Why would it be an insult to your faith. I was just curious if Baptist’s still believe that. No judgement here.
Man your ignorance on almost every subject is outstanding.
BUT I will help you and give you a pass on the "Baptist" thing.
There are many flavors of baptist but most are discussing Southern Baptist" when they use the term.
BUT LOL Southern Baptists are not a monolith either. They are part of a coalition of churches that have a yearly convention wherein they make statements of consensus. I guess they could vote to cut ties with churches but its usually the other way around that a church would leave first.
The whole thing is very democratic.
If fact preachers "feel" called to leave and go to another church often after a church business meeting where he and the deacons disagree over spending or accusations of affairs etc.
Disclaimer: Let me state up front that while I am skeptical of the claim of being called in some cases I can not nor will not claim that those claims are false. It could be true. One must be careful not to claim that some one is lying in this regard as one can not know for sure if the person truly was moved by the Spirit or not
Then the church goers split and form a new church.
One of my uncles changes churches like socks.
None of the churches I attended banned dancing. Many preached against drinking but never said you could not do it. My youth minister said he and his wife drank wine with meals and preceded to say one should not drink if it hurt ones witness. Of course us kids should not have been drinking period.
I consider myself non-denominational now. My daughter has begun attending a "campus" church and my son attends 2 different baptist churches. My wife goes with him to one of those.
My religious journey continues via youtube and podcasts.
I follow baptists and former Pentecostals mostly. They dive into the old testament to find out what God has hidden in there that the Jews of antiquity knew before their schism lead to the Pharasees, Sadducees and the Jews most aligned with Jesus teaching the Essenes. I dont recall them receiving His ire or even questioning Him. They did not have it all right. They are probably the authors of the dead sea scrolls.
The people I follow study Jewish customs, culture and history in order to properly determine what is being said and done in the new testament. They also focus heavily on prophecy and the tribulation yet to come.
They are dispensational, salvation by grace through Jesus alone and millennial.