No, it isn't. This is just the flu. It's a new strain, a very contagious strain, but it's just the flu.
Your 15% increase is wrong and simple math proves it. We know that daily death totals in this country for 2020 and the previous few years has been around 2M a year. Google it if you don't know this.
We had what, around 450,000 deaths claimed for covid in 2020, right? So for your 15% number to be real, that would mean we had 3M deaths in 2019 to hit the 15% increase you are claiming.
That's not accurate.
Here IS a source for you: The CDC has confirmed that of those 550k deaths attributed to covid, only SIX PERCENT of those people died FROM covid.
Read that again. That means 94% of the deaths are people that died WITH covid who ALREADY HAD OTHER HEALTH ISSUES.
If you are elderly and with underlying health problems, as the vast majority of covid deaths were, then no shit your chances of dying from catching the flu are greatly increased.
800k babies a year murdered. Until you start worrying about them, miss me with your 'pain and suffering' nonsense.
This was a new flu strain that the dems weaponized to attack their political enemies.
If half a million Americans had to die to suicides and lose their life's savings and marriages.....meh.
They stole an election, which was all that mattered.