Vote Early


Bull Gator
Jun 15, 2007
Early voting started yesterday in VA and I banked my vote.

You should vote early in person as soon as the polls open in your state.

1) If you’re a person that campaigns market to (ie you get emails and texts), voting early saves your candidate money because they take you off the list. They can focus efforts on someone else.
2) Life happens. Voting early makes sure a car accident, illness, etc doesn’t get in the way.
3) Democrats think Republicans only vote on Election Day. If we’re gonna have printer issues, voting machine issues, etc, when do you think they’re gonna do it?
4) The counter argument is “they’ll know how many votes they’ll need to cheat”…what happened last time? They counted the votes on Election Day and shut down the counting to come up with enough votes. Point is, it doesn’t matter…if they’re gonna cheat they are gonna cheat.
5) If someone is going to use your name to steal your vote, it’s much harder if you’ve already voted.

Republicans need to change how they operate if we’re going win. Harvest where legal, vote early and by mail, and avoid Election Day shenanigans.
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I can't vote until October 21st but I will be voting early, always do, and in person. It's too easy not to. That sad sack excuse that voters are disenfranchised is garbage. Vote early and avoid the BS. Nobody is "undecided".
I can't vote until October 21st but I will be voting early, always do, and in person. It's too easy not to. That sad sack excuse that voters are disenfranchised is garbage. Vote early and avoid the BS. Nobody is "undecided".

You just used your white privilege to find out how to register to vote and where you needed to go to actually vote.
  • Haha
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