Trump Disapproval at 52%

And it was a "crazy pastor" who wrote your "free love is ok with God" article that you linked for us and then asked us to counter. So, as usual, I got you to argue with your original position...and now it's done.

Your crazy pastor link
Foiled again. Damn it. I knew what you were doing, I just couldn’t help myself. :mad:
Not far apart, but intimate relationships don’t always lead to commitment.....which is the line across our gulf....

We have a severe problem of the young pregnant mother taking care of her child..... is this not a social problem?? Is this not an economic problem?? Is this not a justice problem?? Is this not a moral problem??

At which point might a more stringent adherence to moral teachings benefit society??

When might the hypocrites, of which I am admittedly one, say that the rampant premarital sex of the young be potentially destructive? Or at least dangerous? Or at the very least unfulfilling?? I’m willing - not out of hubris, but out of mercy, to testify .....certainly the road otherwise travelled is easier than mine .....,
Absolutely. Which is why I narrow it down to consenting adults. And as far as commitment, you should be prepared to marry or to take care of the child even if you don’t. marry. To me, the problem is the commitment, not the sex.

As you know the Church doesn’t recognize divorce. So many divorced Catholics have to remarry outside the Church, which then technically leads to an adulterous relationship even though legally married. Is that person condemned to a life of celibacy because his first wife divorced him? Makes no sense to me.
Geez. How did a Trump disapproval poll turn into a discussion about sex. Talk about a contraceptive.
No smartass, not foiled. You're just so FOS that you typically end up contradicting yourself, and you did it again here.
What we’ve learned is that we both have had premarital sex, the difference is I don’t believe it’s a sin while you do, but intentionally do it anyway.

Which is worse.
What we’ve learned is that we both have had premarital sex, the difference is I don’t believe it’s a sin while you do, but intentionally do it anyway.

Which is worse.

I'm not sure "But he did it tooooo!" is gonna work on Judgment Day. But you can try.
What we’ve learned is that we both have had premarital sex, the difference is I don’t believe it’s a sin while you do, but intentionally do it anyway.

Which is worse.

It is absolutely useless to reply to you, strawman.

I recognize my failings and I don't make excuses or attempted justifications. Just because I failed, it doesn't mean God or scripture failed nor did my church. I failed. It was on me and I have and will continue to answer for it.

Do you see any difference in our approach? Why do I bother asking? You will lie, twist and obfuscate rather than tell the truth or admit anything. Lucky for me, that's on you.
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Do you mean besides:
  • stoking racial tensions and civic unrest?
  • severely damaging relations with our global allies?
  • mismanaging a pandemic that's cost 200K American lives?
  • diminishing the presidency?
  • impairing faith in basically all US institutions?
  • giving a massive tax giveaway for the rich?
  • gutting the ACA with no reasonable replacement?
  • packing the courts with unqualified judges?
  • kicking 700,000+ poor people off food stamps?
  • separating immigrant children from their parents?
  • promoting Russian expansionism and hostility to Americans?
  • abandoning our Kurdish allies?
  • enacting anti-environment policies?
  • botching the response to Hurricane Maria?
  • pulling us from the UN Human Rights Council, WHO, and Paris Agreement?
  • terminating the Iran deal?
  • raising the national debt to $23+ trillion?
  • saying "both sides" are to blame after neo-Nazis murdered a protestor in Charlottesville?
It is absolutely useless to reply to you, strawman.

I recognize my failings and I don't make excuses or attempted justifications. Just because I failed, it doesn't mean God or scripture failed nor did my church. I failed. It was on me and I have and will continue to answer for it.

Do you see any difference in our approach? Why do I bother asking? You will lie, twist and obfuscate rather than tell the truth or admit anything. Lucky for me, that's on you.
The difference is that you make excuses. I live by by my moral creed.
Do you mean besides:
  • stoking racial tensions and civic unrest?
  • severely damaging relations with our global allies?
  • mismanaging a pandemic that's cost 200K American lives?
  • diminishing the presidency?
  • impairing faith in basically all US institutions?
  • giving a massive tax giveaway for the rich?
  • gutting the ACA with no reasonable replacement?
  • packing the courts with unqualified judges?
  • kicking 700,000+ poor people off food stamps?
  • separating immigrant children from their parents?
  • promoting Russian expansionism and hostility to Americans?
  • abandoning our Kurdish allies?
  • enacting anti-environment policies?
  • botching the response to Hurricane Maria?
  • pulling us from the UN Human Rights Council, WHO, and Paris Agreement?
  • terminating the Iran deal?
  • raising the national debt to $23+ trillion?
  • saying "both sides" are to blame after neo-Nazis murdered a protestor in Charlottesville?

