Bibles in schools was not the founders end game. That's a deviation from the founded intent.
80 percent of the founders were what I would categorize as devout Christians, yet they went out of their way to make sure not only was Christianity not the official religion of the new country, but deliberately wrote the first amendment to give free exercise of any and all.
If you like I can quote any number of documents by various founders as well as official documents such as treaties where founding fathers in that devout category specifically stated this is not a Christian country. Thus is exactly the reason why. The left tends to take the concept as some sort of wall between, distorting the founders intent.
The first amendment was never meant to keep a football team from praying, or FCA from meeting on school grounds, or even an invocation being read before a meeting of any level of government.
This is the scenario they had in mind almost to the letter, so that the law itself remained secular. Nothing more.
Thank you. You are proving my point, and conflating things. “That’s a deviation from the founders intent”. Exactly. Just like conflating a national religion with using the Bible (religion) as a moral compass for legislative guidance.
They didn’t want a state forced religion. Nothing more. Were they perfectly fine with Christianity being used as a moral compass for guidance on legislation (laws)? You bet. And it can be seen throughout the constitution as well as their own actions and legislation.
If our founders intent was to prevent christianity from being used as a moral compass, you can bet your ass they would have taken bibles out of government run schools that would influence children's lives.
Sorry, you’re just wrong here. Actually, not sorry at all. And if you would like, I can quote just as many, if not more founders backing up that this country was indeed founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs. This is what the left always tries to do as well. Cherry picking few quotes out of context, and trying to apply them holistically. A better exercise? Their actions. What were their actions and their words behind those actions.
Again, you are conflating (just like the left) having a national enforced religion, with using our fundamental Christian founding beliefs as a legislative moral guiding tool. That can be easily seen throughout their lives in the actions they took. And that is exactly what this would be. Using christianity as a measuring stick for guidance on legislation is not the same as forcing someone to be a claim a national religion.
I mean, using your analogy, we should decriminalize murder. “Thou shall not murder”. I mean, because separation of church and state and stuff… derp.
The founders knew that without using a higher power (God) for guidance on topics of morality, we would be left with societal norms ebbs and flows. That’s why we are where we are today. We are letting society determine right and wrong, and it’s lead to the moral decay of our society.
We are now moving towards kids choice on sex, and lowering the age of consent. I mean, they should have a CHOICE, right?
This isn’t hard.