Trump confirms he will declare National Emergency to fully fund a border wall

I know some of you might slam me, but I’m with Ben Sasse on this one:

Beats the hell out of FDR locking up all Japanese Americans in death camps and having democrats steal their businesses, homes, and farms without due process, Abe Lincoln's suspension of Habeus Corpus and of course, that terrible National Emergency Owebama implemented to fix the rusty pipes in Flint Michigan caused by the newly elected Republican Governor and not the 40 consecutive years of democrat mayors and city councilmen stealing the hundreds of millions the State of Michigan and the Federal Government gave the stinking democrats to fix the water supply of Flint over those 40 years of communist control.

Keeping rapists, murderers, gang members, drug smugglers, sex traffickers kidnapping minors to smuggle into this country along with all the welfare sucking Criminal Invaders out of this country follows the oath of office to protect this nation and it's people that Trump took ( as did the Ratz but they have no intention to protect this Nation from it's enemies both Foreign and Domestic because they fund the nation's Foreign enemies and they ARE it's Domestic enemies.)
Congratulations for Trump doing what is right.

After spending TRILLIONS in other countries, to not spend a few billion for our country is anti-white, anti-American and against what the founders would have voted. The manhattan elite want to withhold the money just so they can stick out their tongue
, along with the brainwashed Democrats who believe globalist CNN.

America voted for the wall, the most important issue of our time. Of course the Soros and liberal sjw blm lqbt commies want more slime to enter into our country and complain about the racist white supremacists who want walls
Nothing new.

Instead of tossing them out (illegals) they want them to genocide us.

I am for spending anything that will stop the lower class from entering our country, lowering our wages and genocideing us.

If we have a chance to survive this, we have to have act NOW and build a wall, not later.
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Or we could quit pissing away money on bullshit "Boogie Man"
wars and bring our boyz back home to take care of our border
like our founding fathers wrote but Republican sheep won't
allow this because the Democratic Communist are making
too much money off these Boogie Man wars. Guess what
Republican sheep. The bipartisan spending binge is worse
now than it was under Bush and Obama.
Baseball, Hot Dawgs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Yep! between
Trumpy Bear and Republicans one of those two will save Murica
by gawd! Like the article states "Why Even Have A Republican
Party Anymore" Because the sheep and "Critical thinkers are just
too damn stupid. Stuff like this goes on and happens through our
higher learning centers. If my memory serves me correctly i can
remember ole uncle Ronnie signing a school accord of some kind
with ole Mikhail Gorbachev back in the early eighties. Yea, uncle
Ronnie was the greatest man to shit between a pair of boots!
Just like back in Rome when the governors were robbing the
country blind while the people were demanding MORE gladiator
and coliseum fights here in America we want more gigabytes so we
can have and get more social networking and talk more about that
Tennessee Futball game and Tennessee Basketball being #1 but
we can now brag we have the highest paid assistant coaching staff
in America. Did any one get any lipstick and a wig and dress because you should like to look pretty when you get Fvcked!

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That's one of the basic problems when you have the choice of only two undesirable political parties to choose to vote/support...the American people are actually quite pleased with our current system of dysfunction...and they want moar (more)...moar, I tells 'ya!

Agent Orange
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Constitution a distant second, apparently.

Yawn. It doesn’t violate the constitution


“While the National Emergencies Act of 1976 should be rarely used for real emergencies, it has in fact been used over fifty times without controversy.”

Leftwing media and RINOs don’t represent the GOP. Nor are they defenders of the Constitution. The National Emergencies Act of 1976 was created by Congress. It has been used scores of times. The media never cared. The RINOs never said a word before. Nor did they act to repeal it. Now they object? Look at Rubio. He opposes the government shutdown, he opposes the bill the Congress passed and the president signed (he’s right about that), and he opposes use of the National Emergencies Act. Effectively, then, he would leave the border wide open since he has no practical solution and objects the to the president using any of his powers to act. And the so-called comprehensive immigration reform he helped author several years ago demonstrated what a failure the Gang of Eight members were in tackling this problem.

Many of the same Republicans whining to the leftwing media today have been in office for years and tolerated if not passively supported the current state of immigration chaos. Furthermore, none of these RINOs did anything legislatively that stopped the blatantly unconstitutional Obama/Democrat DACA, which they now support or, again, effectively tolerate, along with sanctuary cities and lawless judges who protect them. So much for their legal and constitutional bona fides.

While the National Emergencies Act of 1976 should be rarely used for real emergencies, it has in fact been used over fifty times without controversy. The fact is the leftwing media and the RINOs do not view illegal immigration and the cumulative importation of millions of aliens into our country in violation of federal law as a big deal. If they did, they would’ve acted long before Trump became president. The president rightly does view it as an emergency. The law itself, as used by the president, does not violate separation of powers in this instance as it is applied quite narrowly, with the president moving around funds which he is empowered to do by Congress.

Meanwhile, the leftwing media and the RINOs don’t mind at all the creation of the entire massive bureaucracy and the delegation of law-making to it by Congress, over the period of the last century, which delegation has always violated separation of powers. We now call it the administrative state or swamp. Not a single conservative in Congress has even tried to do anything effective about it. And the pseudo-constitutionalists of today haven’t given a damn about it either.
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Nail, go back and see what our founding fathers said about
our (America's) military being on foreign soil since "you claim"
your a "constitutional conservative" or is that just some of that
pretty talk. I can get you some lipstick, dress and a wig so you'll
look pretty.
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We have to protect the petro-dollar...make sure that countries don't try to say au revoir to the Libya's former leader did when he wanted a gold-backed currency...and have to make sure we're the leader of the free world by staging coups around the planet and interfering with the internal affairs of other countries while proclaiming ourselves to be that "shining beacon on the hill" (paraphrased)...not to mention Saddam becoming un-useful after he wanted to trade oil in Euros.

Agent Orange
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  • Like
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Nail, go back and see what our founding fathers said about
our (America's) military being on foreign soil since "you claim"
your a "constitutional conservative" or is that just some of that
pretty talk. I can get you some lipstick, dress and a wig so you'll
look pretty.

I am all for pulling US troops out of at least 100 of the 130 nations they are currently protecting instead of letting the deadbeats protect themselves.
We have to protect the petro-dollar...make sure that countries don't try to say au revoir to the Libya's former leader did when he wanted a gold-backed currency...and have to make sure we're the leader of the free world by staging coups around the planet and interfering with the internal affairs of other countries while proclaiming ourselves to be that "shining beacon on the hill" (paraphrased)...not to mention Saddam becoming un-useful after he wanted to trade oil in Euros.

Agent Orange
I'm getting one of those man crushes on you Agent Orange! Lol,
You hit the nail on the head and knocked it out of the park Bubba!

BTW, can we all take a minute to marvel at how, once again, President Trump managed to outsmart the dems.

Dems offer $1.7B for the wall. Establishment Repubs go along because that's what they do.

So Trump takes the money, and declares a National Emergency to get the rest.

He said he wanted $5B, they offered a fraction of that, he got it all.


Now he can take the $1.7B and continue construction on the wall, as the National Emergency gets bounced around in the courts. It will be cleared later this year, then Trump can spend all of 2020 building a big, beautiful wall in the run up to the 2020 election.

Pelosi and Schumer just handed Trump his re-election, and they don't even know it.

Neither will @bradleygator, because he reads Buzzfeed. And what's worse, he believes what he reads there.