I'm confused, did @BSC911 forget what alt he's posting under? This looks like a list of things his beloved dems are guilty of, for the most part. The rest is just typical @BSC911 lies.
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Do you mean besides:
  • stoking racial tensions and civic unrest?
  • severely damaging relations with our global allies?
  • mismanaging a pandemic that's cost 200K American lives?
  • diminishing the presidency?
  • impairing faith in basically all US institutions?
  • giving a massive tax giveaway for the rich?
  • gutting the ACA with no reasonable replacement?
  • packing the courts with unqualified judges?
  • kicking 700,000+ poor people off food stamps?
  • separating immigrant children from their parents?
  • promoting Russian expansionism and hostility to Americans?
  • abandoning our Kurdish allies?
  • enacting anti-environment policies?
  • botching the response to Hurricane Maria?
  • pulling us from the UN Human Rights Council, WHO, and Paris Agreement?
  • terminating the Iran deal?
  • raising the national debt to $23+ trillion?
  • saying "both sides" are to blame after neo-Nazis murdered a protestor in Charlottesville?

Too funny..... you state you’re an independent, but you quote every Democrat talking point.

If you had posted your list numerically, I’d respond to each one.... but Im not in the mood to parse tonight ~ cheers!
The difference is that you make excuses. I live by by my moral creed.

What excuse did I make? I owned my transgressions. I didn't blame anyone and I admitted that I have and will pay the price. If either of us made excuses, it was you.

You cannot be this thick.
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Too funny..... you state you’re an independent, but you quote every Democrat talking point.

If you had posted your list numerically, I’d respond to each one.... but Im not in the mood to parse tonight ~ cheers!
I just copied from another thread. But yeah, most are valid and these will all be used by the Dems against Trump.

I said I’m independent, but never denied I’m a Never Trumper.
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What excuse did I make? I owned my transgressions. I didn't blame anyone and I admitted that I have and will pay the price. If either of us made excuses, it was you.

You cannot be this thick.
You still don’t get it. It was not a moment of weakness. You made a conscious decision to sin (according to you). Over and over again. Therefore, the act of sex was more important than supposedly disobeying Gods will.

Im not buying it. You’re just repeating what you’ve been told your whole life. I think you’re just fooling yourself, and deep down you believe the same as I do. Not a sin.

You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first, would you.
Trumpers, explain this to me.

Why is Trump saying how bad violence will be under Biden and using pictures from violence during his Administration? Makes no sense. I mean, how much worse can it be.
You still don’t get it. It was not a moment of weakness. You made a conscious decision to sin (according to you). Over and over again. Therefore, the act of sex was more important than supposedly disobeying Gods will.

Im not buying it. You’re just repeating what you’ve been told your whole life. I think you’re just fooling yourself, and deep down you believe the same as I do. Not a sin.

You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first, would you.

Believe what you like. It is your right to be wrong and pig headed. The holes in your logic are glaring and obvious but I'm done beating this particular dead horse.
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Trumpers, explain this to me.

Why is Trump saying how bad violence will be under Biden and using pictures from violence during his Administration? Makes no sense. I mean, how much worse can it be.

To be fair, I'm sure it does confuse you.

He's actually showing pictures from violence in democratic cities. You've already defended the violence, saying it only represents a small portion of what dems are about, that they are 'fiery, but mostly peaceful' protests.

He's said let's send federal troops into these democratic cities. The democratic leadership in these cities has said hell no. Cuomo said Trump 'better have an army with him' if he comes to NYC.

The American people aren't idiots. They can see that the dems are evil people who are willing to literally burn down the country if they can't have it. No good person would support such evil.

Now let me ask you a question: You mentioned this is all violence happening under Trump's watch, so why are Trump's poll numbers rising? Why isn't this helping Hiden?

You know why. So does America and that's why Trump will win in a landslide in 55 days.
Haha, is that a serious question?

Yes. This is the worst I can ever remember. Biden has street cred. . He’ll calm things down.

Trump is divisive. That’s what’s causing a lot of this IMO.
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Yes. This is the worst I can ever remember. Biden has street Fred. He’ll calm things down.

Trump is divisive. That’s what’s causing a lot of this IMO.

Then I'll answer....yes, it could get worse.

The best chance that you'd have for things to get better with the riots if Biden were elected is that all the rioters would celebrate as they are all clearly lefties.

Like a fat baby, they would celebrate that their tantrum got them what they wanted....and that would work....for a while. Then they'll demand something else ridiculous. More ridiculous than defund the police.

After the next police shooting of a black man, the idiots would return and Biden would absolutely be incapable of responding appropriately. See the mayors of Portland and Minneapolis.
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Trump is divisive. That’s what’s causing a lot of this IMO.

