Unelected bureaucrat closes every bar in Florida

And on another note, this Bob Redman article annoyed me... :rolleyes:

"College athletes of big time sports have a huge voice among those people that are fans of their teams. As they move into the professional ranks that voice can grow, but none the less, someone like Lewis can really raise awareness because so many people care about what he thinks." -- Bob Redman, 247 Sports

"Sorry Bob, but that's a load of crap imoho. IF Scottie has a B-Ball opinion I'll listen some, but on other subjects he's just another young man with his own biased and limited experience opinions. I remember being 19-20 years old, and what most of my opinions were worth back then. He's nothing special." -- iG, 55 year Gator sports fan.

While I don't know what it's like to grow up as a black kid in the NE, he doesn't have a clue what it's like to grow up as a skinny white kid in a Latin neighborhood in Florida.
Good people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors in my experience, just like racist bas-tads do.... o_O

What I've been watching in the last few weeks is PC gone mad, with history and traditions thrown out the window. I've seen democracy over-run by the tyranny of the demanding violent, willing to ignore laws in an attempt to force their own will on everyone else. >>> When you change your mind at the point of a gun, then no real internal change happens. Instead hate festers until it reappears with someone else holding the proverbial gun. :oops:

I've seen socialist thugs take over otherwise peaceful demonstrations, with little to nothing done about it by the Dim-Moe-Rats in charge. The same Rats that have been in charge of those cities / states for years now. Then they try to put the blame for their own created problems, on the other party that has not been in charge of their cities / states.
'The Big Lie' continues to be their modus operandi.... :cool:

As far as 'Institutional Racism in the U.S.' goes, to me it looks like it is being fostered now by those of color, with the help of the same Dim-Moe-Rat white slavers that have always been the true problem. It's a 'not well disguised' play for power that those of color will not be in control of, if the Dim-Moe-Rat Socialist-Progressives succeed with their take-over.
'Those that ignore or remain ignorant of history, are doomed to repeat it."
~ And that's why those like George Soros sponsor and fund the destruction of history.

>>> The straight up statistic on policing in the U.S. does NOT bear out the false claims of 'Institutional Racism.'

In Dim-Moe-Rat controlled big cities, the crimes committed are in the 70 to 80% committed by blacks. o_O
The vast majority of black murders are committed by other blacks, not the police. :eek:
With way fewer white crimes committed, still twice as many unarmed whites are killed by police than are blacks.

(numbers are approx, going on memory, correct them if you know them)

In NY, 11 people were recently shot in just 12 hours.
In Chicago, 23 people were shot in a 24 hour period, and 170+ in a single month.
In Baltimore, the black community is begging for police protection from criminal blacks.
There is a long list of Dim-Moe-Rat controlled big cities that have been run into the dirt by wishful delusions, combined with village idiot socialist civil mis-management. :confused:

Either ALL LIVES MATTER, or none do. Black Lives are not worth a cent more than my white life imoho. When I served my country, shoulder to shoulder with other American Patriots of all races, colors, and creeds, we all bleed red as we supported and defended the Constitution, against ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. o_O

Tell Lewis to go volunteer to serve his country and risk his life for his countrymen of all colors, and then come back and tell me how it should be done here in Pleasantville.. :rolleyes:

And oh BTW, it was White Christians that did away with slavery in both England and in the United States in the 1800's. -- While slavery still exists today where it originated, in the Socialist Middle East and Africa. o_O:eek:o_O
Data correct at 22.25 UTC 28 June -- Worldwide

Confirmed Cases = 10,014,377
Recovered = 3,976,809
Deaths = 498,693

4.94% deaths to confirmed cases of Co-V 19.

Per the CDC, It's 20 to 50 times less deadly if those with antibodies but no symptoms are included. o_O

Can wearing a face mask protect you from the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Face masks can play a role in preventing the infection, but that role is limited. A healthy individual in a normal situation does not need to wear a mask, as per CDC recommendations. :cool:
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Of course there’s other ways to do it. South Korea, Japan, Australia, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, except Sweden, have all managed the virus response and reopening better than us. Our closest comparisons in terms of numbers are Brazil, Russia, India and Mexico. I think Trump refers to them as the “shithole” countries, aka now our contemporaries.

@jfegaly here's our resident pandemic expert bragging on how well those European countries are handling covid.

Same Europe that's setting records for single-day case numbers, almost daily.

@bradleygator is a moron!
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I love this argument: sure our total cases and deaths equal everywhere else in the world, but we’ve had so many cases that our case fatality rate is right there with Burkina Faso. MAGA!

And more stupidity from the moron...remember when he claimed that the fatality rate for covid was SEVEN TIMES that of the seasonal flu?

Remember when I told him it would be about the SAME as the seasonal flu?

Lookee here.....the WHO just stated the fatality rate for covid is PRECISELY the same as the seasonal flu:

"At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2.

This is their “best estimate”, and a huge increase over the number of officially recognised cases (around 35 million).

Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, later confirmed the figure, stating it was based on the average results of all the broad seroprevalence studies done around the world.

As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk.” – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, that the virus is nothing like as deadly as everyone predicted.

The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.

That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%.

Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world."

BOOM! Never doubt me! Moron!!!!!