I noticed it was mentioned in a post amid concerns about a surge
530K + tests
28K positive 5%
2K hospitalized 7%
441 deaths 1.5% of confirmed cases
18K recovered 64%
80+ year old are 3% of the cases but 34% of the deaths
71-80 are 4% @ 30% of deaths
61-70 are 8% @ 20% of deaths
84% of deaths are people over 61
My age range 51-60 are 14% @ 8% of deaths
Then it falls of a cliff people under 50 make up 72% of the cases but only 7% of the deaths
Age range and deaths
0-10 1
11-20 1
21-30 2
31-40 10
41-50 21
Looking at the graph the curve has plateaued since late April but has yet to show a noticeable decline.in rates
530K + tests
28K positive 5%
2K hospitalized 7%
441 deaths 1.5% of confirmed cases
18K recovered 64%
80+ year old are 3% of the cases but 34% of the deaths
71-80 are 4% @ 30% of deaths
61-70 are 8% @ 20% of deaths
84% of deaths are people over 61
My age range 51-60 are 14% @ 8% of deaths
Then it falls of a cliff people under 50 make up 72% of the cases but only 7% of the deaths
Age range and deaths
0-10 1
11-20 1
21-30 2
31-40 10
41-50 21
Looking at the graph the curve has plateaued since late April but has yet to show a noticeable decline.in rates