. People barely move because of politics. Nobody I know personally ever moved because of politics.
I should adopt you. You are so clueless. The View would make it out like a feel good story. Mean Tweeter adopts clueless son. 😂 Jacksonville residents, those with young children are fleeing south into St Johns County in droves due to the BS city council and DCSB errors. These people can put their children into non woke schools and still commute into the city and the business district and not have to deal with woke bullshit. Deegan is going to be pilloried, shot with both musket balls and cannister at short range. In other words, it is going to be a real shit show like Chicago's Creature of the Black Lagoon except out of a beach condo. Jacksonville's demographics have mostly changed because morons fleeing woke blue states have not learned their tough love lessons yet.
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Bro, I have an aed in my car.

We have some in our patrol vehicles as well. But this private ambulance service dropped the ball...15 years ago.

I'm sure they weren't well funded and that it wasn't a lucrative contract (county has grown a LOT in 15 years) but that was ridiculous.
Donna Hicken was married to Dan Hicken, the sports guy. She was cheating on him with his friend and fellow TV personality weatherman Tim Deegan, who she is now married to. Tim Deegan is known for being an excellent surfer and being caught in various places high as shit.
Let's go full disclosure since Kal is actually attentive. Donna got caught with the surfer boy while she was married to another media guy getting the high hard one in the starfish in a makeup trailer before broadcast for the nightly news. She was vile enough before that got media coverage, I personally know people who say she is Satan's Spawn without makeup. (Sorry Evilz_);)😂
This is weak. People barely move because of politics. Nobody I know personally ever moved because of politics.'re nuts.

My family moved because of the politics and we sold rental properties in another town in Alabama because of it.

Living in a liberal sht hole is no more appealing to us than living in a conservative Shangri-la would be for you. 😂
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I'd give you a like for this, but just can't do it. Several of us on this board know how much of a witch that woman is, wokeness issues aside. I don't think Duval's voter base has shifted so much as long time residents have fled the chicken coup while outsiders have moved in. This is a big problem when blue states drive people out with their bullshit politics and unbearable taxes and living conditions. They forget quite quickly why they left in the first place. As Sunny would say, the slow aren't very quick on the uptake.

Another issue is that a couple of our past GOP mayors are just grifters in it for fame or money. Gate Petroleum bought one soy boy a mayor's election. Curry wasn't a hell of a lot better than Alvin Brown. I did not dislike Brown, but he was owned by the DRats. Complete and utter apathy in Duval County allowed Hillary Lite to barely squeeze out an election win. I am so glad I don't have to read the Fla Times Onion and I rarely if ever watch the horrible local TV news. Can't wait to sell and GTFO of Duval. It was fun when I was young but now, FTS.
I’d move over to Destin if I could afford it. Prefer their politics.
This is weak. People barely move because of politics. Nobody I know personally ever moved because of politics.
You are oblivious as to what is happening in America today. Lay off of the CNN, bro. Most uneducated remark I have read in a few weeks.

Cali has lost about 800,000 in the last two years. All taxpaying citizens. Newsom is just now dealing with the fact that Cali is going to run a multi billion dollar budget deficit if they keep offering enticements to illegals and unemployed to live off the efforts of those who are still living and working in the state.
Cali has lost about 800,000 in the last two years. All taxpaying citizens. Newsom is just now dealing with the fact that Cali is going to run a multi billion dollar budget deficit if they keep offering enticements to illegals and unemployed to live off the efforts of those who are still living and working in the state.
Dealing with it?

Look for another spate of 'wildfires' and 'droughts' this summer, then billions more in 'federal aid' will flow to CA, magically solving the 'budget crisis'.
What town in Alabama was so liberal that you had to flee?

First off, we'll played. 😂

We lived in Virginia when my wife and I decided to focus on our own businesses so I "retired." There was no way I was going to live there even though we loved the home we lived in along with most of our neighbors. The community itself was VERY liberal.

There were a few evil twunts in our social group that used to snear at me and one who even openly called me a misogynist because my wife was a stay at home mom and I was a conservative. I ignored it, my wife did not.

In that atmosphere, it seemed like everyone felt like they needed to prove they were more liberal than everyone else. In today's lingo, they tried to out-woke one another. It didn't take long for my wife and I to decide that we should move to the lake in Alabama where we already had land and a small cabin.
Cmon now, every southern state has a few hippy enclaves. Texas has Austin, Georgia has Athens, Florida has all of SFLA and Gainesville.


100% agree that they look different in Alabama but there are those here as well. Several communities surrounding Birmingham are becoming more and more like that by the day.

Montgomery is a sht hole so it's hard to call it a hippy enclave but it is run by Democrats now and is getting the reputation of little Chicago or Atlanta now. There's still old money there but they stay to themselves and hold out like undiscovered hostages in a war zone.
I thought this was interesting.

It shows Alabama as #8 in the US for instate migration. **note, it is weighted based on population obviously Florida and Texas get more people overall but based on population size, interesting.

For whatever reason, when people move to Alabama and they aren't from a neighboring state, they are most commonly moving from Illinois. I wonder why???
First off, we'll played. 😂

We lived in Virginia when my wife and I decided to focus on our own businesses so I "retired." There was no way I was going to live there even though we loved the home we lived in along with most of our neighbors. The community itself was VERY liberal.

There were a few evil twunts in our social group that used to snear at me and one who even openly called me a misogynist because my wife was a stay at home mom and I was a conservative. I ignored it, my wife did not.

In that atmosphere, it seemed like everyone felt like they needed to prove they were more liberal than everyone else. In today's lingo, they tried to out-woke one another. It didn't take long for my wife and I to decide that we should move to the lake in Alabama where we already had land and a small cabin.

If this was the DMV/NoVa, I completely understand.
First off, we'll played. 😂

We lived in Virginia when my wife and I decided to focus on our own businesses so I "retired." There was no way I was going to live there even though we loved the home we lived in along with most of our neighbors. The community itself was VERY liberal.

There were a few evil twunts in our social group that used to snear at me and one who even openly called me a misogynist because my wife was a stay at home mom and I was a conservative. I ignored it, my wife did not.

In that atmosphere, it seemed like everyone felt like they needed to prove they were more liberal than everyone else. In today's lingo, they tried to out-woke one another. It didn't take long for my wife and I to decide that we should move to the lake in Alabama where we already had land and a small cabin.
Where abouts? A friend of mine sold his place on the water on Longboat Key and bought a place on Guntersville Lake. He was fed up with yankees, hurricanes, and hot weather. 😂
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I thought this was interesting.

It shows Alabama as #8 in the US for instate migration. **note, it is weighted based on population obviously Florida and Texas get more people overall but based on population size, interesting.

For whatever reason, when people move to Alabama and they aren't from a neighboring state, they are most commonly moving from Illinois. I wonder why???
Chicago would be my guess those folk hail from the Delta area and are subconsciously going home.
Where abouts? A friend of mine sold his place on the water on Longboat Key and bought a place on Guntersville Lake. He was fed up with yankees, hurricanes, and hot weather. 😂

We considered a place that we found near Cedar Key and another in Suwannee on Salt Creek but ultimately decided to build a home where the cabin once stood.

We're south of Guntersville. If I had it to do over again, I'd have probably sold this property and built on Guntersville or in the hills east of Huntsville. But I do LOVE the water.
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