Or non-human inter-dimensional beings
Or non-human inter-dimensional beings aka fallen angels perpetuating a hoax that they are aliens and that they created usWe can all have guesses and theories.
I don't count anything out yet, but time travel seems less likely to me....
That is freaking wild. Can you imagine what the ancients thought about that?
More than just one 'Mother Ship' I'm guessing nail.
I have to share something that happened to me last year. Walking the dog late one evening. I ALWAYS look up at the stars. LOVE to see the ISS, satellites, etc. I saw what appeared as a satellite (lit up like a fast moving star). It was moving across the sky VERY high, very quickly....then it made a left turn.(90 degrees) I was like WHAT the holy F is that?? Then it made ANOTHER 90 degree turn. I take my phone out...but it is dark, and my phone will not focus. It made 4 turns like this...and then went out of sight. Now I live at one of the largest military test bases on the planet...and they fly stuff in here forever that gets tested WAY before we know about it...but it was NOT anything that I know of with known technology. I know of pulse jets, and believe I have seen their contrails...but this was something "out of this world" Unfortunately...I was a bit drunk, and stoned. But I know what I saw.Yep Capt. and those are things that I became aware of (top secret military) in 1969.
ET's are the ONLY reasonable conclusion imo, for the demonstrated advanced/unknown physics.
For sure not Russian or Chinese way back then, and I believe that they've been here for thousands of years. I agree with Ancient Aliens, a show which slipped my mind on the above list....
1) Anti-gravity lift -- Unlike any known aircraft, these objects have been sighted overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. They also lack any flight surfaces, such as wings.
2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration -- The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces—they would be crushed.
3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures -- If an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, it typically leaves "signatures," like vapor trails and sonic booms. Many UFO accounts note the lack of such evidence.
4) Low observability, or cloaking -- Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them—either through pilot sightings, radar or other means—remains difficult.
5) Trans-medium travel -- Some UAP have been seen moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water.
I have to share something that happened to me last year. Walking the dog late one evening. I ALWAYS look up at the stars. LOVE to see the ISS, satellites, etc. I saw what appeared as a satellite (lit up like a fast moving star). It was moving across the sky VERY high, very quickly....then it made a left turn.(90 degrees) I was like WHAT the holy F is that?? Then it made ANOTHER 90 degree turn. I take my phone out...but it is dark, and my phone will not focus. It made 4 turns like this...and then went out of sight. Now I live at one of the largest military test bases on the planet...and they fly stuff in here forever that gets tested WAY before we know about it...but it was NOT anything that I know of with known technology. I know of pulse jets, and believe I have seen their contrails...but this was something "out of this world" Unfortunately...I was a bit drunk, and stoned. But I know what I saw.
More than just one 'Mother Ship' I'm guessing nail.
And this info isn't coming from a drunk redneck out fishing in rural Arkansas on a Saturday night.... 🙄
Over 70 different species have been identified.
At least 4 have some type of treaty or agreement with those in control of American policy, not necessarily with the 'open and elected' government.....
Aviation expert John Lear (Lear Jets) says we know of 70 different species of aliens, and the government is engaged in a program to gradually inform the public of encounters that have already happened. Offering a condensed history of events since 1947, Lear tells investigative journalist George Knapp that the government has even housed aliens at two U.S. sites. This is the first segment of Lear’s second appearance in “On the Record,” which aired on Jan. 28, 1988, on KLAS TV in Las Vegas. First of 3 Parts. (Knapp is the one that Bob Lazar then trusted to go public with in 1989)
Lear: George there’s at least 70 different species and probably more. But yes, as odd as it sounds, there are little green men. That’s not the ones we usually see though. We see the little gray ones. They’re about 4 and a half feet tall and we see the ones that are called the Nordics....
A three-part video (see below) purports to set aside the confusing New Age mumbo-jumbo in favor of the testimony of highly reliable whistleblower sources of information about the known extraterrestrial species visiting Earth.
Information about alien species visiting Earth comes from a variety of sources. The first sources are alien abductees and contactees. The second sources are whistleblowers, including former military personnel, intelligence officials, and government scientists or employees.
Although the public is often skeptical about the testimonies of alien abductees and contactees, members of the New Age movement and paranormal enthusiasts insist that their reliability has been demonstrated by scientific investigators such as neurologists, hypnotists, and psychologists.
But enthusiasts believe that even die-hard skeptics who reject any notion that information about extraterrestrials obtained from “spiritual channels” is admissible must pause to consider the testimony of former senior government officials-turned-whistleblowers such as the former minister of defense of Canada, Paul Hellyer.
==========UFO Researchers: 82 Alien Species Are Currently In Contact With Earth — And At Least Four Are Fighting For Control Over Earth [Video]
A three-part video (see below) purports to set aside the confusing New Age mumbo-jumbo in favor of the testimony of highly reliable whistleblower sources of information about the known extraterrestrial species visiting Earth. Information about alien species visiting Earth comes from a variety of...www.inquisitr.com
A respected professor, Israeli General and the former Israeli Space Security Chief. says Aliens Exist and have agreements with U.S.
"A 'Galactic Federation' has been waiting for humans to reach a stage where we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Gen. Haim Eshed said.
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American astronauts and alien representatives. (Edward Snowden's NSI hacked 'U.S. Extraterrestrial Officers List' is now getting another solid backup)
Snowden, was the one who leaked the revealing secret files. They claim that extraterrestrials “have been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and that several types of these aliens, including the “Tall Whites,” are working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada. (See the History Channel's Ancient Aliens, because they've had it right for years)
Snowden Docs Reveal That Extraterrestrials Control the US Government
Article by Jose Hermosa April 22, 2021exonews.org
The usual list of idiot debunkers, are looking dumber and/or more corrupt by the minute..... 🤓
So its E.T. weaponizing our govt agencies to push this leftist nonsense?
On the left, it's likely due to Earth's continuing climate change.... 🙄- YouTube
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They are releasing a whole bunch of info now..when in past years they kept quiet. Something is brewing, and I think we will have confirmed contact within 3-5 years.
They are releasing a whole bunch of info now..when in past years they kept quiet. Something is brewing, and I think we will have confirmed contact within 3-5 years.