This is actually the most accurate thing you have ever posted. And I'm sure you didn't intend it to be.

Trump is absolutely divisive to the left. For the last few years I've read and researched about this 'Deep State'. A lot of what it is accused of having done simply sounded unbelievable. As in I refuse to believe that such evil exists in this world.

But something Sharyl Attkison (a moderate and objective journalist) said in 2017 or so stuck with me. (Paraphrased) she said "What if the reason why DC is so opposed to Trump is because now he will have access to what the FBI and other agencies have been up to for the last 10 years?"

I started paying close attention to how the left reacted to Trump. It was clear they wanted him out immediately. The irrational behavior they had exhibited under Dubya was turned up a hundredfold.

But there was something called Republicans were attacking him as well.

Everyone hated Trump. Everyone wanted him out.

But then I looked at what Trump was doing...all he was doing was acting in America's best interests. We were negotiating much better trade deals left and right. The economy was booming. Record unemployment for all, for blacks, for hispanics, for women.

Trump was doing such amazing work for us all, yet he had at the same time UNITED DC in HATING HIM.

Something wasn't adding up here. DC wasn't acting rationally. They were acting like they were scared and more they were GUILTY.

If the left wanted to beat Trump they could have easily done so at any time. Just beat him on policy. Just deploy your messaging that 'we can make America even greater, but with dignity and class'. Have the media help sell the messaging, ignore Trump's rantings, and win in a walk.

That is...if the left was truly innocent.

What has Trump always done? He's accused them of being criminals to their faces, and he's told them flat out that they are guilty of treason and they are going to jail.

If the left was innocent, then Trump is a madman, and you ignore him.

But if the left is guilty.....then how would they react?

Precisely how they have acted for the last 4 years. Get rid of Trump at all costs. Even if it literally means burning the entire country down.

See that's the thing: I don't believe the left is corrupt because Trump told me so or because Q told me so or because conservative media told me so.

I believe it because the left acts like they are guilty. They act like they are trying to save themselves from gitmo.

Keep watching...
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You guys are so far Right you won’t recognize this, but this is where the American center is today.

Then I'll answer....yes, it could get worse.

The best chance that you'd have for things to get better with the riots if Biden were elected is that all the rioters would celebrate as they are all clearly lefties.

Like a fat baby, they would celebrate that their tantrum got them what they wanted....and that would work....for a while. Then they'll demand something else ridiculous. More ridiculous than defund the police.

After the next police shooting of a black man, the idiots would return and Biden would absolutely be incapable of responding appropriately. See the mayors of Portland and Minneapolis.
Well, Trump hasn’t responded so there will be no difference there. Sending in a bunch of federal troops will only exacerbate the situation IMO. Local police and politics will continue to be the deciding factor.

Sure, there will still be riots after a questionable police shooting, but eventually the agitators will move on.
Why the eff would we recognize how some unknown phucktard, who identifies himself as being left and that his audience as left, would define the center?
Because he showed graphs that support it. Believe it or not, there are such things as opinion polls that show what the populations views are on different subjects.

I never heard of the guy either but apparently he has a pretty big following. You guys can post Levin stuff, it never hurts to see what the other side, or in this case, the middle, thinks. .
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So Trump has now admitted he knew the Covid was more serious than he was letting on. Why you people believe a word that comes out of this clowns mouth is beyond me.
David Pakman?
Classic Soy Boy
Looks like another soy boy
The man is a proven liar and just an awful human being and the tapes show he does not give a shit about the American people. Knowing it was dangerous from the beginning and just telling people it is ok to not wear masks and mocking people who do. He is inhumane and he is someone we need to leave behind us as quick as possible
wow, such a large crowd...bahahahaha...Trump supporters are pretty brain dead
The man is a proven liar and just an awful human being and the tapes show he does not give a shit about the American people. Knowing it was dangerous from the beginning and just telling people it is ok to not wear masks and mocking people who do. He is inhumane and he is someone we need to leave behind us as quick as possible

And you just probed that your ignorance is astronomical, like most leftist dweebs....

Check the link, or remain blissfully ignorant, it's what your type lives on,,,, ignorance.

Promises made, and promises kept.

wow, such a large crowd...bahahahaha...Trump supporters are pretty brain dead
Uhhhhhh, they weren't greeting Trump, they were greeting Sleepy Creepy Lazy Crazy Uncle Joe Biden.

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Ole Trumpy is a dead man walking now that old fart lied just to keep his stock market rolling losing this election is solely on him he had every opportunity to be leader but chose to
Ole Trumpy is a dead man walking now that old fart lied just to keep his stock market rolling losing this election is solely on him he had every opportunity to be leader but chose to

The IGNORANT seem to be coming out of their Rat holes today.