Probe this....
The events of 1947 were actually rather… uneventful. Everything died down until UFO researcher Stanton Friedman (had previously worked for the government as a nuclear physicist) interviewed Major Jesse Marcel in 1978, who recovered the wreckage of the ‘weather balloon’ 30 years earlier. Marcel told Friedman that what he’d handled that day was the wreckage of a crashed spaceship and that his superiors covered up the incident.
Oh btw, the iG met with and talked UFO's with Stanton in the 1990's. 'Crash at Corona'
I've also met and talked with Richard Hoagland - "The Monuments of Mars & Dark Mission"
I've also met and talked with Al Bielik - The Philadelphia Experiment.
Enter Glenn Dennis. He worked in a funeral home in Roswell and recalled several phone calls at the time from an RAAF mortuary officer asking for “small caskets”. Mr. Dennis also said that a friend of his, a nurse for the RAAF Hospital, admitted to him that she had taken part in the autopsy of three alien creatures.
The iG has his own Top Secret military experiences to go by, so I don't need any of the 500+ witnesses, and I'm not concerned with the 'Conspriacy Theroy' BS artists either....
Conspriacy Theroy - In 2013 Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith in a peer-reviewed book published by the University of Texas Press showed that the term “conspiracy theory” was developed by the (corrupt) CIA as a means of undercutting critics of the Warren Commission’s report that President Kennedy was killed by Oswald.
I.E. - those who expose government crimes as "conspiracy theorists."
The events of 1947 were actually rather… uneventful. Everything died down until UFO researcher Stanton Friedman (had previously worked for the government as a nuclear physicist) interviewed Major Jesse Marcel in 1978, who recovered the wreckage of the ‘weather balloon’ 30 years earlier. Marcel told Friedman that what he’d handled that day was the wreckage of a crashed spaceship and that his superiors covered up the incident.
Oh btw, the iG met with and talked UFO's with Stanton in the 1990's. 'Crash at Corona'
I've also met and talked with Richard Hoagland - "The Monuments of Mars & Dark Mission"
I've also met and talked with Al Bielik - The Philadelphia Experiment.
Enter Glenn Dennis. He worked in a funeral home in Roswell and recalled several phone calls at the time from an RAAF mortuary officer asking for “small caskets”. Mr. Dennis also said that a friend of his, a nurse for the RAAF Hospital, admitted to him that she had taken part in the autopsy of three alien creatures.
The iG has his own Top Secret military experiences to go by, so I don't need any of the 500+ witnesses, and I'm not concerned with the 'Conspriacy Theroy' BS artists either....
Conspriacy Theroy - In 2013 Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith in a peer-reviewed book published by the University of Texas Press showed that the term “conspiracy theory” was developed by the (corrupt) CIA as a means of undercutting critics of the Warren Commission’s report that President Kennedy was killed by Oswald.
I.E. - those who expose government crimes as "conspiracy theorists."

The CIA Invented the Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ - LewRockwell
Ron Unz reports on the cold shoulder given to an extensively researched book that concludes that World War II hero General George Patton was murdered by the CIA because he became a powerful critic of Washington. Conspiracy Theory in A... Lance deHaven-Smith Best Price: $5.66 Buy New $13.40 (as...

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