Trump about to sign EO to keep men out of women's sports

I don't understand why contributing traffic to the site is a bad thing.

Who's that asshole on the sports board constantly complaining about things being posted more than once?
That would be Teboned Time. It's like a religion to him. He hasn't done that in a while, thank goodness. I'd rather see a rerun than complaints about repetitiveness. 😂
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I'm sorry. This is a possible derp moment for me.

I know that's hard to imagine.

I think I'm actually thinking of another Gator board.
It's not a big deal. Don't get a headache about it. We used to change the previously posted message and then only post FIFY. It's okay to quote someone without changing their original message and then post a correction in the new reply with FIFY, without changing the original quote. That's all I'm saying. Agreed, it was more fun to change their quote though. ;)
It's not a big deal. Don't get a headache about it. We used to change the previously posted message and then only post FIFY. It's okay to quote someone without changing their original message and then post a correction in the new reply with FIFY, without changing the original quote. That's all I'm saying. Agreed, it was more fun to change their quote though. ;)
Just to be sure I understand, there's a rule HERE about editing the posts you quote?

Was there some kind of problem that led to that?