Where is the rest of my quote?
And I’ve asked you to explain the hundreds of thousands excess deaths.
I have. At least a dozen times.
This thread is a Masterclass in illustrating how emotional dems never learn anything except media talking points.
You 'know' that covid is a deadly virus that's killed over half a million people. I came along, showed you FACTS from the CDC (a source emotional dems love when it favors their talking points) that proved that's not the case.
You were having none of it. You literally ignored facts that went against your believed narrative, and got mad at ME for showing you those facts.
People like you are why this country locked down and went through hell for the last year. People like you are why it will take this economy a generation to recover.
Here's how rational, non-emotional adults would have handled covid:
1 - Let's assess the situation and figure out who is at risk. The only group at an elevated risk of death is the severely elderly and those with multiple underlying health issues. The virus is extremely contagious to everyone else, but survival rate is near 100%.
2 - Ok, so let's put in measures to protect the sick and elderly. Let's encourage them to protect themselves when they leave the house, and let's advise friends and family members not to visit if they are sick.
3 - For everyone else, let's encourage extra hand-washing, and social distancing when possible.
That's all that was ever needed to handle covid. No lockdowns, no mask mandates, no forced vaccines. As a result, no mental health issues and spikes in suicides. Far fewer lost small businesses, if any. Which means less suicides, divorces, and lost life savings.
Much less pain and suffering by acting rationally, instead of emotionally. But the emotional brats in this country stomped their feet, plugged their ears and screamed MY PANIC IS WARRANTED!!!!!
Well we will all be paying for it likely for the rest of our lives. Good job.