@LizardGrad89 claims 60 Minutes has professional journalists. When Lesley Stahl interviewed President Trump, he reminded her that obama spied on his campaign. Stahl said that wasn't true.
In November of 2016, during his transition, then head of NSA Mike Rogers in doing routine electronic surveillance, discovered that Trump Tower where Trump was doing his transition meetings, was bugged. Rogers did not advise obama that he had learned this, he instead shared it with Pres Trump, who immediately moved his transition team to Florida.
obama then tried to fire Rogers.
@LizardGrad89 is hearing all of this for the first time, but critical thinkers that get their information from professional journalists, knew about it 4 years ago.
How did
@LizardGrad89 miss it? Because lying by omission is still a lie. And his 'professional journalists' do it every day.